Quality Management in Legal Document Translation: What You Should Know


2021-07-28 14:12 Morningside


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For legal professionals navigating complex multilingual matters, moving forward without a well-crafted legal document translation strategy can feel a bit like walking into a minefield. Failure to accurately translate legal documents can result in damaged attorney/client relationships, contract invalidation, adverse rulings and more. Legal document translation strategies, of course, vary depending on the documents involved and the use case. And, the level of translation detail will vary based on each document’s end-use. Whether you’re dealing with discovery documents, court records, depositions, contracts or interview transcripts, knowing the intended use of each document will help prioritize your workflow. Here are some recommendations to achieve—and maintain—the highest possible quality level across all your legal document translations: Determine the ultimate use of the translated document Approach every legal document translation project with a clear understanding of where the document will ultimately be used – and share this information with your translation provide early on. Knowing your intended use case will help save time and ensure all documents are translated according to jurisdictional requirements. For example, during discovery, simple machine translation can help you get the gist of multilingual documents and help you cull through large data sets more quickly. Once you’ve identified the documents you need, you can focus on quality. Some courts will require certified translations, which attest to the translation’s accuracy, paving the way to submit the document into a legal proceeding. Other instances may necessitate authenticated translations, which attest to the legitimacy of the translator via notary signature. International and US jurisdictions have varying requirements for certified or authenticated translations, so it is essential to know exactly where and how you plan to use each document. Utilize a project management system Many language service providers (LSPs) use project management systems for progress tracking, deadline management, collaboration, and more. Knowing the status of every document enables your project managers to direct their attention to more complicated or time-consuming document translations. And reliable project management systems help control timelines, budgets and accuracy. Most reliable translation partners should have platforms and tools that empower you to track your projects easily. Select a translation partner with a verified quality management system All translation providers have a baseline level of quality assurance, but not all companies dedicate a department to quality management. Look for partners who are committed to quality management and can walk you through their process for ensuring accuracy and preserving quality. A partner certified to the latest ISO standards means that their processes are tailored to protect the quality of every translated document. Take advantage of CAT tools Quality translation requires experienced human translators, but utilizing computer-assisted technology (CAT) tools can also help ensure consistency. Translation memory tools, like the industry-leading software MemoQ, help store specific phrases to deliver consistency across projects. This can be especially important when translating legal documents. Partnering with a language service provider specializing in terminology management and glossary tools can also help increase consistency across documents and ensure quality outcomes. Never compromise on quality Quality management is an essential step in the process of every legal document translation project. Pay attention to the processes your translation partner uses to ensure quality, including project management tools, computer-assisted translation technologies and any applicable ISO certifications. These signs indicate your language services provider takes the quality of their output as seriously as you do.
对于处理复杂的多语言事务的法律专业人士来说,没有精心设计的法律文件翻译策略就像走进了雷区。不能准确翻译法律文件可能会导致律师/客户关系受损、合同无效、不利裁决等等。 当然,法律文件翻译策略因所涉及的文档和用例而异。而且,翻译细节的级别将根据每份文件的最终用途而有所不同。无论你是在处理证据开示文件、法庭记录、证词、合同还是面试记录,了解每一份文件的预期用途将有助于理顺工作流程的优先级。 以下是一些建议,以达到并保持所有法律文件翻译中尽可能最高的质量水平: 确定翻译文件的最终用途 处理每个法律文件翻译项目时,要清楚地了解文档的最终用途——并在早期将此信息与您提供的翻译共享。了解您的预期用例将有助于节省时间,并确保所有文档都根据管辖要求进行翻译。 例如,在发现过程中,简单的机器翻译可以帮助您掌握多语言文件的要点,并帮助您更快地精选大规模数据场。一旦您确定了所需的文件,您就可以将重点放在质量上。一些法院将要求经认证的翻译,以证明翻译的准确性,为将文件提交法律程序铺平道路。其他情况可能需要经过认证的翻译,通过公证签名证明翻译者的合法性。国际和美国司法管辖区对已认证或验证的翻译有不同的要求,因此准确地知道您计划在哪里以及如何使用每个文件非常重要。 应用项目管理系统 许多语言服务提供商使用项目管理系统进行进度跟踪,截止日期管理,协作等。了解每份文件的状态使您的项目经理能够将他们的注意力引导到更复杂或更耗时的文档翻译上。可靠的项目管理系统有助于控制时间表、预算和准确性。大多数可靠的翻译合作伙伴都应该拥有能够让您轻松跟踪项目的平台和工具。 选择认证过的质量管理体系的翻译合作伙伴 所有的翻译供应商都有一个质量保证的基准水平,但并不是所有的公司都有专门的部门来进行质量管理。寻求致力于质量管理并能指导您完成其流程以确保准确性和保质保量的合作伙伴。 一个通过国际标准化组织(ISO)最新标准认证的合作伙伴意味着他们的流程是为保护每个翻译文件的质量而量身定做的。 采用卡特彼勒工具 高质量的翻译需要有经验的人工翻译人员,但利用计算机辅助技术(CAT)工具也可以帮助确保一致性。翻译记忆库工具,如业界领先的软件MemoQ,有助于存储特定的短语,以提供跨项目的一致性。在翻译法律文件时,这一点尤其重要。 与专门从事术语管理和术语表工具的语言服务提供商合作也有助于提高文件的一致性并确保高质量的结果。 决不在质量上妥协 质量管理是每一个法律文书翻译项目过程中必不可少的环节。注意您的翻译合作伙伴用来确保质量的流程,包括项目管理工具、计算机辅助翻译技术和任何适用的ISO认证。这些标志表明您的语言服务提供商与您一样重视其输出的质量。

