3 Free Tools for Making Network Diagrams


2020-09-22 07:40 project manager


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What project management is good at is making the complex simple, or at least manageable. There are, of course, lots of different ways to achieve that goal, many of which are employed during the life cycle of a project. A project network diagram is one such tool that helps simplify a complex project plan, enabling a project manager to see the big picture of the project. It’s important to have an overview of any project, see when it starts and finishes, and quickly note all the points in-between that intersect and how they work together. But some might avoid network diagrams, thinking of them as those dense schematics that depict the nodes and connections in a computer network. That would be a mistake. Project managers need tools, and the project network diagram is a great one. What Are Project Network Diagrams? A project network diagram is a visual representation of the workflow of a project. A network diagram is a chart that is populated with boxes noting tasks and responsibilities, and then arrows that map the schedule and the sequence that the work must be completed. Therefore, the network diagram is a way to visually follow the progress of each phase of the project to its completion. Project managers use a network diagram to track the project, allowing them to see the progress of each element. Then they can share the status with the rest of the project group. This is especially helpful for those who better understand information that is delivered visually. For those team members, network diagrams will help with the performance of their tasks and increase the project’s productivity. Another aspect of the network diagram is that it literally illustrates the project’s scope. That’s because the network diagram collects all the actions and outcomes of the project. Types of Network Diagrams: ADM & PDM Network diagrams can be divided into two types, the arrow diagram method (ADM) and the precedence diagram method (PDM). As expected, the arrow diagram method uses arrows to represent the project activities, with the tail of the arrow being its start and the point the finish. The length of the arrow is the duration of the activity. The arrows connect nodes or boxes that are symbols of the start and finish of the activity in sequence. In the precedence diagram method, each node or box is an activity. There are arrows, but in this case, they represent the relationship between the activities. That relationship can be one of the following: Finish to start: This means an activity cannot start before another activity is finished. Start to start: Use this when two activities can begin simultaneously. Finish to finish: Use this when activities must finish together. Start to finish: Use this when one activity cannot finish until another one starts. Advantages and Limitations of Network Diagrams Now that you know what a network diagram is, let’s take a more critical look at the pros and cons. Pros of Project Network Diagrams Starting with the pros, network diagrams are a boon to project planning. The technique collects all the necessary tasks that are needed to complete the project successfully. This attention to detail before starting a project will help identify the critical activities and where float, or the time a task can be delayed, might exist. Having made a network diagram is also a great way to set deadlines and, having all the tasks laid out on one chart, it makes it easier to order the material resources and equipment needed to accomplish them. This description of resources will help with cashflow and assembling the right team. Additionally, having the tasks on