Translator Community Spotlight: Christoph Niedermair


2021-02-25 10:25 Lilt


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Here at Lilt, we’re focused on providing the highest quality translations possible, and that requires a large professional network of translators.We've spent years building a community of experienced and quality translators, and we're excited to showcase the incredible individuals helping to lead the charge. Much like our Employee Spotlight series, we're sharing the backgrounds of the talented professionals in our community in our newest series, the Translator Spotlight Series. This week, we’re happy to introduce Christoph Niedermair, an industry veteran who has been crafting his skills for over two decades. We sat down with Christoph to learn more about his background, how he started his translation journey, and how he balances his work and life. What languages do you speak or have you studied? English, German, Spanish and French How and why did you become a translator? I always loved languages. I took English and French at my German high school, after a few years of Latin before that. I then decided to look for a job where I could apply my knowledge of languages, so I went to the University of Mainz/Germersheim in Germany and studied to be a translator/interpreter, eventually deciding on the translator track. I've been working as a translator ever since. Do you like to listen to music while you work? If so, what kind? Rarely while working, I find it somewhat distracting and I like focusing on the work in front of me. In my free time, I love music - I listen to it a lot throughout my everyday life. What led you to join Lilt's translator community? I was actively recruited by a then Lilt-PM who had worked with me on projects for another client. It was easy to apply and I’ve been working with Lilt ever since. What does your day to day look like? During the pandemic, all of the days somewhat blend together! In general, I get up, check my email, answer urgent emails, then I brew a pot of coffee and have some breakfast. I used to take kids to school, but now they are older/driving themselves or home (due to the pandemic), so I rarely leave the house in the morning and start working immediately. I usually stop by four or five, go for a run or walk the dogs with my wife, then cook dinner - something I love to do. What do you like to do outside of work? How do you maintain a good work/life balance? Family. Cooking. Hiking/Outdoors. Traveling. Theatre (used to). Movies. I try to not work more than 7 hours a day. I usually translate quite quickly and I feel spent after about that amount of time and need a break. My wife often laughs when I tell her my brain is completely fried after work, but it's the truth! What's one fact or skill that you've learned recently? Honestly, I learn new ones every day. Lots of facts about Covid, recently, both due to jobs I have done in the fields as well as a generic interest in medical topics. I wish I had time to learn to play the piano - I used to play the guitar and mandolin, but not so much the last few years. Has the translation industry changed in the last 10 years? Do you think it will change in the next 10 years? Yes and yes. The industry has changed a lot. Machine translation, big LSPs buying smaller ones, general pressure on price, and more. I have been in this business for 25 years or so and have witnessed a lot of change. What's the best career advice you've ever received? Make sure you like what you do. Trust in your own ability. Watch out for your work-life-balance. • • • Keep an eye out for our upcoming posts in both our Translator and Employee Spotlight posts! We'll continue to highlight people from across the company and our wonderful translator community. Learn more by following us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook!
在Lilt,我们致力于提供尽可能高质量的翻译,而这需要一个庞大的专业翻译网络。我们花了多年时间建立了一个由经验丰富的高质量翻译人员组成的社区,我们很高兴能够展示那些帮助领导这一冲锋的不可思议的个人。很像我们的员工聚光灯系列,我们在我们的最新系列,翻译聚光灯系列中分享我们社区中有才华的专业人士的背景。 本周,我们很高兴地向大家介绍Christoph Niedermair,他是一位行业资深人士,二十多年来一直致力于打造自己的技术。我们与克里斯托弗坐下来,更多地了解他的背景,他是如何开始他的翻译之旅的,他是如何平衡工作和生活的。 你会说什么语言或者你学过什么语言? 英文,德文,西班牙文和法文 你是如何以及为什么成为一名翻译的? 我一直很喜欢语言。我在德国的高中选修了英语和法语,之前我学了几年拉丁语。然后我决定找一份工作,在那里我可以运用我的语言知识,所以我去了德国的美因茨/格默尔斯海姆大学,学习成为一名笔译/口译,最终决定了笔译这条路。从那以后我一直在做翻译。 你喜欢在工作的时候听音乐吗?如果是,是哪种? 很少在工作的时候,我会觉得有点分心,我喜欢把注意力集中在眼前的工作上。在我的空闲时间,我喜欢音乐--在我的日常生活中我经常听它。 是什么让你加入了Lilt的翻译社区? 我被当时的Lilt-PM积极招募,他曾和我一起为另一个客户做过项目。它很容易应用,从那时起我就一直在使用Lilt。 你的一天是什么样子的? 在大流行期间,所有的日子多少都混在一起了!一般情况下,我起床,查看邮件,回复紧急邮件,然后我冲一壶咖啡,吃点早餐。我以前经常带孩子上学,但现在他们年纪大了/自己开车回家(由于大流行),所以我很少早上出门马上开始工作。我通常会在四五点停下来,和妻子一起去跑步或遛狗,然后做晚饭--这是我喜欢做的事情。 工作之余你喜欢做什么?你如何保持良好的工作/生活平衡? 家人。做饭。远足/户外。旅行。剧院(过去)。电影。我每天工作时间尽量不超过7小时。我通常翻译得很快,过了这么长时间我就觉得很累了,需要休息一下。当我下班后告诉我妻子我的大脑完全被炸飞时,她常常笑,但这是事实! 你最近学到的一个事实或技能是什么? 老实说,我每天都学新的。最近有很多关于Covid的事实,这既是因为我在这个领域做过的工作,也是因为我对医学主题的一般兴趣。我希望我有时间学弹钢琴--我过去常弹吉他和曼陀林,但最近几年不那么多了。 翻译行业在最近10年发生了什么变化吗?你认为未来10年会改变吗? 是的是的。这个行业已经发生了很大的变化。机器翻译,大型LSP购买小型LSP,普遍的价格压力等等。我在这行干了25年左右,见证了很多变化。 你收到的最好的职业建议是什么? 确保你喜欢你所做的。相信自己的能力。注意你的工作生活平衡。 ••• 请留意我们即将发布的翻译和员工聚光灯帖子!我们将继续强调来自公司和我们优秀的翻译社区的人。 在LinkedIn,Twitter和Facebook上关注我们,了解更多信息!

