Translation vs. Transcreation: What's the Difference?


2021-01-15 06:50 Lilt


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Last year was one of tremendous change. Both personal and professional lives were changed for nearly everyone, as the COVID-19 pandemic uprooted everyday normalcy and replaced it with one that required a rethinking of every aspect of life. With those changes came a change in many companies’ strategies, as they started to move content online at an unprecedented rate. In fact, over 10 years of growth happened in e-commerce in just the first four months of 2020. That growth comes with a need to make sure that users across the world are connected - and to do so, many companies are turning to localization. As they do, however, there are different processes that can be used to take content from one language into another. While the vast majority of people know and understand the concept of translation, many haven’t heard of transcreation. What’s the difference between the two? What situations might be right for one and not another? Let’s start at the beginning - what is transcreation? It’s a focus on messaging and tone/intent when taking content from one language to another. Translation often just focuses on taking words from one language and naturally (and creatively) replacing them with words in a target language. Because of that, though, intent is sometimes lost in translation because of cultural differences between the original and target languages. Translators do a remarkable job of making sure that the words, phrases, and punctuation are as close to the original as possible. Transcreation on the other hand is often completed by copywriters and is usually initiated in a different way. Translations start with a source text, where transcreation projects often work off of a creative brief (just like other creative projects). In some ways, transcreation takes an idea but more or less starts from scratch. Given that, transcreation can also cost substantially more than traditional translation. Since copywriters are brought in to research a brand, locale, and industry as a whole, the time spent on a project is often longer. Some brands will even rethink colors, slogans, and more to properly transcreate into a new locale. The result, however, is branding, messaging, and content that directly appeals to a new market beyond text. In most cases, transcreation is about getting the same reaction from users, no matter the language. One of the more prominent examples was back when Apple released its iPod Shuffle with the slogan “Small Talk”. In her book Found in Translation, author and localization expert Nataly Kelly says that the two-word motto was difficult to translate directly into other languages. Credit: Fast Company Instead, Apple recreated that slogan in different target markets and languages to appropriately match the local speech. In Latin America, the phrase was transcreated to “Look Who’s Talking”, while in French Canada, it became “Says Little, Does Much”. For many companies, the difference between translation, transcreation, localization, and more begs the question: which is best? Ultimately, it depends on the type of content and its goal purpose. If you’re looking to move a product manual from one language into another, for example, your likely bet will be to simply go with an option based more on the translation side of the equation. However, if you’re looking to market your whole brand and message a large campaign to multiple parts of the world, it’s worth looking into a service that provides transcreation or one that uses expert human professionals to provide feedback and insight. Transcreation is more than just a one-to-one translation - it’s about understanding a message and a culture. At the end of the day, however, it’s another option that accomplishes a similar goal to localization, translation, and more: reaching new people, regardless of where they are.
去年是发生巨大变化的一年。因为新型冠状肺炎病毒疫情打破了日常生活的常态,几乎每个人的个人生活和职业生活都发生了变化,取而代之的是需要重新思考生活的方方面面。 随着这些变化,许多公司的战略也发生了变化,它们开始以前所未有的速度将内容转移到网上。事实上,仅在2020年的前四个月,电子商务就实现了超过10年的增长。这种增长伴随着一种需要,即确保世界各地的用户都能联网——为了做到这一点,许多公司转向了本地化。 然而,正如他们所做的那样,有不同的方式可以用来将内容从一种语言转换到另一种语言。虽然绝大多数人都知道和理解翻译的概念,但很多人却没有听说过“创译”。这两者有什么区别?什么情况可能适合一个而不适合另一个? 让我们从头说起--什么是创译?当内容从一种语言翻译成另一种语言时,它关注的是消息传递和语气/意图。翻译通常只注重从一种语言中提取单词,然后自然地(创造性地)用目标语言中的单词替换它们。然而,由于原文和译入语之间的文化差异,翻译中的意图有时会丢失。 译者在确保单词,短语和标点符号尽量接近原文这方面做得非常出色。另一方面,创译通常是由文案作者完成的,并且通常是以不同的方式开始的。翻译开始于一个源文本,在那里,创译时通常开始前要有一个创造性的简要(就像其他创造性项目一样)。从某些方面来说,创译需要一个想法,但或多或少是从零开始的。 有鉴于此,创译的成本也会比传统翻译高得多。由于文案作者翻译时需要研究一个品牌,地区和整个行业,所以花在一个项目上的时间通常会更长。一些品牌甚至会重新考虑颜色,口号,以及更多的适当的创译成一个新的地方。然而,结果是品牌,信息和内容直接吸引了一个新的市场,而不仅仅是文本。 在大多数情况下,无论使用何种语言,创译都是关于从用户那里可以共情。其中一个比较突出的例子要追溯到苹果发布iPod Shuffle的时候,当时它的口号是“闲聊”。作家兼本地化专家娜塔莉·凯利在她的《翻译新发现》一书中说,这两个字的格言很难直接翻译成其他语言。 信用:《Fast Company》 取而代之的是,苹果公司在不同的目标市场和语言中重新翻译了这个口号,以配合当地的语言。在拉丁美洲,这个短语被创译成“看看谁在说话”,而在加拿大说法语的地方,这个短语翻译成了“说得少,做得多”。 对许多公司来说,翻译,创译,本地化之间的区别,被问到最多的的问题是:哪一个最好? 归根结底,它取决于内容的类型及其目的。例如,如果您希望将产品手册从一种语言译成另一种语言,那么您可能会选择一个基于等式翻译的选项。然而,如果你想要营销你的整个品牌,并向世界多个地区宣传一个大型活动,那么就有必要寻求创译的服务,或者一种寻求专业人员提供反馈和见解的服务。 创译不仅仅是一对一的翻译--它是对信息文化的理解。然而,在这个时代结束的时候,实现与本地化,翻译等类似的目标有其他选择:不管他们在哪里都可以接触到。