a network diagram, and being able to see where they’re dependent on other tasks, can help resolve issues as they arise during the project. Cons of Project Network Diagrams There are also limitations. Making a project network diagram takes time and costs money to produce. Also, the network diagram, depending on the project, can be overly complex and difficult to discern visually. That defeats one of its main purposes. Of course, there can be errors when making it or other unknown factors that can influence it outside of the data collected; all of this can make the network diagram misleading and potentially damaging to your project. Some don’t believe in the necessity of a network diagram, that there are other tools that cover the same ground. For example, there is the Gantt chart, which is also a graphic representation of the project timeline with tasks, duration and dependencies. But a Gantt chart can also allocate resources, update project status and track tasks and time. Best Practices for Project Network Diagrams To take advantage of the positives and avoid the negatives of network diagrams, it helps to know what works. For example, a network diagram is a visual language, and like any communicative method, it requires using symbols that are shared and universally understood. Make Your Diagram Clear and Organized Beyond standardization, you’ll also want to make the diagram as clear and easy to discern as possible. That means don’t clutter the page with arrows that cross one another. In fact, any arrows that you use for directional purposes should be straight. But the length of time that an arrow represents shouldn’t be determined by its length. When you’re plotting your diagram, use arrows that go from left to right. That’s how people read in the West, and the diagram should intuitively follow that pattern. To further keep things clear, the diagram must have one entry point and one end point. Make a Rough Draft of Your Diagram On a more basic level, start your diagram by penciling it out first. You can then erase and move items around until you’ve designed the most effective network diagram. Once you’ve made the final design, think about type. Different fonts can emphasize parts of the diagram and make it easier to read. A legend or key in the corner will also help the reader understand. Identify the Tasks for Your Project Network Diagram Another tip, before you even put pencil to paper, is to organize your tasks. You don’t want to start your diagram and realize that you’ve left out some important activities. There’s also dependencies, where tasks can’t start or end until another starts or ends. Identify for these, too, and break the project into its phases. Then you’re ready to start designing your project network diagram. Free Tools for Making Network Diagrams There’s only one way to know if a network diagram is for you or not: try it. Lucky for you there are a lot of free online choices. We picked three of our favorites for you to kick the tires and take out for a ride. Google Draw Google has a tool for everything you do, so it almost goes without saying that they have one for network diagrams. Google Draw is completely free (you don’t even have to put in your credit card). It can help you make flowcharts, UML diagrams, entity relations, mockups and, of course, network diagrams. Data is stored on Google Drive, but it can also store data on Dropbox and OneDrive. Google draw can import from a variety of different file formats, and it has 27 languages and is easy to share. It’s fast and has real-time collaborative support when connected to a Google account. On the downside, there aren’t a lot of templates and shapes to choose from. It can be a bit of an uphill battle to learn if you