Should You Use a Multi-Vendor Localization Strategy?


2021-03-05 16:50 Memsource


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Should You Use a Multi-Vendor Localization Strategy? If you’re creating increasingly more content, and for ever-widening audiences around the world, should you use one centralized language services provider (LSP) for your localization program? Or should you use a multi-vendor localization strategy? This article looks at the latter approach. A multi-vendor localization strategy is when you use more than one provider for localization services. There are several reasons why it’s the preferred choice for many companies, with some using three or more LSPs. The benefits of a multi-vendor strategy 1. Risk management One of the main reasons organizations opt for a multi-vendor strategy is to spread their risk. A delayed product or service launch, for example, can be incredibly costly. If you use just one LSP, what if they haven’t the capacity to work on a time-sensitive project? What happens if they become insolvent or let you down in terms of quality? Finding the right LSP for a project can take time. If you have multiple trusted vendors already on your roster, it avoids you making a rushed, potentially mistaken, choice. 2. Access to specialists Even a large, global, language services provider may not have the qualities you need for every project. A multi-vendor strategy allows you to choose the right vendor each time, according to: Language specialismsYou may be really happy with your vendor for French localizations, for example, but they don’t translate into Japanese. A multi-vendor strategy lets you work with an additional vendor that does. By selecting an in-market LSP, your localizations can often be more authentic. Subject-matter expertise Some vendors excel in localizing marketing texts but struggle to complete legal translations to the same quality level. Having a multi-vendor strategy lets you choose subject-matter specialists for each project. Content type As with subject-matter expertise, some agencies focus on localizing one type of content, such as text-based documents. Whereas others specialize in another, such as software localizations. 3. Scale easily If you need to localize a high volume of content, or your workload is very variable, one single vendor may struggle to scale their efforts at the speed you need. It can be better to spread projects across multiple vendors. 4. Get good value Size is also something to remember when considering LSPs. For smaller projects, a small, local LSP might be the best and most cost-effective choice. Whereas for more extensive, multinational projects, a large, global LSP might provide the best value. 5. Support for each location or time zone Global reach and time-zone coverage are important factors to consider too. LSPs offering a global service will still differ in terms of where they have in-country offices or teams, and in which regions their strengths lie. If you need a 24-hour, round-the-world service, it may be best to work with more than one provider. 6. Multiple quality controls If you’re moving into new territories and growing your localization program, it can be valuable to work with a range of vendors. Experiencing different services and approaches will enable you to adopt a variety of best practices. Using a range of vendors also lets you compare and benchmark quality standards. You can even ask vendors to review and score each other’s work. And if there’s suddenly a drop in quality with one vendor, you’ll have another LSP on hand to help meet your deadline. 