What Makes a Good Translation?


2020-08-03 17:30 Star Transit NXT


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In simple terms, translation is the process of rendering written content from one language to another language. But, not every translation will be as good, or as accurate as another. Good translation relies on having a qualified and experienced translator who is capable of achieving the following. The translated content must be accurate, with the same meaning and intent as the original, with no errors or omissions. But, it must also replicate the correct tone and spirit as the original content. The Most Important Aspect of Translation  Perhaps the most important part of a good translation is to have the same meaning and effect as the original content. In any language, small changes can completely alter the meaning of content. In a business setting this can be detrimental, especially if you are translating important information or statistics. So, before anything else, a good translation must have the same meaning as the original content. Without this, you could unconsciously be saying something completely different once your work has been translated. Technical accuracies are inevitably linked to the accurate meaning of a text. These are another key part of a good translation. This applies to even the smallest detail in your content. Not only do each of the words need to have the correct, accurate meaning, but all of the grammar needs to be correct and in the right places. Missing out small things like this can completely change the meaning of your content. So, a good translation requires attention to detail as well as a complete and in-depth knowledge of both languages. Hand in hand, technical accuracies and an accurate meaning will result in a good translation. But, there’s even more that goes into the process. Tone of Voice A good translation will capture the same tone and spirit as the original content. This is especially true in content that is being translated to be published. Tone is just as important as meaning in many ways. A translation that has the same tone as the original content will ensure that your words have the exact same effect on any of your readers. You don’t want original content to be inspiring and moving but translated content to be dull and unmotivating. Plus, a translator is almost never the author of the original content. So, a good translation will replicate the tone and voice of the author that is being translated. This can take a degree of skill. So, you’ll need to invest in a good translator. The Translator To achieve a good translation, you need a good translator. The best translators will be able to do everything we have mentioned here. Choosing a translator with plenty of experience and qualifications means that you are more likely to get a good translation. Some businesses may consider using just anyone that can speak the target language. But, doing this can result in inaccurate translations. Or worse, ones that are technically accurate but that don’t reflect the original intent and tone of your content. A professional translator will have the experience and ability to replicate your content exactly as it should be. In some situations, it could be hard for a translator to get a technically accurate translation whilst keeping the exact same tone and meaning. But, a good translator will know just how to strike the right balance. Good translation, if all of these factors are achieved, does not seem like a translation at all. In fact, it will seem as if the content was originally written in your target language. A good translation could be read by a native speaker with no indication to them that the content has been translated. Communication with readers in the target language should feel natural and easy with a good translation. Why you Need Good Translation Good translation matters. Especially when global interconnectivity is an important part of your business. As different parts of the world become more interconnected, it’s important that communication is as easy as possible. And the most successful businesses will be the ones that have the best translations. So, in summary, achieving a good translation requires a number of layers. It needs to convey the same meaning, tone, and spirit as the original content. This is important both to preserve the mark of the author. It is also important to serve the same purpose as was originally intended. Your reader, ideally, will not be able to tell that they are reading a translation. A good translation is imperceptible to its audience. And a good translator can guarantee that.
通俗来讲,翻译就是把书面内容从一种语言翻译成另一种语言的过程。 但是,并不是所有译文都能谈得上好或者是准确。 译文要好,这就需要一位资历深厚的译员。而一位资历深厚的译员应该做到以下几点: 翻译内容准确,要做到原文意思传递无误,行文无错误,不漏译。 同时,也要保证译出原文语调和思想。 译文中最重要的一点。 要谈得上是一篇好译文,最重要的是要传递出原文意思,并且译文能达到和原文一样的效果。 任何一种语言,一丝毫的改变也会使内容意思完全变样。如果是在商务翻译中,这一点可能会是致命的错误,特别是翻译的内容是重要信息或者是数据时。 因此,好的译文首先必须意思和原文达到一致。 如果稍有出错,翻译出来的译文可能和原文意思大相庭径。 要做到译文准确,还需做到术语翻译准确。这一点也是拥有一篇好译文的关键因素。 就算是在文本中最不起眼的小细节部分也应注意这点。 不仅应该做到字字准确,语法也不能出错。这些东西虽然看起来不起眼,但如果漏掉就会导致整个文本意思彻底改变。 因此,好的译文不仅要求对两种语言要全面深入了解,细节上也要深入探究。 术语准确,意思传递无误,二者都做到便可谈得上是好译文了。但是,在这一过程中还有许多需要考虑的因素。 首先要注意原文语调的传达。 好的译文要能捕捉到原文中所蕴含的语调及思想。 对于要发行出版的作品,这一点尤为重要。许多情况下,语调和意思有着同等重要的作用。 译文传达出和原文一样的语调可以保证译文中所使用的措辞到能达和原文一样的效果。相信你也不希望原本鼓舞动人,感人至深的文本被翻译得枯燥乏味,毫无激情。 另外,因为译员大都不是原文作者,因此好的译文是尽力去“模仿”表达出原文作者的语调。 这就需要一定的技能。因此,你需要找一个好的译员。 译员 要想拥有好的译文,你就需要一个好的译员。 对于好的译员,以上提到的几点他们都能做到。 译员要好,意味着要有资历丰富。 有些企业可能会随便选择一个会说译文目标语言的人来进行翻译, 但是,这样很可能会导致翻译结果不准确。 又或者,译员只是机械地翻译出你原文的意思,但你原文中的目的、语调却完全没在译文中反映出来。 一个专业的译员,经验丰富,技术老道,能够准确地翻译出你原文中的语调内容。 有时译员的确很难在保持原文意思、语调准确地同时还能把内容流畅地翻译出来,但一个好的译员懂得如何在二者间取舍,保持平衡。 如果以上几点都做到了,好的译文根本就不会让读者看出翻译痕迹,正相反,好的译文读起来仿佛本就是用你想要的目标语写成的一般。 对于母语者来说,好的译文应该是完全看不出有任何翻译迹象的,这样,和目标语读者的交流也能变得轻松自然。 为什么需要好的译员? 好的翻译十分重要, 尤其是在全球业务密不可分的今天,译文的作用日益凸显。 随着世界联系日渐紧密,沟通变得越简单越有益。在未来,最成功的企业将会是那些拥有最好译文的企业。 总而言之,一篇好的译文需要考虑到很多方面。 译文要能传达出与原文内容相同的意思,语调和思想。 这对保留作者的写作特点来说至关重要,同时还能保证达到原文写作目的。 理想情况下来说,好的译文要能保证读者不会感觉到自己是在读翻译过的文本。

