Future Tense: Thriving Amid the Growing Tension between Language Professionals and Intelligent Systems


2020-08-15 23:10 Lingua Greca


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With accelerating technical changes in the industry, the best way forward is not to fear neural machine translation and artificial intelligence but to use a disciplined approach to reinvent yourself. The translation and interpreting professions are thousands of years old. Throughout the ages, every major technological advance having to do with the rendering, storing, or processing of language has required a rethinking of the way language professionals conduct their work. These days, the talk is all about neural machine translation (NMT) and artificial intelligence (AI) and whether they pose an existential threat to the translation profession. The changes occurring around us present such a radical shift in the tools available for translation that it’s not merely time for us to rethink but to reinvent our industry and ourselves. The Law of Accelerating Returns That things are changing for translators is nothing new, but what is different is the rate of change. If it seems to you that technological advances are coming faster than ever, then you have a good sense of what’s going on. In his 2001 paper “The Law of Accelerating Returns,” futurist Ray Kurzweil posited that our rate of technological advance doubles every 10 years, which can basically be explained by our ability to use the latest technological efficiencies to speed the development of the next wave of technology.1 Instead of arguing whether or not this is true, I’ll simply use Kurzweil’s statement as a way to explain why my head is spinning. To make the math easy, let’s start this example in 1980, when I began my university studies. At that time, my decade-long frame of reference for the speed of technological advance was the 1970s (which brought us pocket calculators, the video game Pong, VCRs, the C programming language, the Apple II, and the Sony Walkman). If we assign a value of 1 to the rate of technical change in my reference decade and that rate doubles every 10 years, then the rate of technical advance in our current decade is 32 times faster than it was back then. Let that sink in for a moment. According to Kurzweil’s model, the technical advances that we churn out in the 12 months of 2020 would have taken 32 years of effort back in 1970. A curious thing about human beings is that we tend to place ourselves in the middle of everything, including exponential growth curves, which makes it challenging for us to comprehend extreme rates of change. In Figure 1 on page 30, which places 2020 in the middle of a timeline that illustrates Kurzweil’s Law of Accelerating Returns from 1950 (the decade that saw the first serious work on MT) through 2100, we’re still on a flat part of the curve, and the truly dizzyingly steep part of the curve is yet to come. But it’s critical to remember that the growth is exponential throughout the curve. In Figure 2, we see the identical growth curve, also beginning in 1950, but at a scale that allows you to appreciate how much the rate of technological advance has increased recently. While NMT is already having a tremendous impact on the way many professional translators work, technological advances that bear directly on our work—including but certainly not