Introducing the Unbabel Portal: A New Way to Manage Customer Service Language Operations


2020-10-28 13:00 unbabel


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Famous adman David Ogilvy once said, “If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think.”  By the same token, when serving a customer, whether via email or chat or FAQ, speaking the customer’s language builds invaluable trust.  For this reason, serving a global market requires equipping customer service teams with multilingual capabilities. Unfortunately, as you probably know, that’s much easier said than done. Hiring for every necessary language is a moving target, given there are now more than 6,900 distinct languages, and demand can spike unpredictably.  That fundamental challenge—scaling multilingual support—is why we built Unbabel, the AI-powered machine translation solution for customer service.  Many of our customers take advantage of Unbabel’s integration with platforms like Zendesk, Salesforce, and Intercom. These integrations enable them to provide agents and customers with a seamless experience, even when a translation is required.  That seamless experience has always been our goal, and at the heart of everything we do over here at Unbabel. In that spirit, we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes building something new. Today’s the day we get to tell you about our brand-new Portal! Through the end of 2020, we’ll be rolling out the Unbabel Portal, a self-service interface on top of the Unbabel platform, that empowers teams to measure and maximize their translation capabilities. It’s all part of our vision to support the development of language operations in multilingual customer service.   Now that you know the “why,” let’s dive into how the Unbabel Portal works and what makes it cool.  From enabling multilingual customer service to empowering language operations In a nutshell, the Portal gives customer service teams an easy way to manage language operations and optimize customer experience over time. To be more specific, the Portal is an interface that enables users to view, configure, manage, and optimize translations for customer service.  Language operations is an emerging cross-disciplinary function that helps global businesses communicate with their customers and other stakeholders more effectively by scaling multilingual capabilities. Since its inception, Unbabel has provided global organizations a path to high-quality native-language support for customers around the world. The Portal now allows those organizations to have more control and visibility into their multilingual support operations.   Why does this matter? Well, improving a company’s language ops capabilities benefits both agents and customers. Existing Unbabel customers using the Portal have increased customer service agent productivity while reducing the notoriously high employee turnover in the field. For our customers, and their customer service agents, Unbabel is invisible—and that’s a good thing! And for their end customers, all they see is high-quality support in their native languages. The Unbabel Portal will give our customers a visual front-end to manage their language operations. But it’s more than that. The Portal is a full-service translation dashboard—offering unprecedented access to information that enables teams to configure, monitor, and optimize customer service operations. A new window into critical language operations data Data is a huge part of the Portal’s benefits. See, as much as we love words, numbers matter when it comes to optimizing CS operations. The introduction of Unbabel’s self-service Portal provides teams with access to language-related customer service metrics. This data allows them to fully realize the value of multilingual customer service. The Portal offers an always-on view into your company’s “Language Brain,” which includes real-time visualization of usage data by language and digital channel. Currently, organizations can use Unbabel to service customers in various hard-to-hire and expensive languages (as well as the more common ones). Being able to visualize this data by country, service line, channel, and more provides valuable insights that can empower leaders to make decisions. Unbabel’s customers will also be able to use the Portal to filter and find the data that matters to them, exactly when they need it.  Additionally, through the Portal, we’re bringing Unbabel users more visibility into the impact that translations have on the customer experience. High-quality multilingual support results in boosted KPIs, from customer satisfaction scores (CSAT) to first response times (FRT) and beyond. Understanding how native-quality translations at scale impact these key metrics will help CS leaders measure ROI and make more strategic decisions.  Wondering what’s in the Portal? Unbabel customers can access real-time data, including: With Unbabel’s Portal, customer service leaders gain full visibility into their multilingual operations, allowing them to monitor usage and quality autonomously. They will also be able to customize Unbabel to add new content types, languages, or integrations. Unleashing the magic of the Unbabel Portal Unbabel has the power to flip a language barrier into a business advantage. Our translation layer frees up agents’ time to focus on improving the KPIs that matter most to the bottom line. That’s always been true, but now the Portal makes it possible to immediately visualize the impact that multilingual customer service has on an organization and its end customers. The proof is in the pudding, as they say. We believe language operations teams will grow in prevalence as more business leaders begin to recognize the ROI of frictionless multilingual support. The Portal offers a clear window into the value of fostering a language operations function. Ultimately, the Unbabel Portal serves our goal – to help customer service teams do what they do best, better.  We can’t wait to see the new doors the Unbabel Portal will open for your organization.