don’t have a design background. This platform is best if you want to collaborate with other Google features and only make network diagrams occasionally. Dia Dia is an open-source tool that can be used to make network diagrams. It’s fairly easy to learn and can make basic network diagrams. Dia saves XML formatted documents, which are reduced automatically to save space. It’s available for Linux, Mac and Windows. Dia is free and makes a good entry-level option for people looking to get familiar with making network diagrams, as well as UML diagrams and flow charts. The software has a good user interface, which helps users, and is also easy and fast to install because of its small file size. However, the software doesn’t have visual appeal. It’s a bit too simple, and some have criticized it as ugly because of its black and white design, which could be improved with color. Gliffy While Gliffy is free, the free version is very limited. If you like it, you’ll probably want to pony up for the full version, with a subscription cost. The cost is tiered, $14.85 every three months for a single user, which can make 200 diagrams, but none of which integrate with Google Drive. A single user business account is $29.85 for three months, which includes unlimited diagrams, but it still won’t integrate with Google Drive. For that you’ll need the business team package, which costs $59.88 a year. The fact that the diagrams are easy to make and collaborate with will probably help with the transition from free to paid. Gliffy is a web-based app and not suited if you’re looking to make more technical diagrams. However, for a project management network diagram, this is a good first step into network diagramming. Diagrams Come to Life with ProjectManager.com A network diagram is a good start, but you’ll need more than a diagram to control the execution phase. Better to execute your project with a tool that offers full service. ProjectManager.com is a cloud-based project management software that takes workflow to the next level. ProjectManager.com gives you the tools to turn your network diagram into a full-fledged project with Gantt charts that can assign tasks and add durations, so they now have start and end dates. You can avoid bottlenecks in your workflow by linking tasks that are dependent on one another. Break projects into milestones to further make large phases of the project more digestible. There’s even a resource tool that shows which team members are under- or overallocated to keep the workload balanced. This keeps work flowing and prevents costly overallocation of resources or missed deadlines. Visualize Workflows with Dynamic Boards Workflow is further managed with the kanban project view. Just switch to the board view and everything on your Gantt is now reflected in a kanban board. The workflow is represented by customizable columns, which indicate where each task is in the project. Each task is a card that can be dragged and dropped from column to column, which provides transparency into the process and keeps teams focused on just the tasks that they have the capacity to complete. When team members update their status, that data is instantly reflected across the entire software. Automated email notifications keep teams alert when changes are made or deadlines are approaching. ProjectManager.com gives project managers and teams the tools they need to manage their workflow, know their responsibilities and stay on schedule. (This post was updated September 2020) After you’ve given the free network diagramming apps a spin and get a feel for how they handle, take a look at ProjectManager.com, a cloud-based project management software. Our online Gantt chart does much of what a network diagram can do, but also always for real-time collaboration, status reporting and it’s easy to change as the project changes. Try it free for 30-days with this trial. How Data Visualization Tools Can Improve Your Project Management Project Management Methodologies – An Overview Top 3 Project Management Tools for Teams
