IATE Term of the Week: European Climate Law


2020-08-28 18:00 terminology Coordination


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On 4 March 2020, the European Commission presented the European Climate Law. As one of the measures taken as part of the European Green Deal, the European Climate Law is a legislative proposal that sets the target of the European Union becoming climate neutral by 2050. ‘Climate neutrality’, often used interchangeably with the term ‘carbon neutrality’, refers to balancing out greenhouse gas emissions with actions that remove these emissions. In particular, the European Climate Law establishes the legislative pathway necessary for achieving this target. This pathway consists of procedures “to keep track of progress and adjust [] actions accordingly.” It includes the following measures: by 2021, the European Commission aims to review, and revise where adequate, the existing 2030 target for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; by 2023, the Commission will carry out assessments every five years of the progress Member States have made towards achieving the climate objective, and make necessary recommendations which Member States are obliged to take into account; EU institutions and Members States are required to expand their existing climate change measures, to further strengthen measures protecting against the adverse effects of climate change. The Climate Law therefore legally enshrines the responsibility to take climate action in the face of climate change and its consequences. It inscribes itself in the EU’s aim to become the first climate neutral bloc in the world by the middle of the century. This law has been a long-awaited action related to what can be performed collectively in the name of saving the planet and dealing with the effects of climate change. The example set by the EU can be a potential example for other regions all over the world. Speaking on the European Climate Law, Baran Bozoglu, head of the Ankara-based Climate Change Policy and Research Association, has said that the European Climate Law is an important example for other continents. “The EU is defined as the third region with the highest greenhouse gas emissions globally after China and the U.S. Therefore, the steps to be taken would be an important development for reducing greenhouse gas emissions around the world.”   References European Climate Law, European Parliament, Think Tank, [ONLINE], Available at https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=EPRS_BRI(2020)649385 Accessed 26 August 2020 European Climate Law: Europe’s first legally binding proposal, [ONLINE], Available at https://www.aa.com.tr/en/environment/eu-climate-law-europes-first-legally-binding-proposal/1760347 Accessed 26 August 2020 Committing to climate-neutrality by 2050: Commission proposes European Climate Law and consults on the European Climate Pact, [ONLINE], Available at https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_335 Accessed 26 August 2020 EU climate action and the European Green Deal, [ONLINE], Available at https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/eu-climate-action_en Accessed 26 August 2020 Written by Maria Papamargariti, Greek and English Philologist, writer in the field of children’s literature.
2020年3月4日,欧盟委员会提交了《欧洲气候法》。作为欧洲绿色交易的一部分,《欧洲气候法》是一项立法提案,法案确定了欧洲联盟到2050年成为气候中立的目标。“气候中和”通常与“碳中和”一词互换使用,指通过消除这些排放的行动来平衡温室气体含量。特别是,《欧洲气候法》为实现这一目标确立了必要的立法途径。这一途径由“跟踪进展情况并相应调整[]行动”的程序组成。它包括以下措施: 到2021年,欧盟委员会的目标是审查并适当地修订现有的2030年温室气体减排目标; 到2023年,委员会将每五年对会员国在实现气候目标方面取得的进展进行评估,并对其提出必要建议; 要求欧盟机构和成员国扩大其现有的应对气候变化措施,以进一步加强防范气候变化造成的不利影响。 因此,《气候法》在法律上明确规定了应对气候变化及其后果采取气候行动的责任。 它标志着欧盟到本世纪中叶成为世界上第一个气候中和集团的目标。 这项法律是人们期待已久的行动,它涉及以拯救地球和应对气候变化的影响为名的集体行动。 欧盟树立的榜样可能是世界其他地区的潜在榜样。 总部设在安卡拉的气候变化政策和研究协会的负责人巴兰·博佐格鲁(Baran Bozoglu)在谈到欧洲气候法时曾表示,欧洲气候法是其他大洲的典范。 “欧盟被定义为仅次于中国和美国的全球第三大温室气体排放区域。因此,进一步减少全球温室气体排放迫在眉睫。” 参考文献 欧洲气候法,欧洲议会,智囊团,[在线咨询],网址https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=eprs_bri(2020)649385,2020年8月26日 欧洲气候法:欧洲第一个具有法律约束力的提案,[在线咨询],网址https://www.aa.com.tr/en/environment/eu-climate-law-europes-first-legally-binding-proposal/1760347,2020年8月26日 承诺到2050年实现气候中立:委员会提议欧洲气候法并就欧洲气候公约进行咨询,[在线咨询],网址 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_335 欧盟气候行动与欧洲绿色行动,[在线咨询],网址 https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/eu-climate-action_en 作者玛丽亚·帕帕马尔加里蒂(Maria Papamargariti,),希腊和英国语言学家,儿童文学领域的作家。