limited to MT—will not only continue but actually accelerate and have profound effects throughout the industry. The day-to-day work of the translator of today will be hardly recognizable to a language services professional in 2030. Why is AI Coming After Language? The intentional application of nuanced communication is one of the main measures we use to signify intelligence in living organisms, and we also extend that measure to manmade objects. A robotic vacuum cleaner that bumps into walls and then turns around and travels in a straight line until it hits the next obstacle in its path is clever, perhaps, but brutish. A smart speaker, on the other hand, which has the ability to understand spoken commands and responds in kind, is on a completely different level. Linguistic sophistication is so integral to our understanding of intelligence that it’s hard to imagine us calling anything “intelligent” that doesn’t have the capacity—or the ability to develop the capacity—to understand and manipulate language. AI needs the ability to use language to live up to our expectations of what it should be. The Unevenly Distributed Future As cyberpunk novelist William Gibson said in an interview in The Economist in 2001, “The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed.”2 It’s one thing for technology to be developed and available, but it’s another thing altogether for it to be deployed widely and used. In our famously fragmented industry, where, according to CSA Research, the top 10 companies make up less than 10% of the market3, it’s not surprising that technology advances at markedly different rates among the various types and sizes of language services providers. From multinational language services providers with millions of dollars of revenue, to regional players, to local translation shops, to individual language professionals, we all have limited amounts of time and money to invest in technology, and we make those investments as wisely as possible to excel in our specific markets. The fundamental questions that should be on the minds of every language services provider who intends to be gainfully employed in the future are: What will my customers need at that time? What skills and tools do I need to fulfill those needs in a manner that makes me stand out from my competition? In other words, the pertinent question is not “Will NMT and AI systems make translators obsolete?” but instead the much more optimistic and self-directive, “What do I need to do to thrive as a language services provider in the future?” If you’re not paying close attention to technology trends, however, you won’t have an adequate answer to that question. After all, your customers’ needs and those skills and tools you need to develop don’t exist in a vacuum but in a world that’s increasingly imbued by ever more intelligent systems. The Evolution of Intelligent Systems AI systems, both current and future, can be classified along a spectrum of how autonomously they are able to act. Systems that do: These are machines that perform a single, albeit sometimes very complex, task that requires the acquisition and application of knowledge. This knowledge is presented to the system in the form of many examples of the starting point and end point of the task (such as a massive translation memory used as training material for an MT system). These systems can never be better than