著名广告人大卫·奥格威曾言:“若你想让人们做事或购买,我觉得你应该用他们的语言,采用他们的日常用语和思维方式。” 同理,无论是以电子邮件,聊天还是常见问题解答的形式,用客户的母语与其沟通便会建立无上信任。 为此,要服务全球市场,客户服务团就应掌握多种语言。不幸的是,如你所知这知易行难。鉴于现有超过6900种不同的语言,而且需求激增不可预测,因而招聘所需全部语言人才的目标是在不断变化的。 这个根本性的挑战正是我们构建Unbabel的原因,即扩展更多语言。Unbabel是一个面向客户服务的人工智能机器翻译解决方案。 我们许多客户都受益于Unbabel与Zendesk,Salesforce和Intercom等平台的整合。这些整合给代理商和客户提供了流畅的体验感,即使在需要翻译时也是如此。 提供流畅的体验感一直是我们的目标,也是我们在Unbabel所做一切的核心。本着这种精神,我们一直在幕后努力建设新的东西。今天我们将向您介绍我们全新门户! 到2020年底,我们将推出Unbabel Portal,这是Unbabel平台上的一个自助服务界面,它使团队能够衡量并最大限度地提高他们的翻译水平。在多语种客户服务中支持发展语言是我们的全部愿景。 既然你知道了“原因”,让我们深入研究一下Unbabel门户是如何工作的,以及它何以如此完美。 从支持多语言客户服务到授权语言操作 简言之,门户为客户服务团队提供了一种轻松的方式来管理语言操作,并随着时间的推移优化客户体验。具体而言,门户是一个界面,它使用户能够查看,配置,管理和优化翻译。 语言操作是一个新兴的跨学科功能,通过扩展多语言能力,帮助全球企业与客户和其他利益相关者进行更有效地沟通。 自成立以来,Unbabel为全球组织机构提供了一种途径,由此世界各地客户均可享受高质量母语服务。该门户允许这些机构在其多语言支助业务种有更多自主权和透明度。 这为何重要?提高一个公司的语言操作能力可使代理商和客户皆受益。使用该门户的现有Unbabel客户提高了客户服务代理量,同时减少了领域内臭名昭著的大规模员工流动。对我们的客户和他们的客户服务代理来说,Unbabel是隐形的,而这是一件好事!而对于他们最终的客户来说,客户所看到的只是以母语提供的高质量服务。 Unbabel门户将为客户提供一个可视化的前端来管理语言操作。但远不止如此。门户如一个可全面服务的翻译仪表板,它能提供前所未有的信息访问,使团队能够配置,监视和优化客户服务操作。 关键语言操作数据的新窗口 数据是门户优势的重要一环。就像我们喜欢文字一样,涉及到优化CS操作时,数字也很重要。 引入Unbabel自助服务门户为各团队提供了一种方法,由此获取与语言有关的客户服务标准。数据让他们充分认识到多语言客户服务的价值。 该门户在贵公司“语言中枢”里安插了可持续使用的视图,该视图可实时监测由语言和数字频道所产生的数据。目前,各组织可以用Unbabel服务客户,而用语则是那些翻译人才难以雇佣且雇佣价格昂贵的语言(也有比较常见的语言)。能够按地区,引入线,渠道将这些数据可视化并持有宝贵的洞察力,如此可以领导者便可从优决策。Unbabel的客户可在需求之时使用该门户来过滤和查找重要数据。 此外,通过该门户,我们将使Unbabel用户更多地了解翻译对客户体验的影响。从客户满意度(CSAT)到首次响应时间(FRT)等得出,高质量的多语言支持可提高关键绩效指标。大规模的本地翻译质量是如何影响这些关键指标的,了解这个问题将有助于CS领导者衡量投资回报率并做出更多的战略决策。 想知道门户里有什么吗?Unbabel客户可以访问实时数据,包括: 通过Unbabel的门户,客户服务负责人能够充分了解他们的多语言业务,可以自主地监控使用情况和质量。他们还可以自定义Unbabel以添加新的内容类型,语言或整合。 释放Unbabel门户的魔力 Unbabel有能力将语言障碍转化为商业优势。我们的转换层减少了代理时间因而能够集中精力提高关键绩效指标(KPI),KPI对底线来说至关重要。这一直是正确的,但是现在门户可使之立刻看到多语言客户服务对组织及其最终客户的影响。正如人们所说,实践出真知 我们相信,随着更多的商业领袖开始认识到流畅的多语言支持会增加投资回报率,语言运营团队将会逐渐普遍。该门户提供了一个明确的窗口,即培养语言业务功能价值。 最终,Unbabel门户将为我们的目标服务--帮助客户服务团队把他们能做好的事,做到更好。 我们迫不及待地看到Unbabel门户将为您的组织打开的新大门。

