Internal Training Systems and eLearning Localization


2021-03-06 09:25 CSOFT


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All employees go through some sort of training in their first days at a new job or company. In our global and increasingly contactless business culture, training protocol is now adapting to keep pace with the rise of remote employment, driving the development of technologies that can facilitate training through digital media and eLearning (electronic learning). Learning Management Systems (LMS) – platforms that help businesses deliver online learning and track employee progress – are investing in eLearning localization solutions to help make training as innovative and accessible as possible across different languages and cultures. AllenComm, an award-winning corporate training and eLearning company, has incorporated 360 video and AR/VR into its training strategies, for instance. Here are some of the most interesting or innovative new ways that eLearning companies are conducting training in a widening company network. As is the case for localization and translation, corporate training places an emphasis on universal accessibility. This means that employees everywhere should get the same (or similar) content and quality of training as their peers, whether they are workers on the factory floor or freelance contractors half a world away from headquarters. As well as job-specific training, eLearning platforms are now offering enormous libraries of training content on topics that range from active shooter drills to ways of staying productive at work. For companies looking to train their employees but not disposed to making their own content, these solutions mean they can simply draw from a library whenever they need a quick video resource or seminar to deliver. For eLearning platforms that work to provide these universal training experiences, success relies heavily on other services, from designers who help make these platforms intuitive and accessible to translators who help bridge language barriers and localize training content to reflect the cultural norms and expectations of employees. LMS companies are adopting other industries’ practices in their efforts to advance eLearning. One example is the gamification of company training. For some modes of training, employees who log into online courses can win badges and awards like gift cards or other perks as they climb in rank through the “levels”. Several such platforms offer social sharing, so trainees can make mixtape-like playlists to share on social media. These game-like features incentivize both employees and administrators while mirroring the universal appeal and intuitive design of online games. Translation goes hand-in-hand with the pursuit of gamification when it comes to ensuring the universality of content for all users. Platforms like the “gamified” Docebo, which offers a whopping 40+ language options, are good examples of this. Online training is increasingly a standard part of the online business landscape. Like they do with their websites and blogs, companies can now customize their training pages to be more approachable, friendlier, and sophisticated for internet-savvy users. eLearning platforms not only help companies standardize training, but also enable them to show off their unique company cultures right from the get-go. Absorb LMS, one such platform offering companies a classroom-style experience, provides syllabus-style management of employees’ training courses. Admins can administer a variety of multilingual educational tools, such as surveys, learning goals, and even homework, emphasizing the importance of eLearning localization. Absorb LMS, for example, offers over ten learner language options. CSOFT International offers eLearning localization solutions for the online training industry in over 250 languages, with a global network of in-country linguists who specialize in standardizing company training materials and educational resources for audiences in their native languages. As the trend toward universality and accessibility in LMS continues, translation and localization will only continue to grow in importance for this dynamic industry and its vital role in changing times.
全部员工在进入新工作或新公司的头几天都要接受一些培训。在我们日益全球化和非接触式的商业文化中,培训协议正适应远程就业的兴起,推动通过数字媒体和电子学习(eLearning)促进培训的技术发展。学习管理系统(Learning Management Systems,LMS),帮助企业提供在线学习和跟踪员工进步的平台,正在投资于电子学习本地化解决方案,以帮助使培训更具创新性,并尽可能跨语言和文化进行。例如,AllenComm,屡获嘉奖的企业培训和电子学习公司,已经将360视频和AR/VR纳入其培训策略。 以下是电子学习公司在日益扩大的公司网络中进行培训的一些最有趣或最具创新性的新方法。 就像本地化和翻译一样,企业培训强调的是普遍的可访问性。这意味着,各地的员工都应该得到与其同行相同(或类似)的内容和质量培训,无论他们是工厂工人,还是远离总部的自由职业者。 除了针对具体工作的培训,电子学习平台现在也提供了大量的培训内容,涉及从积极的射击训练到保持工作效率的方法等各种主题。对于那些希望培训员工但又不想制作自己内容的公司来说,这些解决方案意味着他们可以在需要提供快速视频资源或研讨会时直接从图书馆中获取。 对于致力于提供这些通用培训体验的电子学习平台来说,他们的成功很大程度上依赖于其他服务,设计师帮助译者使这些平台直观易懂,帮助译者消除语言障碍,使培训内容本地化,以反映员工的文化规范和期望。 LMS公司正在采用其他行业的做法来努力推进电子学习。公司培训的游戏化就是一个例子。 在某些培训模式中,登录在线课程的员工可以获得徽章和礼品卡等奖励,或随着他们在“等级”中的名次不断上升而获得其他福利。有几个这样的平台可以提供社交分享,因此学员可以制作类似MixTape的播放列表在社交媒体上分享。这些类似游戏的功能激励着员工和管理人员,又能反映网络游戏的普遍吸引力和直观设计。在确保面向所有用户的内容通用性方面,翻译与游戏化是密不可分的。像“游戏化”的Docebo这样的平台,提供了多达40多种语言选项,就是很好的例子。 在线培训正日益成为在线商业领域的一个标准组成部分。就像在网站和博客上做的那样,公司现在可以定制他们的培训页面,使其更平易近人,更友好,更成熟。电子学习平台不仅能帮助企业规范培训,还能让其从一开始就展示自己独特的企业文化。LMS就是这样一个平台,它为员工培训课程提供了教学大纲式的管理。管理员可以管理各种多语言教育工具,如调查,学习目标,甚至家庭作业,强调了电子学习本地化的重要性。例如,LMS提供了超过10种学习者语言选项。 CSOFT为在线培训行业提供超过250种语言的电子学习本地化解决方案,拥有一个全球网络,由国内语言学家组成,专门为用户提供以其母语为标准的公司培训材料和教育资源。随着LMS的普适性和可访问性趋势的持续,翻译和本地化对这个动态行业的重要性和在变化时代的重要作用只会继续增长。