the training material and are unable to improve without human intervention. Systems that learn: These are machines that can not only perform a task that requires the acquisition and application of knowledge, but can also iteratively improve their performance of that task without human intervention. Systems that truly think: Also called artificial general intelligence (AGI), these are machines, still in the realm of science fiction, that can learn to perform and recursively improve at any task, and have autonomous decision-making abilities, including, for instance, making the decision to adopt a new goal and learn new skills. NMT and most AI products in use today fall into the first category, but there are already some nascent technologies that can improve performance autonomously, such as robots that get better at walking as they gain experience of their environment. Sceptics think that we’ll never reach true AGI, and even strong proponents of AGI predict that we’ll need decades to produce computerized systems that mimic and ultimately surpass a human being’s ability to assess performance, determine what needs to be done to improve that performance, and then take the necessary steps to do so. If humankind ever manages to create AGI, then that invention will have the ability to improve itself. In his 2017 book Life 3.0, Max Tegmark presents a hierarchy of goals that futurists predict will evolve in AGI systems, regardless of what their initial primary goal is.4 (See Figure 3.) These subordinate goals will allow such a system to continually improve its capacity to achieve its primary goal. Goal assessment allows the system to determine whether the primary goal is still appropriate. In the hierarchy presented in Figure 3, goal assessment is supported by increasing the accuracy of one’s world model—or improving one’s understanding of the environment in which the primary task is being performed. As long as the world model indicates that the primary goal has not yet been achieved and remains valuable, then the system will stay on task. But if the world model shows that the primary goal has been achieved or is no longer needed, then the goal assessment functionality could shut down the system or select a new goal. Capacity enhancement ensures that the system will be in a steady state of trying to improve its ability to achieve the overarching goal. Capacity enhancement is supported by the autonomous improvement of the system’s hardware and software, both of which are also informed by the improving world model. With these sub-goals in place, the AGI system will become increasingly efficient at achieving its primary goal until that goal is deemed no longer necessary, and then it can move on to another goal. In other words, an AGI system will not worry about making itself redundant because it has a disciplined approach to honing skills and finding problems to apply them to. The Evolution of You Technical advancement is accelerating all around us. It will have a dramatic impact not only on your work but also on the needs of your customers. And while we can get sucked into thinking that we are or will soon be competing with increasingly intelligent systems for translation work, that’s a self-defeating attitude that ignores potential new opportunities for fulfilling the changing needs for language services. After all, the fact that a $20 pocket