Zoom Launches Zapps, But Interpreting and Translation Still up for Grabs


2020-11-24 06:41 Lingua Greca


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One of the few undisputed “winners” in the Covid economy has been Zoom, the virtual meeting tool whose use exploded as the coronavirus pandemic forced many workplaces worldwide to operate remotely. Now, more businesses may use Zoom as a springboard for their own growth as “Zapps” make their debut. (Zapps are apps available directly within the Zoom UI.) In an October 15, 2020 Zoomtopia presentation, Zoom described its app marketplace as providing shortcuts for users’ “most valuable business processes.” Advertised as offering the “best of breed” for each function, a number of big names — such as Slack, Salesforce, and Dropbox — have already partnered with Zoom to offer Zapps. Speech-to-text giant Rev will provide English transcription and captioning, plus subtitles in more than 15 languages. As one Twitter user noted, there are still “so many categories up for grabs!” It remains to be seen which companies will snag the slots for interpreting and automated translation. Zoom already offers a feature for live interpreting, which allows users to designate specific meeting participants as interpreters. Zoom’s existing language services are good enough that Powys County Council in Wales recently dropped Microsoft Teams in favor of Zoom due to issues with Welsh language translation. (In April 2020, another Zoom competitor, Google Meet, published research on simultaneous translation, potentially laying the groundwork for live translated captions for audio or video.) Possible contenders for an interpreting Zapp include remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI) platform Interprefy, which the World Trade Organization has used regularly in conjunction with Zoom since the pandemic hit. Interprefy founder Kim Ludvigsen told Slator in a recent interview that they have been “delivering interpreting through Zoom for almost a year and, since Covid-19, the business has exploded.” Another contender, multilingual video conferencing system Kudo raised USD 6m in July 2020 — a sign of investors’ confidence in the platform’s staying power throughout the pandemic and beyond. Meanwhile, interpretation tech company Boostlingo launched its own Zoom integration in July 2020 Of course, there are numerous other potential candidates for the RSI Zapp and Zoom may surprise the market. According to a guide on Medium, the software development kit is not yet available, but interested developers should submit a request for more information.
在新冠疫情影响下的经济中,毋庸置疑,Zoom是为数不多的几个“赢家”之一,Zoom这款虚拟会议工具在新冠肺炎疫情期间为全球许多公司提供使用线上远程会议服务。现在,随着“Zapps”应用程序的闪亮登场,更多的商家可能会将Zoom作为自身成长的跳板。(Zapp是可以在Zoom的用户界面中直接使用的应用程序。) 在2020年10月15号的Zoomtopia演示中,Zoom将其应用程序市场定位描述为“为用最有价值的业务流程”提供捷径。 一些大牌公司,如Slack,Salesforce和Dropbox,已经与Zoom合作为Zapp应用程序提供服务。语音转文字巨头Rev公司将为改程序提供英文转录和字幕,外加超过15种语言的字幕。 正如一位推特(Twitter)用户所指出的那样,目前市场上仍有“许多领域尚待开发!”哪些公司将抢夺口译和自动翻译领域的市场还有待观察。而此时Zoom已经提供了一个实时口译功能,允许用户指定特定的会议参与者为口译员。 Zoom现有的语言服务已经足够好了,最近威尔士的波伊斯郡议会因为威尔士语翻译的问题而放弃了微软团队,转而使用Zoom。(2020年4月,Zoom的另一个竞争对手谷歌会议(Google Meet)发表了同声翻译的研究成果,这可能为音频或视频的实时翻译字幕奠定了基础。) 口译应用程序Zapp的潜在竞争者包括远程同声传译(RSI)平台Interprefy,自新冠肺炎疫情以来,世界贸易组织经常同时使用Zoom和该平台。Interprefy的创始人Kim Ludvigsen在最近的一次采访中告诉Slator,他们“已经通过Zoom提供口译服务快一年了,自新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,这项业务就呈爆发式增长。” Zapp的另一个竞争者是提供多语言视频会议系统的Kudo公司,该公司在2020年7月筹集了600万美元--这表明投资者对该平台在新冠肺炎疫情期间及以后的持久力充满信心。与此同时,口译技术公司Boostlingo在2020年7月推出了自己的Zoom集成。当然,远程同声传译 Zapp还有很多其他潜在的竞争产品,Zoom可能会让市场大吃一惊。 根据一个关于Medium的指南,软件开发工具包还没有提供,感兴趣的开发人员应该发出请求以获取更多信息。

