Access your conversations with a permanent conversation code using Microsoft Translator


2021-06-10 21:50 Microsoft Translator Blog


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Today, we’ve updated the Translator conversations feature on the web ( With the new version of conversations on the web, you can now create a preset conversation code that can be reused for your subsequent conversations. You can then invite anyone to join the conversation from their own phone, tablet, or laptop. Preset conversations are designed for educators, presenters, or for reoccurring meetings where you need live transcript or translation to keep everybody in the conversation, regardless of the language they speak. Also with this release we’ve upgraded the speech input to the multi-device conversation feature of the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Speech SDK to improve the quality of speech recognition when using the feature. The Speech SDK is available for businesses and organizations to add speech translation to their own apps and services, and includes this feature. How to get started with a preset conversation Go to Click on the create preset conversation link above the sign in box and then create a new preset conversation After you log on with your Microsoft, Google, or Facebook account, enter the conversation details like the room name and welcome message and press “Create” You can then share the code with others to let them join from their own devices. They join the conversation using conversations on the web, or using the Microsoft Translator app. All your preset conversation codes are available in an admin panel. Preset conversations is a preview feature with a limit of 100 hours per month per user. Microsoft Translator will not collect any of the data, audio, or text from your conversation, it just stores the code so that you can use it in the future. If you have any issues, you can view our help content on the Microsoft Translator website. What else is new in the web app? Choose the gender and region for text-to-speech voices Change your name and language when you are in the conversation Play text-to-speech when you are using Translator conversations, even in same-language conversations Clear the messages that appear on your screen Choose a visual theme: “Light”, “Dark”, and “Vibrant” (the current version) New, modern user interface and settings Get started with Translator conversations on the web
今天,我们更新了网络上的翻译对话功能 (。借助新版本的 Web 对话,您现在可以创建一个预设的对话代码,该代码可以重新用于后续对话。然后,您可以邀请任何人通过自己的手机、平板电脑或笔记本电脑加入对话。 预设对话专为教师、演示者或重复会议而设计,在这些会议中,您需要实时文字记录或翻译,以使每个人都参与对话,无论他们说什么语言。 此外,在此版本中,我们已将语音输入升级到 Microsoft Azure 认知服务语音 SDK 的多设备对话功能,以提高使用该功能时的语音识别质量。语音 SDK 可供企业和组织将语音翻译添加到自己的应用和服务,并包含此功能。 如何开始使用预设对话 转到 单击登录框上方的“创建预设对话”链接,然后创建新的预设对话 使用Microsoft,Google或Facebook帐户登录后,输入对话详细信息,例如房间名称和欢迎消息,然后按“创建” 然后,您可以与他人共享代码,让他们从自己的设备加入。他们使用 Web 上的对话或使用 Microsoft 翻译应用加入对话。 您的所有预设对话代码都可以在管理面板中找到。预设对话是一项预览功能,每个用户每月限制为 100 小时。Microsoft 翻译不会从您的对话中收集任何数据、音频或文本,它只是存储代码,以便您将来可以使用它。 如果您有任何问题,可以在微软翻译网站上查看我们的帮助内容。 Web 应用程序中还有哪些新增功能? 选择文本到语音转换语音的性别和区域 在对话中更改您的姓名和语言 使用翻译对话时播放文本到语音转换,即使在同语言对话中也是如此 清除屏幕上显示的消息 选择视觉主题:“浅色”、“深色”和“活力”(当前版本) 新的现代用户界面和设置 开始使用网络上的译员对话

