Ready for Digital Transformation? Only If Your Corporate Culture Is!


2020-10-15 04:40 RWS Moravia Insights


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The online economy has made it more important than ever for organizations to leverage digital technologies to meet rapidly evolving needs and challenges. Yet the process of digital transformation is complex, and successful implementation requires an organization-wide commitment to change. There is perhaps no one that knows this better than Jim DuBois, the former CIO of Microsoft, a published author and an advisor to various Fortune 500 companies and startups. Jim played an integral role in the digital transformation of Microsoft. We caught up with Jim in the latest episode of Globally Speaking Radio in which he shared with us his thoughts on digital transformation and corporate culture. What is digital transformation? Digital transformation is the process of integrating digital technologies into all aspects of an organization. By leveraging digital solutions, an organization improves the efficiency of its processes, reduces operating costs and provides superior customer experiences. Moreover, a business can better adapt to uncertainties like changing consumer needs and supply chain disruptions. Yet as Jim points out, “There’s tons of different definitions for digital transformation because everybody’s doing a digital transformation. But if you ask them what is the digital transformation at your company, you get a couple of different flavours of answers.” In other words, the process of digital transformation is largely subjective and dependent on the problems that an organization is trying to solve and their unique business needs. A confluence of factors like innovative new technologies and the fear of disruption by tech-enabled competitors drives the global digital transformation revolution. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), organizations will spend a combined total of nearly USD $2 trillion on digital transformation in 2022. And research suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has done little to slow the pace. An IDC report published in May of 2020 found that global spending on digital transformation technologies will grow at a rate of 10.4% in 2020 to USD $1.3 trillion. A working plan for digital transformation One of the biggest mistakes that organizations make in their approach to digital transformation is developing and sticking to a rigid plan. This is a point that Jim makes in both our discussion with him and his book, Six-Word Lessons to Think Like a Modern-Day CIO. He says, “it’s about the vision that you have for what you’re going to transform…but also the ability to recognize that you can’t get it all figured out at first, that you’re going to learn along the way, and that you can have a vision. That’s a living vision that [gives] clarity to the whole company, but recognize you’re going to learn things.” So, a successful digital transformation starts with identifying a problem that needs to be solved. This is the “why” of an organization’s digital transformation. The goal could be improving customer service, boosting productivity or workforce enablement. From there, it is a matter of selecting a digital transformation framework. Two examples of popular frameworks are the MIT Sloan and Cognizant models. The key is then to put the plan in motion and, as Jim points out, prioritize “the things that are going to get us along the path faster.” This will allow you to build some momentum and gain an early ROI. Realize, however, that you will face some challenges along the way. Be prepared to re-evaluate your plan and implement what you learn. The role of corporate culture in digital transformation Corporate culture plays a critical role in digital transformation. In fact, Jim describes corporate culture as the “most important thing to get right,” and that organizations must get “everything aligned and a culture in the company that’s going to embrace what you’re trying to do and support moving forward, as opposed to fighting the progress and holding it back.” This commitment to change starts at the top of the organization and trickles down through the ranks. During his tenure as the CIO of Microsoft, Jim observed the integral role that the new CEO, Satya Nadella, played in changing the company culture when he took over in 2014. As Jim tells the story, when Satya was among a handful of finalists for the position, they were tasked with writing a paper on what they would do when they took over as CEO. Satya’s paper focused on his desire to transform the culture to facilitate “the acceleration of progress,” and it helped him land the job. Once he was hired, Satya employed a pragmatic approach to bring about change. He started by clearly defining the culture. Microsoft became a learning environment. Teams employed a scientific approach that was conducive to digital transformation. Employees were taught to define hypotheses, experiment and learn from their results. Satya emphasized the importance of leaders modelling the new culture and holding others accountable. One example of Satya’s leadership approach that Jim mentioned was the well-known incident involving the artificial intelligence (AI) bot Tay, released by Microsoft in 2016. Tay caused a good deal of controversy when it began to post inflammatory and offensive tweets on its Twitter account. This was due to a bunch of internet trolls hijacking the bot by feeding and teaching it inappropriate content. As Jim describes it, the media came down hard on Microsoft for not having better controls in place. But instead of admonishing the team lead on the project, Satya asked what she learned from the experience and how they could improve the next time. Satya also “had her go speak to a bunch of teams around the company to explain what she learned to share that learning. And it turned out that it wasn’t as much about sharing the learning, it was about her talking to everybody about how Satya responded to her.” This leadership style not only fosters learning, it facilitates trust throughout the organization. As a result of Satya’s transformative changes to Microsoft’s company culture, they converted from a long-term waterfall project methodology for their software releases to an agile software development model to speed up releases and improve customer satisfaction. None of this would have been possible without both leadership and their employees changing their ways to adapt to this new digital way of releasing content and doing business. Tune in to Globally Speaking’s 105th episode to hear the entire discussion with Jim DuBois and sign up to be notified about future episodes.
