Client Testimonial: Grupo TYPSA


2018-06-07 09:26 Ciklopea


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Would you please tell us something about your business and your target markets? Founded in 1966, TYPSA is a leading consulting engineering group in the fields of transport, buildings, water, environment, energy and rural development. We have a long-standing relationship with public, private and institutional clients in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Middle East, assisting them in the development of infrastructure projects from concept to completion. In addition to providing world-class engineering services, TYPSA has extensive experience in building the capacity of local firms and in strengthening institutions to guarantee the sustainability of the infrastructure. In order to provide creative, feasible and sustainable solutions, TYPSA has set up a solid international network of subsidiaries and permanent offices in Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States of America. TYPSA has established an integrated workforce with multi-disciplinary teams of experienced dedicated professionals around the globe. With more than 2,500 professionals on staff in the group, TYPSA is internationally recognized with top industry rankings and awards, placing 54th out of the Top 200 Global Design Firms in 2016, according to Engineering News-Record, and 26th in Transportation. In which areas of your business operations do you recognize the importance of translation/localization? We do not attach special importance to a relative business area but to the location of our projects. In principle, we require translation assistance when Spanish, English or French languages are not easily accessible. How did you learn about Ciklopea? In 2016 I was appointed as TYPSAS´s project manager to provide technical advisory services to the World Bank in Croatia, as well as other European companies. These technical advisory services involved, among other tasks, direct communication with Croatian people who didn’t speak English or other foreign languages. I googled for translation services in Zagreb and Ciklopea popped up before my eyes in the first place, and the rest is history. What was your greatest concern about choosing a new translation vendor? I had no special concerns but receiving a fruitful and supportive translation service. What convinced you to work with us? My point of contact at Ciklopea was Zana, who was direct and straightforward right from the start. She asked about our goals, the aim of our professional activities, and consequently proposed both the type of the language service to be rendered and the appropriate linguists. Ciklopea in general showed a great level of involvement and that was very helpful for our operations in a foreign country. Did we help you communicate your message to the target market? The purpose of these translation services was not to convey a particular message as I said before, though the output of the services was superb and we accomplished our goal in Croatia. I would choose your services again if the occasion arose, and, of course, I would recommend Ciklopea eagerly to anyone requiring translation services in the future.
请问您可以介绍一下你们的业务和目标市场吗? 成立于1966年,TYPSA是一家在交通,建筑,水务,环境,能源和农乡发展等领域都处于领先地位的工程顾问集团。我们与美洲、欧洲、非洲、亚洲、大洋洲和中东的大众、私人、组织机构客户都有着长期的合作关系,从概念到基础设施的完成,我们一路相随。除了提供世界一流的工程服务,TYPSA在帮助客户建设公司的能力和加强基础设施的结构保证其稳定性的这两个方面具有广泛的经验。 为了提供有创造力的、可行的和可持续的解决方案,TYPSA在澳大利亚,比利时,玻利维亚,巴西,保加利亚,加拿大,哥伦比亚,克罗地亚,智利,多米尼加共和国,厄瓜多尔,印度,哈萨克斯坦,肯尼亚,马拉维,墨西哥,黑山,摩洛哥,莫桑比克,巴拿马,巴拉圭,秘鲁,葡萄牙,卡塔尔,沙特阿拉伯,新加坡,西班牙,瑞典,突尼斯,土耳其,阿拉伯联合酋长国,联合王国和美利坚合众国建立了一个由子公司和常驻办事机构组成的国际网络。 TYPSA在建立了一支全球范围内的由经验丰富的专业人员组成的多学科综合队伍。根据工程技术新闻报道的数据,在2016年TYPSA在设计公司全球200强中排名第54位,在交通领域排名第26位,拥有超过2500名专业人员。 在您哪些领域的业务活动让您认识到本地化翻译的重要性? 我们并不对哪一个关联的业务领域特别的关注,我们关注的是我们这个项目所处的位置。原则上,当在这个地方西班牙语、英语或法语都难以使用时,我们就需要翻译的协助。 你是怎么知道Ciklopa的? 2016年作为被任命的TYPSAS的项目经理,我负责为克罗地亚的世界银行以及其他欧洲公司提供技术咨询服务。 这些技术咨询服务与克罗地亚人进行直接交流,他们可能不会说英语或其他外语。 我谷歌了在萨格勒布的翻译服务,页面里第一个出现在我眼前的是Ciklopa,其他的就成为历史了。 选择新的翻译公司时候,你最关心的是什么? 得到了十分有效的和能给予帮助的翻译服务,我没什么要特别顾虑的。 是什么说服你让我们和你一起工作的? Ciklopa触动我的点是扎娜,她从一开始就很直接。她询问了我们需求,我们商业活动的目的,并就此列出了能提供的语言服务类型和合适的语言学家。总的来说,Ciklopea表现出了很高的参与度,这对我们在国外的业务是非常有帮助的。 我们是否帮助了您将信息传达到了目标市场? 尽管这些服务输出非常非常的好,但像我前面说的,这些翻译服务并不是要传达一个特定的信息,,我们在克罗地亚完成了我们的目标。如果有机会,我会再次选择你们的服务的,当然,我会热切地向那些需要翻译服务的人推荐Ciklopa。

