How Infobip Built Continuous Localization Into CPaaS


2020-08-10 18:40 slator


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Infobip is a global cloud communications platform that enables businesses to build connected customer experiences across all stages of the customer journey at scale. According to the company, “localizing communication across different product lines and channels is imperative in our mission to deliver customer-centric experiences.” Founded in the small Croatian city of Vodnjan, Istria in 2006, Infobip’s global employee base is now roughly half the population of the city. About five billion people worldwide interact with some form of service through Infobip’s platform; that’s around two-thirds of the global population. The company is a pioneer in the Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) and Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) space. Infobip’s clients come from a range of sectors: financial, retail, transportation, and technology. On a global scale, the company partners with more than 600 telecoms and is present in over 60 offices around the world — which, they pointed out, is in line with their mantra, “a global expert with a local approach.” When Infobip first began to expand globally, it turned to its local sales and tech staff to translate the product interface as they knew the product portfolio and markets better than anyone. “Sometime later though, we needed to consider translation on a larger scale, where the quality could be systematically improved across the company, previous translations could be leveraged, and developers could spend less time publishing frequent translation updates,” Semir Mehadzic, Infobip’s Product Manager, told Slator. Mehadzic, who is responsible for software localization and tech, explained: “We set out to change the setup with two goals in mind. First, find a Translation Management System (TMS) with API integration that works in continuous localization setups, has an easy-to-use portal, and includes a solid web-based translation editor.” Next, to find a global language service provider (LSP) that would adapt to the chosen TMS, learn about Infobip’s products, and cover necessary geographies, Mehadzic said, adding, “This would mean internal staff could contribute only as reviewers and spend time on what they’re best at — growing the business.” Infobip’s content pipeline did not have too many legacy systems or complex file formats, so they opted for a cloud-based TMS as it would fit the needs of their CI/CD (continuous integration/ continuous delivery) pipeline. According to Mehadzic, “Infobip’s communication interface is offered in 19 different locales,” and the company decides on what gets localized based on a few basic parameters such as: the current market need for Infobip products; the strategic importance of that market; feedback from local sales units; and partnership opportunities. “Given our evolving localization needs and Agile development methodology, setting up a continuous workflow became a necessity. We finally found one smaller, multilingual LSP and one tech provider to partner with, but there were several considerations we had to factor in,” he said, including — 1. Smart pricing“It’s surprising how many LSPs still have pricing models that simply cannot work for a new type of client: those that constantly feed them with smaller bits of content. We worked closely with the selected LSP to find a pricing model that suited both parties and without the minimum fees.” 2. Agility in localization“Continuous localization really challenges you to rethink the localization flow and how to fit it into Agile product development. There are no large yearly releases that localization can be organized around. The flow must be truly continuous and synced with releases that happen on a weekly basis.” 