7. Benchmark costs A multi-vendor strategy allows you to benchmark costs as well as quality. When you’re working with a number of LSPs, you can conduct annual pricing reviews, for example, and ask them to price match equivalent services. Whereas, when you’re working with just one LSP, you’ve less room for negotiation on prices. 8. Create healthy competition Fostering a certain amount of competition among your vendors not only helps to keep prices in check and quality levels high – it can increase innovation too. When vendors know they’re not the only LSP you turn to, they’re likely to be more motivated to stay relevant and come up with fresh ideas. 9. Optimize use of technology and processes When you use a range of LSPs, you can make the most of what each offers in terms of technology and processes. Some LSPs, for example, will let you use their chosen translation management system as part of their service. Others may be able to customize an off-the-shelf system and integrate it with additional tools to meet your needs. While other LSPs may have an in-house engineering team that can provide technical support. Some vendors may not offer you the use of any technology but are very strong in UI testing or multimedia production processes. When you have a multi-vendor strategy, you can take advantage of each provider’s technical expertise, without losing out overall. 10. Gain more objectivity If things go wrong, it can be easy to blame your LSP. But if you use multiple LSPs, and more than one is having the same problem, it could indicate the issue isn’t caused by them. It might be a problem with how you’re working with them or another external factor. What are the downsides of a multi-vendor strategy? While there are many benefits to having a multi-vendor localization strategy, there are also potential issues to be aware of. It can be inefficient in terms of costs and management time, for example, to have different areas of your business using different LSPs on an ad hoc basis for similar services. There’s also the danger of inconsistencies in quality and linguistics arising from a decentralized approach. And a multi-vendor localization program can be very complex to manage. If it isn’t managed carefully, it can lead to oversights such as web pages or other assets not being properly maintained in local languages. Avoid issues with a translation management system How can you sidestep these pitfalls? The answer is by selecting the right technology to support and streamline your workflows. Whether you opt for a decentralized, multi-vendor approach or you have a single-vendor, centralized program, a good, cloud-based translation management system (TMS) is a very worthwhile investment. The key benefits a TMS brings to localization – whether you use one or multiple vendors 1. Centralized and in control A TMS lets you centralize your linguistic assets and processes and create a unified translation memory. So, whether you use one or multiple vendors, or move into new markets, you’re always in control. You can benchmark best practices and processes and share the same information and translation memory with each vendor and region. Even if you use just one LSP, having a TMS gives you more ownership, so you’re less reliant on your vendor and can switch more easily. 