Medical Device Regulation 2021 - What You Need to Know For Medical Translations


2021-04-20 16:00 GALA


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The European Union’s new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) goes into effect on May 26, 2021. Medtech and pharma companies as well as distributors and importers will have to devise strategies to fulfill its requirements—including professional medical translations and localizations. The new MDR replaces Council Directives 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC. It aims to ensure patient health and safety while supporting companies’ ability to compete on the market. (Source: AdobeStock, dmutrojarmolinua) The regulation is designed to minimize safety risks, defining restrictions and notification requirements for materials used to manufacture and sell medical devices. It covers the devices themselves, product components and materials used in these products that are invasive and come into contact with the body; products that deliver drugs, liquids or other substances; and products used in transportation or storage. The overarching goal is to enhance the safety of many types of medical devices, including implantable devices. The MDR also supports companies’ ability to compete in international markets. Companies have to adapt their product information, instructions for use and labeling (where applicable) to conform to the new regulations, and translations must also meet the standards. This includes text such as descriptions on product packaging, labeling and technical documents. Add to this clinical investigations and proof of clinical data as well as ongoing monitoring of compliance with the MDR requirements. This will soon also extend to in vitro diagnostic medical devices, for which the directive takes effect in May 2022. The MDR also contains changes to the classification of medical products. Companies need to know that some items not previously categorized as medical products may be subject to the new MDR going forward. They should start by comparing their product portfolio with the classifications to get an overview of what documents need to be adapted or translated. 1. A general description of the product, including its intended medical purpose and users. 2. The intended patient group, the medical condition to be treated or monitored, and other considerations such as selection criteria, indications, contraindications and warnings. 3. The functionality and effects of the device, including scientific proof where applicable. The manufacturer, trader or importer must make all the required information available to the authorities in each EU country where the device is to be sold at least 28 days before the first sale. Time is of the essence: the MDR application date is May 26. By then, companies must provide the relevant information in the languages of the countries where the medical devices are sold or exported. Companies that miss this deadline risk incurring penalties, and may even be prohibited from selling their devices in the EU. A TÜV-certified translation provider that works to ISO 9001 standards and has a solid track record in the medtech and pharma fields is the place to turn for support. The translation provider must be able to translate all the documents into all the official EU languages quickly, intelligibly and in accordance with the regulation. Only specialized translators have the in-depth knowledge required to handle complex descriptions of symptoms and technology as well as Latin and industry-specific terminology. LSPs can lend vital support by providing well maintained and consistently updated terminology databases. The new MDR also requires the content to be understandable to readers with no medical background. So it’s vital to make good use of the remaining weeks to adapt all texts and documentation to the new regulation. Medtech companies, distributors and importers will find it easier and less stressful to meet the MDR’s requirements by turning to a translation provider that specializes in medical translations—one with a large pool of qualified native-speaker medical translators, expertise in all the EU languages, terminology databases and (in light of the approaching deadline) professional project management.
欧盟新的医疗器械法规(MDR)将于2021年5月26号生效。医疗技术公司和制药公司以及分销商和进口商必须制定策略来满足其要求--包括专业的医疗翻译和本地化。 新的MDR取代了理事会第90/385/EEC号指令和第93/42/EEC号指令。它旨在确保患者的健康和安全,同时支持公司在市场上的竞争能力。 (来源:AdobeStock,dmutrojarmolinua) 该规例旨在将安全风险降至最低,界定了用于制造和销售医疗器械的材料的限制和通知要求。它涵盖装置本身,产品组件以及这些产品中使用的具有侵入性并与身体接触的材料;输送药物,液体或其他物质的产品;以及用于运输或储存的产品。总体目标是提高包括植入式设备在内的多种医疗设备的安全性。MDR还支持公司在国际市场上的竞争能力。 公司必须调整其产品信息,使用说明和标签(如适用)以符合新规定,翻译也必须符合标准。这包括文本,如关于产品包装,标签和技术文件的说明。此外,还要进行临床调查和临床数据证明,并不断监测MDR的遵守情况。这很快也将扩展到体外诊断医疗设备,该指令将于2022年5月对其生效。 MDR还包含对医疗产品分类的更改。公司需要知道,一些以前没有归类为医疗产品的项目可能会受到新的MDR的影响。他们应该从比较他们的产品组合和分类开始,以获得需要修改或翻译的文档的概览。 1.产品的一般说明,包括其预期的医疗用途和使用者。 2.拟治疗的患者群体,需要治疗或监测的医疗状况,以及选择标准,适应症,禁忌症和警告等其他考虑因素。 3.装置的功能和效果,包括适用的科学证据。 制造商,贸易商或进口商必须在设备首次销售前至少28天向每个欧盟国家的主管部门提供所有必要的信息。 时间是最重要的:MDR申请日期是五月二十六日。届时,公司必须以销售或出口医疗器械的国家的语言提供相关信息。错过这一期限的公司可能会受到处罚,甚至可能被禁止在欧盟销售其设备。 通过TüV认证,符合ISO9001标准的翻译提供商,在医疗技术和制药领域有着坚实的业绩记录,是我们寻求支持的地方。 翻译供应商必须能够将所有文件迅速,易懂地翻译成欧盟所有官方语言,并符合规定。只有专门的翻译人才具备处理症状和技术的复杂描述以及拉丁语和行业专用术语所需的深入知识。LSP通过提供维护良好和不断更新的术语数据库,可以提供至关重要的支持。 新的MDR还要求内容对于没有医学背景的读者来说是可以理解的。因此,充分利用剩余的几周时间来调整所有的文本和文件以适应新的规定是至关重要的。 医疗技术公司,分销商和进口商将会发现,通过求助于一家专门从事医疗翻译的翻译提供商,满足MDR的要求更加容易,压力也更小--一家拥有大量合格的母语医疗翻译人员,拥有欧盟所有语言的专业知识,术语数据库和(鉴于截止日期的临近)专业项目管理的翻译提供商。