对于机构组织来说,在网络经济下,利用数字技术来满足快速发展的需求和挑战变得比以往任何时候都变得更为重要。但是,数字化转型的过程是复杂的,成功与否需要整个组织对改变做出承诺。或许没有人比吉姆•杜布瓦更了解这一点了,他是微软的前首席信息官,一位出版过作品的作家,也是多家《财富》500强企业以及初创企业的顾问。 吉姆在微软的数字化转型中扮演了不可或缺的角色。在最新一期的环球广播节目中,我们有幸采访到了吉姆,邀请他与我们分享了他对于数字化转型和企业文化的看法。 那什么是数字化转型呢? 数字化转型是一个将数字化技术整合到组织的各个方面的过程。通过利用数字化的解决方案,一个组织可以提高其各个运转流程的效率,以降低运营成本,并提供卓越的客户体验。此外,企业可以更好地应对各种不确定性,诸如消费者需求变化、供应链中断等。 然而,正如Jim所指出的,“数字化转型有很多不同的定义,因为每个人都在进行数字化转型。但如果问他们他们公司的数字化转型是什么,你会得到几种不同的答案。”换句话说,数字化转型的过程很大程度上是主观的,取决于一个组织正在试图解决的问题和他们独特的业务需求。 富有创意的新技术,以及对于有技术支持的竞争对手进行攻击的恐惧,这些因素共同推动了全球数字化转型变革。根据国际数据公司(IDC)的数据显示,到2022年,各组织在数字化转型方面的总花费将达到近2万亿美元。研究表明,新型冠状病毒大流行对减缓这一趋势没有起到什么作用。国际数据公司2020年5月发布的一份报告显示,2020年全球数字转型技术支出将以10.4%的速度增长至1.3万亿美元。 对于数字化转型的工作方案 组织在数字化转型的方法中犯的最大错误之一就是制定并坚持一个固化僵硬的计划。这是吉姆在我们的讨论中以及他的书《6字箴言:像现代CIO一样思考》中提出的一个观点。他说,“这是关于你对将要改变的事物的愿景……但也是认识到你不可能在一开始就把它全部弄清楚的能力,你会在这条路上学习,并且你可以有一个大致的方向和轮廓。”这是一个十分生动的目标,可以让整个公司变得清晰明了,但要你要意识到你得学习很多东西才行。” 因此,一个成功的数字化转型始于确定一个需要解决的问题。这就是一个组织数字化转型的“为什么”。其目标可以是改善客户服务,提高生产力或增强劳动力。从那开始,就是选择数字化转型框架的问题。比较流行的框架有两个案例,分别是MIT Sloan和Cognizant模型。 然后,关键就是把计划付诸行动,正如吉姆所指出的那样,把“那些能让我们更快走上正轨的事情”优先化,这会让你建立信心获取动力,并尽早获得投资回报率。然而,你要意识到,在前进的道路上,将会面临一些挑战。需要准备好复盘评估你的计划,并将你所学的知识付诸实践。 企业文化在数字化转型中的角色 企业文化在数字化转型中起着至关重要的作用。事实上,吉姆将企业文化描述为“获得权利的最重要的事情”,组织必须“使所有事情都保持一致,并在公司中形成一种文化,这种文化将接纳你正在努力做的事情,并支持向前发展,而不是与进步抗争并阻碍它。”这种变革的承诺从组织的最高层开始,渗透到各个阶层。 在担任微软首席信息官期间,吉姆注意到新任首席执行官萨蒂亚•纳德拉于2014年接任时,在改变公司文化方面发挥了不可或缺的作用。正如吉姆所讲述的那样,当萨蒂亚跻身为数不多的几位最终入围者时,他们的任务是写一篇论文,讨论他们接任首席执行官后将做些什么。萨蒂亚的论文集中阐述了他想要改变企业文化以促进“加速进步”的愿景,这篇论文帮助他获得了这份工作。 当萨蒂亚一被录用,他就采取了一种务实的方法来促成变革。他从明确企业文化的定义开始入手。微软成为了一个有学习氛围的环境。团队采用了有利于数字化转型的科学方法。员工被教导如何定义假设、进行实验并从结果中学习。萨蒂亚强调,领导者必须树立新文化的榜样,并让其他人也一起承担责任。 吉姆提到了萨蒂亚的一个领导方式案例,是微软2016年著名的发布人工智能(AI)机器人Tay事件。当Tay开始在其推特账户上发布煽动性和攻击性的推文时,它引起了很大的争议。这是由于一群网络黑客劫持了机器人,给它灌输了不恰当的内容。 正如吉姆所描述的,媒体严厉批评微软没有很好地管控机器人涉及到的领域。但萨蒂亚并没有在这个项目上批评训诫团队领导,而是询问她从这次经历中学到了什么,以及他们下一次如何改进。萨蒂亚还“让她去公司周围的一群团队中演讲,解释她学到了什么,并分享这些知识。事实证明,这并不是分享学习成果,而是她和每个人谈论萨蒂亚对她的反应。”这种领导风格不仅能促进学习,还能促进整个组织之间的信任关系。 萨蒂亚对微软企业文化进行的变革的结果是,他们从软件发布的长期瀑布式项目方法转换为敏捷式软件开发模型,以加快发布速度并提高客户满意度。如果领导层和他们的员工都不改变他们的工作方式来适应这种新的发布内容和做生意的数字化方式,这一切都不可能实现。 请收看《环球播报》第105集,收听我们与吉姆·杜布瓦的整个讨论,并订阅接收有关未来节目的通知。