2. The flexibility of choice A TMS allows you to be strategic when choosing new LSPs. You’re free to base your selection on aspects such as quality and cost rather than the size of their internal translation memory. It also empowers your regional teams; they can use your TMS to tender projects to your full portfolio of vendors or onboard vendors of their choice. 3. Increase quality and consistency With a unified translation memory and set processes for each region to follow, the ability to maintain consistency and quality levels is much easier with a TMS. 4. Improve efficiency When you use a good TMS, you can be much more efficient and effective – even when managing multiple workflows. This can help you get to market faster, save money, and reduce the stress of global localization.
你应该使用多厂商本地化策略吗? 如果您正在创建越来越多的内容,并且为世界各地不断扩大的受众提供服务,那么您是否应该使用一个集中的语言服务提供商(LSP)来进行本地化计划呢?还是应该使用多厂商本地化策略?本文研究后一种方法。 多供应商本地化策略是指使用多个供应商提供本地化服务。它之所以成为许多公司的首选,有几个原因,有些公司使用三个或更多的LSP。 多供应商战略的好处 1.风险管理 组织选择多供应商策略的主要原因之一是分散风险。例如,延迟推出产品或服务的成本可能会高得惊人。如果你只使用一个LSP,如果他们没有能力处理一个时间敏感的项目怎么办?如果他们资不抵债,或者在质量方面让你失望,怎么办? 为项目找到正确的LSP可能需要时间。如果您的名册上已经有多个值得信赖的供应商,它可以避免您匆忙做出可能错误的选择。 2.接触专家 即使是一个大型的,全球性的语言服务提供商也可能不具备每个项目所需的素质。多供应商策略允许您每次选择正确的供应商,根据: 语言专长例如,你可能对供应商提供的法语本地化非常满意,但它们并不能翻译成日语。多供应商策略允许您与其他供应商合作。通过选择市场上的LSP,您的本地化通常会更可靠。 专题专门知识 一些供应商在本地化营销文本方面表现出色,但在完成法律翻译时却难以达到同样的质量水平。拥有多供应商策略可以让您为每个项目选择主题专家。 内容类型 与专题专门知识一样,一些机构侧重于使一类内容本地化,例如基于文本的文件。而另一些则专攻另一个领域,如软件本地化。 3.易于缩放 如果您需要本地化大量的内容,或者您的工作负载非常多变,那么单个供应商可能很难按照您需要的速度扩展他们的工作。将项目分散到多个供应商可能会更好。 4.物有所值 在考虑LSP时,还需要记住尺寸。对于较小的项目,小型的本地LSP可能是最佳和最具成本效益的选择。而对于更广泛的多国项目,一个大型的全球LSP可能提供最佳价值。 5.对每个地点或时区的支持 全球覆盖和时区覆盖也是需要考虑的重要因素。提供全球服务的LSP在其国内办事处或团队的位置以及其优势所在的区域方面仍将有所不同。如果您需要一个24小时,环球服务,可能最好与多个供应商合作。 6.多重质量控制 如果你要搬到一个新的领域,并且发展你的本地化计划,那么和一系列的供应商合作是很有价值的。体验不同的服务和方法将使您能够采用多种最佳实践。 使用一系列供应商还可以比较和基准质量标准。你甚至可以要求供应商对彼此的工作进行评审和打分。如果有一个供应商的质量突然下降,你会有另一个LSP在手头上帮助你完成最后期限。 7.基准费用 多供应商战略允许您对成本和质量进行基准测试。例如,当您与多个LSP合作时,您可以进行年度定价审查,并要求他们提供与同等服务相匹配的价格。然而,当您只与一个LSP合作时,您在价格上的谈判空间就更小了。 8.创造良性竞争 在供应商之间培养一定数量的竞争不仅有助于控制价格和保持高质量水平--它还可以增加创新。当供应商知道他们不是您求助的唯一LSP时,他们可能会更有动力保持相关性并提出新的想法。 9.优化技术和工艺的使用 当您使用一系列LSP时,您可以最大限度地利用每个LSP在技术和工艺方面所提供的性能。例如,一些LSP将允许您使用他们选择的翻译管理系统作为其服务的一部分。其他人可能能够定制一个现成的系统,并将其与额外的工具集成以满足您的需求。而其他LSP可能会有一个内部工程团队来提供技术支持。 有些厂商可能不提供任何技术的使用,但在UI测试或多媒体制作过程方面非常强大。当您采用多供应商策略时,您可以利用每个供应商的技术专长,而不会在整体上吃亏。 10.获得更多的客观性 如果事情出了问题,很容易归咎于您的LSP。但是,如果您使用多个LSP,并且有多个LSP存在相同的问题,则可能表明问题不是由它们引起的。这可能是你如何与他们合作的问题,或者是另一个外部因素。 多厂商策略的缺点是什么? 虽然多厂商本地化策略有很多好处,但也有一些潜在的问题需要注意。就成本和管理时间而言,这可能是低效的,例如,让您的不同业务领域为类似的服务临时使用不同的LSP。 分散的方法还会导致质量和语言不一致的危险。而且多厂商本地化程序的管理可能非常复杂。如果管理不仔细,可能会导致疏漏,如网页或其他资产没有用本地语言正确维护。 避免翻译管理系统的问题 你怎样才能避开这些陷阱呢?答案是选择正确的技术来支持和简化您的工作流。无论您选择的是分散的,多供应商的方法,还是单一供应商的,集中的程序,一个好的,基于云的翻译管理系统(TMS)都是非常值得投资的。 TMS为本地化带来的主要好处--无论您使用的是一个供应商还是多个供应商 1.集中控制 TMS允许您集中您的语言资产和过程,并创建统一的翻译记忆。因此,无论你使用一个或多个供应商,或进入新的市场,你总是在控制。您可以对最佳实践和流程进行基准测试,并与每个供应商和地区共享相同的信息和翻译内存。即使您只使用一个LSP,拥有一个TMS也会让您拥有更多的所有权,因此您对供应商的依赖较少,并且可以更容易地进行切换。 2.选择的灵活性 TMS使您在选择新LSP时具有战略性。您可以根据质量和成本等方面进行选择,而不是根据内部翻译内存的大小进行选择。它还赋予您的区域团队权力;他们可以使用您的TMS投标项目给您的完整组合的供应商或他们选择的船上供应商。 3.提高质量和一致性 有了统一的翻译记忆和每个区域要遵循的设定流程,保持一致性和质量水平的能力在TMS中要容易得多。 4.提高效率 当您使用一个好的TMS时,您可以更加高效和有效--即使在管理多个工作流时也是如此。这可以帮助您更快地进入市场,节省资金,并减轻全球本地化的压力。

