How to Master AI Technology for Customer Operations in 2021


2020-12-22 14:00 unbabel


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Unpredictable is the best word for 2020. Even though entire organizations were affected by the global pandemic, customer service operations often felt the pressure most directly—with sky-high expectations for doing more with less. Customer service teams were expected to reduce first response times (FRTs), increase customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores and perform well on other common KPIs. The bright side: they emerged more resilient and resourceful than ever before. Although the year still holds some uncertainty, uses of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has already helped to write a new playbook for customer service operations in 2021 and beyond. Across industries, these solutions have paved the way for a more efficient experience for customers and agents alike. To help you effectively leverage the newly accelerated world of automation, our experts at Unbabel have created an eBook guide to using AI and machine learning (ML) to improve customer experience while lowering operational costs. You can download the eBook here. Below is a taste of what you’ll get. Top AI Trends in Customer Service In the past, higher customer service demand often meant hiring a larger staff. This is especially true of multilingual support, which has historically required different approaches to making it work, from business process outsourcing (BPO) to hiring local agents in desirable markets. In 2020, however, the shift from outsourcing to AI adoption accelerated rapidly, in turn ushering in higher-quality, industry-changing customer self-service opportunities. Find out how customer teams quickly scaled their operations to more markets – even those with a low volume of customer inquiries – while maintaining, and often lowering, operational costs. Best Practices & Case Studies This year, many organizations dealt with office closures and many other unexpected human resource constraints. In these situations, AI and machine translation (MT) have helped customer service teams expand their multilingual capabilities — and fast. How did they do it? And how can you leverage these advances for your organization? We share tips from companies such as the No. 1 global search engine for travel (who saw their CSAT score soar 22% while lowering operational costs) and actionable hands-on advice to build successful customer service strategies for your team. A Playbook for the Future Incorporating AI technology and launching a language operations function is all about empowering customer service agents to do more with less. While successful customer experiences are a win, customer operations leaders also want to reduce staff turnover and improve overall efficiency within their teams. To help organizations get ahead of these trends, we examine six customer service AI trends for the future that will allow customer experience leaders to provide an elite experience while increasing operational efficiency. From smarter ticket sorting to AI-enabled command centers to proactive in-app communication, it’s the essential guide to the ongoing transformation of customer service. Perhaps the most indelible business lesson of 2020? Unpredictability is inevitable, but the right proactive strategies can help organizations weather future challenges on the horizon.
“不可预测”是2020年的年度词汇。尽管新冠疫情给整个机构都造成了影响,但客户服务部门往往最直接地感受到压力--客户对少花钱多办事的奢望。 客户服务团队应做到减少首次反应时间(FRTs),提高客户满意度(CSAT),并在其他常见的KPI上表现良好。好的一面是:客服员工们比以往更有韧性,也更机敏。 尽管今年仍存在一些不确定性,但人工智能(AI)技术的使用已经为2021年及以后的客户服务运营重新书写了剧本。这些解决方案能够为各行业的客户和代理商提供更高效的体验。 为了帮助您有效地适应这一高速运作的自动化新世界,我们Unbabel的专家制作了一本电子书指南,介绍如何使用AI和机器学习(ML)来改善客户体验,同时降低运营成本。 你可以在此下载该电子书。以下为内容介绍。 客户服务领域的领先AI趋势 过去,更高级的客户服务需求往往需要雇佣更多的员工。在多语言服务方面尤其如此,多语言服务历来需要采用不同的手段才能发挥作用,从业务流程外包(BPO)到在预期市场雇用当地代理商都包含在这些手段中。 而在2020年,从外包到利用AI的转变加速,又产生了更高质量、颠覆行业的客户自助服务机会。了解客户服务团队是如何迅速将其运营扩展到更多的市场--甚至是那些客户咨询量很少的市场--同时还能保持并经常降低运营成本的。 最佳做法和案例研究 今年,许多组织处理了撤销办事处问题和许多其他意想不到的人力资源限制问题。在这些情况下,AI和机器翻译(MT)帮助客户服务团队提高了其多语言能力--而且是快速提高。 他们是怎么做到的?如何利用这些进步为机构服务?我们会分享一些来自企业的建议,比如全球排名第一的旅游搜索引擎(该公司的CSAT得分飙升了22%,同时降低了运营成本),并为您的团队提供实际操作建议,帮助您制定成功的客户服务策略。 未来的剧本 整合AI技术,推出语言操作功能,都是为了让客服人员少花钱多办事。虽然成功的客户体验是一种胜利,但客户运营领导也希望减少人员变动,提高团队的整体效率。 为了帮助企业引领这些趋势,我们研究了六个未来客户服务的AI趋势,这些趋势令客户体验领导者在提高运营效率的同时提供精英体验。从更智能的票务分类到人工智能指挥中心,再到主动的应用内沟通,这是客户服务当前变革的基本指南。 也许是2020年最不可磨灭的商业教训?不可预测性是不可避免的,但是正确的主动策略可以帮助机构应对未来挑战。