3. TMS functionsMost translation management systems tend to work well in just one aspect, yet only a few offer both powerful API integration and a usable portal for translating the occasional Word, PowerPoint, or InDesign document, Mehadzic said. “We wanted to avoid having one system for continuous localization purposes and another for more traditional translation needs (e.g., for marketing or legal). Such a set-up would decentralize the company’s language assets and give us unnecessary work.” 4. Translation tech usability“We were surprised by one of the leading tech providers and their user interface (UI). They had such a complex product that we had to receive guidance by their team simply to test the tool. That was a roadblock for us, as such a complex tool would require our employees to go through intensive training, just to get something translated. Simplicity is key.” To reset the localization workflow, Infobip strengthened its internationalization engineering team and made Mehadzic their Product Manager. He will also act as Localization Manager early on, to set up processes, oversee quality, and guide their LSP’s project managers and Infobip’s in-country reviewers. “As continuous localization is still a rather new concept, we wanted to avoid creating roles based on traditional localization thinking. We’ll start lean and expand as necessary,” Mehadzic said. He added, “Another important goal for us is to make the localization unit a true partner for the product and marketing teams, and avoid it being an afterthought. We are a growing CPaaS company and that requires much tighter collaboration among teams than in traditional companies.” Image: Semir Mehadzic, Product Manager, Infobip
InfoIP是一个全球云通信平台,能够使企业在客户旅程的所有阶段大规模地构建互联客户体验平台。 根据该公司的说法,“在我们提供以客户为中心的体验的使命时,跨不同产品线和渠道的本地化交流是必不可少的。” Infobip于2006年成立于克罗地亚伊斯特里亚的小城市伏德詹,其全球员工基数目前约为该市人口的一半。 全球约有50亿人通过Infobip的平台与某种形式的服务进行互动; 约是全球人口的三分之二。 该公司是通信平台即服务(CPaaS)和联络中心即服务(CCaaS)领域的先驱。 Infobip的客户来自多个行业:金融,零售,运输和技术。 全球范围内,该公司与600多家电信公司合作,并在世界各地设有60多个办事处---他们指出,这符合他们的口头禅,即“全球专家与本地方法”。 当Infobip最初开始在全球扩大企业规模时,它求助当地的销售和技术人员来翻译产品界面,因为他们比任何人都更了解产品组合和市场。 Infobip的产品经理塞米尔·梅哈季奇,告诉斯拉特说:“不过,过一段时间,我们需要考虑更大规模的翻译,从而使翻译质量可以在全公司范围内得到系统性地提高,可以利用以前的翻译,这样开发人员就可以花更少的时间频繁地发布更新后的翻译。” 负责软件本地化和技术的梅哈季奇解释说:“我们考虑到两个目标而着手改变设置。 首先,找到一个集成了应用程序接口的翻译管理系统(TMS),它可以在连续的本地化设置中工作,具有一个易于使用的门户网站,并包括一个可靠的基于网络的翻译编辑器。“ 梅哈季奇说,接下来,要找到一家全球语言服务提供商(LSP)来适应所选择的翻译管理系统,了解Infobip的产品,并覆盖必要的地理区域,他补充说,“这意味着内部员工只能作为评审员,并将时间花在他们最擅长的事情--发展业务上。” Infobip的内容管道没有太多的遗留系统或复杂的文件格式,因此他们选择了基于云的翻译管理系统,因为这将适合他们的连续集成/连续交付(CI/CD )管道的需要。 据梅哈季奇说,“InfoIP的通信接口在19个不同地区都有提供,”该公司根据一些基本参数来决定什么是本地化的,这些参数包括:当前市场对InfoIP产品的需求;该市场的战略重要性;当地销售单位的反馈;以及合作机会。 “考虑到我们不断发展的本地化需求和敏捷开发方法,建立一个连续的工作流程变得非常必要。 我们最终找到了一家规模较小的多语言分层服务提供商和一家技术供应商作为合作伙伴,但我们必须考虑到几个因素,“他说,包括- 1. 精明的定价“令人惊讶的是,有多少分层服务提供商的定价模式根本无法适用于新类型的客户:那些不断向他们提供少量内容的客户。 我们与选定的分层服务提供商密切合作,以找到一个既适合双方,又不需要最低收费的定价模式。“ 2. 本地化中的敏捷性“持续的本地化确实挑战着您,以使您重新思考本地化流程,以及如何将其融入敏捷产品开发中。 没有可以组织本地化的大型年度发布。 这个流程必须是真正连续的,并且与每周发布的版本同步。“ 3. 大多数翻译管理系统往往只在一个方面工作得很好,只有少数系统既提供强大的应用程序接口集成,又提供可用于翻译偶尔出现的Word,PowerPoint或InDesign文档的门户网站。梅哈季奇说:“我们希望避免一个系统用于持续的本地化目的,而另一个系统用于更传统的翻译需求(例如市场营销或法律)。 这样的设置将分散公司的语言资产,给我们带来不必要的工作。“ 4. 翻译技术可用性。“我们对一家领先的技术提供商及其用户界面(UI)感到惊讶。 他们的产品非常复杂,所以我们只能接受他们团队的指导,仅仅是为了测试这个工具。 这对我们来说是一个障碍,因为这样一个复杂的工具需要我们的员工经过密集的培训去掌握,但我们仅仅是为了得到一些东西的翻译。所以椅单是关键。“ 为了重置本地化工作流程,Infobip加强了国际化工程团队,并让梅哈季奇担任他们的产品经理。 他还将在早期担任本地化经理,建立流程,监督质量,指导分层服务提供商的项目经理和Infobip的国内评审员。 梅哈季奇说,“由于持续本地化仍是一个相当新的概念,我们希望避免基于传统本地化思维来创造角色。 我们将开始精干,并在必要时进行扩展。“ 他补充说:“我们的另一个重要目标是使本地化部门成为产品和营销团队真正的合作伙伴,而不是事后的考虑。 我们是一家成长中的通信平台即服务公司,这需要比传统公司更加紧密的团队协作。“ 图片:塞米尔·梅哈季奇---InfoIP产品经理