项目管理擅长于把复杂的项目变得简单,或者至少是易于管理的。当然,有许多不同的方法来实现这个目标,其中许多方法使用于项目的生命周期中。 项目网络图就是这样一种工具,可帮助简化复杂的项目计划,使项目经理可以查看项目的概况。概述任何项目十分重要,查看项目的开始和完成时间,并迅速记录相交之间的所有要点以及项目之间如何协同工作。 但有些人可能会避免使用网络图,认为网络图是描述计算机网络中节点和连接的密集示意图。那就大错特错了。项目经理需要工具,项目网络图就是很好的工具。 什么是项目网络图? 项目网络图是项目工作流程的直观表示。网络图是一个图表,其中填充了标注任务和职责的框,然后是映射时间表和必须完成的工作顺序的箭头。因此,网络图是一种可视化地跟踪项目每个阶段的进度直至完成的方法。 项目经理使用网络图来跟踪项目,这样他们就能查看每个元素的进度。然后就可以与项目组的其他成员共享状态。这对于那些更好地理解以视觉方式传递的信息的人特别有帮助。对于这些团队成员而言,网络图将帮助他们完成任务并提高项目的生产率。 网络图的另一方面是从字面上说明了项目的范围。 这是因为网络图会收集项目的所有操作和结果。 网络图的类型:ADM和PDM 网络图可以分为两种类型,箭头图法(ADM)和优先图法(PDM)。 正如预期的那样,箭头图法使用箭头来表示项目活动,箭头的尾部是项目活动的起点,箭头的点是项目活动的终点。箭头的长度是活动的持续时间。箭头连接节点或方框,这些节点或方框代表活动开始和结束的顺序。 在优先图法中,每个节点或框都是一个活动。这里有箭头,但在本例中,它们表示活动之间的关系。该关系可以是以下之一: 完成到开始:这意味着一个活动无法在另一个活动完成之前开始。 开始以开始:两个活动可以同时开始时使用此选项。 完成以完成:活动必须一起完成时使用此选项。 开始到完成:一个活动要等到另一个活动开始后才能完成时,使用此选项。 网络图的优点和局限性 现在您已经了解什么是网络图,让我们来更深入地了解一下其优缺点。 项目网络图的优点 从优点开始,网络图对于项目规划来说简直是福音。该技术收集成功完成项目所需的所有必要任务。在开始一个项目之前对细节的关注将有助于确定关键的活动以及浮动的位置,或者任务可能存在的延迟时间。 制作网络图也是设定截止日期的好方法,将所有任务都列在一张图表上,这样就更容易安排完成这任务所需的物质资源和设备。资源描述有助于现金流和组建合适的团队。 此外,将任务放在网络图上并能够查看它们在哪里依赖于其他任务,可以帮助解决项目中出现的问题。 项目网络图的缺点 网络图也有局限性。制作项目网络图需要时间和金钱。此外,根据项目的不同,网络图可能过于复杂,难以直观地识别。 这违背了其主要目的之一。 当然,制作时可能会出错,或或者其他未知因素可能会影响所收集数据之外的内容;所有这些都可能使网络图具有误导性,并可能损坏您的项目。 有些人不认同网络图的必要性,认为还有其他工具可以涵盖相同的领域。例如,甘特图也是带有任务、持续时间和依赖关系的项目时间线的图形表示。但是甘特图还可以分配资源、更新项目状态以及跟踪任务和时间。 项目网络图的最佳做法 为了充分利用网络图的优点而避免其缺点,了解什么是有效并有所帮助的方法。例如,网络图是一种视觉语言,像任何交流方法一样,网络图需要使用共享、普遍理解的符号。 绘制清晰有序的图表 除了标准化之外,还需要使图表尽可能清晰明了并易于辨认。这意味着不要在页面上填满相互交叉的箭头。事实上,用于定向的任何箭头都应该是直的。但是箭头所代表的时间长度不应该由其长度来决定。 绘制图表请使用从左到右的箭头。这就是西方人的阅读方式,图表应直观地遵循该模式。为了进一步保持清晰,图必须有一个入口点和一个端点。 绘制示意图 在更为基础的层次上,首先用铅笔绘制图表。可以删除和移动项目,直到您设计出最满意的网络图。 完成最终设计后,请考虑类型。不同的字体可以强调图表的某些部分,并使其更易于阅读。 角上的图例或键也将帮助读者理解整个图表。 确定项目网络图的任务 在付诸实践之前,另一个技巧是组织任务。您不希望在开始绘制图表时才意识到遗漏了一些重要的活动。还有一种依赖性,任务要等到另一个任务开始或结束才能开始或结束。确定这些问题,并将项目分为几个阶段。然后就可以开始设计项目网络图了。 制作网络图的免费工具 只有一种方法可以确定网络图是否适合您:试一试。幸运的是,网上有很多免费的选择。我们选择三个最喜欢的为您做仔细检查和带出去试验。 谷歌驱动器 谷歌为您所做的一切都提供了一种工具,因此几乎不用说他们拥有制作网络图的工具。谷歌驱动器是完全免费的(甚至不需要放入信用卡)。谷歌驱动器可以帮助您制作流程图、UML图、实体关系、实体模型,当然还有网络图。 数据存储在谷歌驱动器中,但也可以存储在Dropbox和OneDrive上。谷歌驱动器可以从多种不同的文件格式导入,并且具有27种语言和易于共享。连接到谷歌帐户后,谷歌驱动器很快运行并且提供实时协作支持。 缺点是没有太多的模板和形状可供选择。如果没有设计背景的话,学习起来可能会有点困难。如果您想与谷歌的其他功能协作并且仅偶尔制作网络图,则此平台是最佳选择。 Dia Dia是一个可以用于制作网络图的开源工具。不仅易学还可以制作基本的网络图。Dia保存XML格式的文档,该文档会自动缩小以节省空间。 适用于Linux,Mac和Windows。 Dia免费使用,对于希望熟悉制作网络图以及UML图和流程图的人们来说,Dia是一个不错的入门级选择。 该软件具有良好的用户界面,可以为用户提供帮助,并且由于文件较小,安装起来也简单快捷。 然而,该软件没有视觉吸引力。过于简单,并且由于其黑白设计(可能会通过颜色进行改进)而被批评为丑陋的设计。 Gliffy 虽然Gliffy是免费的,但免费版本非常有限。如果您喜欢用Gliffy,可能会想出钱购买完整版,外加订阅费用。成本是分级的,单个用户每三个月14.85美元,可以制作200张图,但没有一张与谷歌驱动器集成。三个月的单用户业务帐户是29.85美元,其中包括无限量图表,但它仍然不会与谷歌驱动器集成。为此,您需要业务团队套餐,每年费用为59.88美元。图表易于制作和协作,这一事实可能有助于从免费到付费的过度。 Gliffy是一个基于网络的应用程序,如果您想制作更多的技术图表,Gliffy并不适合。然而,对于项目管理网络图来说,这是进入网络图绘制良好的第一步。 ProjectManager.com使图表变得栩栩如生 网络图是一个很好的开始,但是您需要的不仅仅是一个图来控制执行阶段。最好使用提供全面服务的工具来执行项目。ProjectManager.com是一个基于云的项目管理软件,可将工作流程提升到一个新水平。 ProjectManager.com提供了一种工具,可以将网络图转换为具有甘特图的完整项目,甘特图可以分配任务和添加工期,因此它们现在具有开始和结束日期。通过链接相互依赖的任务,可以避免工作流中的瓶颈。将项目分解为里程碑,以进一步使项目的大阶段更易于理解。 甚至还有一个资源工具可以显示哪些团队成员分配不足或过多,以保持工作负载的平衡。这样可以保持工作顺畅,并防止高昂的资源过度分配或错过最后期限。 使用动态板可视化工作流 使用看板项目视图进一步管理工作流。只需切换到板视图,甘特图上的所有内容现在都反映在看板中。工作流由可自定义的列表示,这些列指示每个任务在项目中的位置。 每个任务都是一张卡,可以在各列之间拖放,这可以使流程透明化,并使团队专注于他们有能力完成的任务。当团队成员更新状态时,这些数据立即反映在整个软件中。当做出更改或截止日期临近时,自动电子邮件通知让团队保持警觉。 ProjectManager.com为项目经理和团队提供了所需工具,用以管理工作流程、了解职责并保持按期执行。 (此推文于2020年9月更新) 在免费试用了免费的网络图表应用程序并了解了它们的处理方式后,请查看基于云的项目管理软件ProjectManager.com。们的在线甘特图不仅可以完成网络图的工作,而且还可以始终进行实时协作、状态报告,随着项目的变化而改变。 此试用版免费试用30天。 数据可视化工具如何改进项目管理 项目管理方法综述 团队的三大项目管理工具