calculator can do higher mathematics has not reduced the value of understanding mathematics for an engineer. But engineers spend much less time doing math these days than they did back in the age of the slide-rule. Similarly, a person with refined multilingual skills who fearlessly interacts with technology and has the ability to adapt and develop new skills will continue to be a valued asset. But you’ll spend much less time translating. Exactly what your work will look like depends on how you, as a “natural” intelligent system, respond to the business environment and technological environment in which you work. Learning from the Intelligent Systems that Learn from Us Success for a language services provider requires a disciplined approach to defining what the customer needs and what skills and tools are required to fulfill those needs. Why not immediately adopt the method of continual improvement that futurists predict AGI will have someday? In other words: Select a goal that’s relevant to your current worldview. Always assign yourself the task of improving your ability to achieve goals, both in terms of the tools you have at your disposal (your “hardware”) and your cognitive abilities (your “software”). Stay curious and continually improve what you know about your world. Regularly assess how well your primary goal fits into that worldview. Stay on task until your primary goal is fulfilled or is no longer necessary. And then reinvent yourself. Even if you’re still in a quiet and comfortable corner of the language services industry, be aware that tumultuous technology-driven change is coming, both in terms of the way we work and what customers require of us. Agility will be increasingly critical to success. The big institutional players of recent years will likely struggle with procedural inertia. And there will be great opportunities for intrepid language professionals who work toward a virtuous cycle of thriving alongside intelligent systems in the fulfilment of their customers’ requirements. Notes Kurzweil, Ray. “The Law of Accelerating Returns,” https://bit.ly/Kurzweil-returns. Gibson, William. “Peering Round the Corner,” The Economist (October 13, 2001), https://bit.ly/Gibson-special-report. CSA Research, The Language Services Market: 2019, https://bit.ly/CSA-2019-market. Tegmark, Max. Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (Knopf, 2017), https://bit.ly/Tegmark. Jay Marciano has been involved in the development and application of machine translation (MT) for 22 years. He has held leadership positions at Lionbridge and SDL, where he was responsible for the development and application of MT. He presents widely on the future of the language services industry, and has been a central figure in building understanding among language service professionals of the power and potential of MT. Contact: jaymarciano@gmail.com.
随着行业技术变革的加速,最好的前进之路不是害怕神经机器翻译和人工智能,而是以一种严于律己的方式来重塑自己。 翻译和口译职业已有几千年的历史。古往今来,每一次有关语言呈现,存储或处理的重大技术进步都涉及对于语言专业人员工作方式的重新思考。最近,神经机器翻译(NMT)和人工智能(AI)以及它们是否会对翻译职业构成威胁成为了热点话题。我们周围发生的变化也给翻译工具带来了巨大变化,现在不仅是我们重新思考的时候,也是我们重塑行业以及自身的时候。 加速回报定律 对于译员来说,事物变化并不是什么新鲜事,但不同的是变化的速度。如果你感觉,技术进步的速度比以往任何时候都要快,你的感觉是对的。在2001年发表的论文《加速回报定律》中,未来学家雷 · 库兹韦尔(Ray Kurzweil)提出,我们的技术进步速度每10年就会翻一番,这基本上可以从这一点儿上得到解释:最新技术的效率会加速下一波技术发展浪潮。1. 与其争论这是否正确,我还不如简单地用库兹韦尔的话来解释为什么这令我感到头昏脑涨。 为了便于计算,我们从1980年这个例子开始看,我那时候刚上大学。当时,我对技术进步速度的十年参照系是20世纪70年代(那个时候有袖珍计算器,电子游戏Pong,VCR,C编程语言,Apple II和索尼随身听)。如果我们将我所参考的十年中的技术进步速度赋值为1,而这一速度每十年就会翻一番,那么,我们当前十年的技术进步速度比当时快32倍。让我暂时记住这一点。根据Kurzweil的模型,我们在2020年的12个月内所取得的技术进步,在1970年要花32年的时间才能实现。 人类的一个奇怪之处在于,我们倾向于将自己置于一切事物的中心,包括指数增长曲线,这使得我们很难理解极端的变化率。在第30页的图1中,2020年位于库兹韦尔加速回报定律的时间线的中间,从1950年(第一部关于MT的权威作品出现的十年)到2100年,我们仍然处于曲线的平坦部分,而曲线中真正令人眩晕的陡峭部分还没有到来。 但关键是要记住,在整个曲线中,增长是指数型的。在图2中,我们看到了同样的增长曲线,也是从1950年开始的,你可以了解到最近的技术进步的速度有多快。 尽管 NMT 已经对许多专业译员的工作方式产生了巨大影响,但对我们的工作有直接影响的技术进步——包括但肯定不限于机器翻译——不仅会继续下去,而且还会加速发展,并对整个行业产生深远影响。到2030年,语言服务专业人员很难想象到当今译员的日常工作。 为什么AI会在语言之后到来? 有意识地应用细微的交流是我们用来标志生物体智慧的主要措施之一,我们还将这一措施延伸到人造物体上。一台机器人吸尘器,它撞到墙壁,然后转身直线行驶,直到撞到路径上的下一个障碍物,这种方式也许是聪明的,但也是粗暴的。而一个智能音箱,它有能力理解口语命令并作出善意的回应,则是完全不同的层次。 语言的复杂程度是我们对智力理解中不可或缺的一部分,以至于很难想象我们会把那些没有能力理解和操作语言的东西,或者没有能力发展这种能力的东西称为“智能”。AI需要具备使用语言的能力,才能不辜负我们对它的期望。 分配不均的未来 正如赛博朋克小说家威廉·吉布森2001年在接受《经济学人》采访时所说:“未来已经在这里;技术的开发和使用是一回事,但技术的广泛部署和使用完全则是另一回事。 根据CSA的研究,在我们这个以分散而闻名的行业里,前10家公司所占的市场份额还不到10%,因此,在不同类型和规模的语言服务提供商之间,技术进步的速度明显不同也就不足为奇了。从拥有数百万美元收入的跨国语言服务提供商,到地区性参与者,到当地翻译公司,再到个别语言专业人员,我们都有有限的时间和资金来投资于技术,我们尽可能明智地进行这些投资,以便在我们的特定市场中脱颖而出。 每一个打算在未来获得有酬就业的语言服务提供商都应该考虑的基本问题是: 到那个时候我的客户需要什么? 我需要哪些技能和工具来满足这些需求,从而使我在竞争中脱颖而出? 换句话说,相关的问题不是“NMT和AI系统会让翻译过时吗?”而是更加乐观和自我指导的问题,“作为一个语言服务提供商,我需要做什么才能在未来茁壮成长?”然而,如果你不密切关注技术趋势,你就无法回答这个问题。毕竟,你的客户的需求以及你需要开发的技能和工具并不存在于真空中,而是存在于一个越来越被智能系统所渗透的世界中。 智能系统的发展 现在和未来的人工智能系统都可以根据它们的自主行为能力进行分类。 可运行的系统:这些是执行单个(尽管有时非常复杂)任务的机器,需要获取和应用知识。这些知识以任务起点和终点的许多例子的形式提供给系统(例如用作机器翻译系统培训材料的大量翻译记忆)。这些系统永远不可能比培训材料更好,如果没有人的干预,则无法改进。 学习系统: 这些机器不仅可以执行一项需要获取和应用知识的任务,而且可以在没有人工干预的情况下迭代改进其任务性能。 真正能够思考的系统: 也称为人工一般智能(AGI) ,这些机器,仍然处于科幻小说的领域,它们能够学会执行任何任务,并且在任何任务中不断改进,并且拥有自主决策能力,例如,能够决定采用一个新的目标和学习新的技能。 NMT和今天使用的大多数AI产品都属于第一类,但已经有一些新生的技术可以自主提高性能,比如机器人在获得对其环境的体验时会变得更擅长行走。怀疑论者认为我们永远无法达到真正的AGI,甚至AGI的坚定支持者也预测,我们需要几十年的时间来生产出能够模仿并最终超越人类评估性能的计算机系统,并确定需要做什么来提高性能,然后采取必要的步骤来实现这一目标。 如果人类设法创造了AGI,那么该发明将具有自我完善的能力。在2017年出版的《生活3.0》一书中,Max Tegmark 提出了一系列目标,未来学家预测这些目标将在 AGI 系统中演化,而不管他们最初的主要目标是什么,这些次要目标将使系统具备不断提高其实现其主要目标的能力。 目标评估使系统能够确定主要目标是否仍然合适。在图3所示的层次结构中,目标评估通过提高一个人的世界模型的准确性来支持,或者通过提高一个人对执行主要任务的环境的理解来支持。只要世界模式表明主要目标尚未实现并仍然有价值,那么系统就将继续执行任务。但是,如果世界模型显示主要目标已经实现或不再需要,那么目标评估功能可以关闭系统或选择一个新目标。 能力增强确保系统处于稳定状态,努力提高其实现总体目标的能力。能力增强是通过自主改进系统的硬件和软件来支持的,这两者也是通过不断改进的世界模式来实现的。 有了这些子目标,AGI 系统在实现其主要目标方面将变得越来越有效,直到这个目标不再被认为是必要的,然后它可以转移到另一个目标。换句话说,AGI 系统不会担心自己变得多余,因为它有一种训练技能并找到问题加以应用的方法。 你的进化 技术进步正在我们周围加速。它不仅会对你的工作产生巨大的影响,也会对你客户的需求产生巨大的影响。尽管我们可能会陷入这样的思维,即我们正在或将要与越来越智能化的翻译系统竞争,但这是一种弄巧成拙的态度,忽视了满足不断变化的语言服务需求的潜在新机会。毕竟,一个20美元的袖珍计算器可以做高等数学的事实并没有降低了解数学对于一个工程师的价值。但如今工程师们花在数学上的时间比计算尺时代少得多。 同样,一个拥有精湛的多语言技能、无畏地与技术互动、有能力适应和发展新技能的人,将继续成为宝贵的资产。但这样你翻译的时间就会少很多。你的工作究竟是什么样子,取决于你作为一个“自然的”智能系统,如何应对你工作的商业环境和技术环境。 向学习我们的智能系统学习 语言服务提供者的成功需要一种严格的方法来定义客户需求以及满足这些需求所需的技能和工具。为什么不立即采用未来学家预测 AGI 有一天会有的持续改进的方法呢?换句话说: 选择一个与你当前的世界观一致的目标。 总是给自己分配提高实现目标能力的任务,无论是你可以使用的工具(你的“硬件”)还是你的认知能力(你的“软件”)。 保持好奇心,不断了解这个世界。 定期评估你的首要目标与世界观的契合程度。 坚持工作,直到实现你的主要目标。 然后重塑你自己。 即使你仍处于语言服务行业的一个安静而舒适的角落,也要意识到由技术驱动的纷乱变化即将到来,无论是从我们的工作方式还是客户对我们的要求来看。敏捷性对于成功将越来越重要。近年来的大型机构参与者很可能会与程序惰性作斗争。对于勇敢的语言专业人士来说,这将是一个巨大的机会,他们将致力于与智能系统一道实现良性循环,以满足客户的需求。 备注 库兹韦尔,雷。“加速回报定律”,https://bit.ly/kurzweil-returns。 吉布森,威廉。“窥视角落”,《经济学人》(2001年10月13号),https://bit.ly/gibson-special-report。 CSA Research,The Language Services Market:2019,https://bit.ly/CSA-2019-Market。 泰格马克,麦克斯。《生活3.0:人工智能时代的人类》(Knopf,2017),https://bit.ly/tegmark。 Jay Marciano已经参与机器翻译(MT)的开发和应用22年了。他曾在Lionbridge和SDL担任领导职务,负责MT的开发和应用。他广泛介绍了语言服务行业的未来,并且一直是在语言服务专业人员之间建立对MT的力量和潜力的理解的中心人物。联系方式:jaymarciano@gmail.com。

