Mistakes to Avoid in Help Authoring - Use ClickHelp Efficiently


2020-07-15 16:40 clickhelp


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ClickHelp is a tool for technical writers that offers enormous possibilities. We would like for each user to be able to use our software to its full potential. To help with that, I’ve come up with a list of mistakes to avoid when using ClickHelp. This list is perfect for our new clients, but even those of you who have been with us for many years might find something useful in this article, I am sure. Mistake 1. Not Utilizing Single-Sourcing If you chose ClickHelp as your help authoring tool, you can make help writing as easy as you want - single-sourcing is one of the main options you should look into. What this allows you to do is to create multiple versions of your user manuals stemming from the same documentation project. For comprehensive overview of what kind of versioning can be achieved with ClickHelp and how to do it, refer to the following blog post - Versioning of Technical Documents - the Single-Sourcing Approach. Single-sourcing techniques are real lifesavers for creating, maintenance, and update of user manuals, they can’t be overlooked. Mistake 2. Lack of Branding What do users see when they first open your online documentation portal? Are these comprehensive texts, fitting examples, great writing style, and ideal grammar? Actually, it is neither - the first thing our brain registers is the look of something. Branding plays such an important role, check out what it can do: Add to the company's identity. This is what unites you and makes you stand out at the same time. Build trust. Consistent and professionally-looking content naturally makes people trust a company more. Make your brand easily recognizable. The more of your content is branded - the more people will recognize your company. It seems like branding became a prerequisite for a successful company long ago. Technical documentation is an important part of any business, so it should keep up! ClickHelp offers flexible branding options - you can start off by using a ready Reader UI template and style, and build on it later. Take advantage of CSS to follow through with your brand style guide to a T. To get inspiration, take a look at the ClickHelp Portal Gallery - these are real documentation portals of our clients. Mistake 3. Ignoring Reports ClickHelp offers awesome reporting options. This is undoubtedly a great tool to control the process of help authoring, leverage your team’s efforts, and look for areas of improvement. Not to miss out on all this good stuff, I recommend thoroughly approaching this question. Our Report Center allows a deep dive into all sorts of metrics. You can track: Project Readiness User Behavior User Feedback Readability To give you more perspective on the matter: ClickHelp provides 36 text metrics, 15 report types, and 5 export formats for reports. With this setup you can create an in-depth analysis process, and, what’s even better - it all resides inside your help authoring solution, no need to look for reporting tools outside ClickHelp. Mistake 4. Downscaling Documentation Review Setting up a good documentation review process helps drastically improve quality of technical documentation. However, to speed up the process, some teams downscale the review step. This often happens because review solutions offered by help authoring tools do not allow efficiency. And technical writers feel like reviewing takes too much time because of how inconvenient it is. ClickHelp has been improving its review functionality with each product release, we can safely say that it is one of the best out there. Here are some of the tools you will be given to set up your perfect review process with: Review Comments for text fragments Review Comments report to see resolved and unresolved ones Per-topic TODO Lists Email notifications Reviewer Dashboard Reviewer Roles All these features blend together to provide an overarching review experience for your team. Pursuit of better quality of user manuals is on! Conclusion Avoiding these major mistakes will easily guide you toward creating better user manuals. ClickHelp is evolving quickly, so keep a finger on the pulse - a lot of great features are going to be emerging in the nearest future. Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
ClickHelp是技术作家的工具,它提供了巨大的可能性。 我们希望每个用户都能充分利用我们的软件。 为此,我提出了一系列错误,以避免在使用ClickHelp时出现错误。 此列表非常适合我们的新客户,但是我敢肯定,即使是与我们在一起已经多年的客户也可能在本文中找到有用的东西。 错误1.不利用单一来源 如果选择ClickHelp作为帮助创作工具,则可以根据需要使编写帮助变得容易—单源采购是您应该研究的主要选项之一。 这允许您做的是创建来自同一文档项目的多个版本的用户手册。 有关使用ClickHelp可以实现哪种版本控制以及如何执行的全面概述,请参阅以下博客文章-技术文档的版本控制-单源方式。 单项采购技术是创建,维护和更新用户手册的真正的救星,它们不容忽视。 错误二。 缺乏品牌 用户首次打开您的在线文档门户时会看到什么? 这些综合的文字,合适的例子,出色的写作风格和理想的语法吗? 实际上,这都不是-我们的大脑首先要记录的是事物的外观。 品牌扮演重要角色,请查看其功能: 添加到公司的身份。 这就是团结您并使您同时脱颖而出的原因。 建立信任。 一致且外观专业的内容自然使人们对公司的信任度更高。 使您的品牌易于识别。 您的品牌内容越多-就会有更多人认可您的公司。 很久以前,品牌似乎已成为成功公司的先决条件。 技术文档是任何业务的重要组成部分,因此应与时俱进! ClickHelp提供了灵活的品牌选项-您可以使用现成的Reader UI模板和样式开始,然后在其上进行构建。 利用CSS来遵循T的品牌样式指南。要获取灵感,请查看ClickHelp Portal Gallery-这些是我们客户的真实文档门户。 错误3.忽略报告 ClickHelp提供了很棒的报告选项。 毫无疑问,这是一个很好的工具,可以控制帮助创作的过程,利用团队的努力以及寻求改进的地方。 不要错过所有这些好东西,我建议彻底解决这个问题。 我们的报告中心可让您深入了解各种指标。 您可以跟踪: 项目准备情况 用户行为 用户反馈 可读性 为您提供更多相关信息:ClickHelp提供36种文本指标,15种报告类型和5种报告导出格式。 使用此设置,您可以创建一个深入的分析过程,更好的是,所有过程都位于您的帮助创作解决方案中,而无需在ClickHelp之外寻找报表工具。 错误4.缩减文档审查规模 建立良好的文档审查流程有助于大幅提高技术文档的质量。 但是,为了加快流程,一些团队缩小了审核步骤。 经常发生这种情况是因为帮助创作工具提供的审阅解决方案无法提高效率。 技术作家觉得审查很费时间,因为它很不方便。 在每个产品版本中,ClickHelp一直在改进其审阅功能,可以肯定地说,它是目前最好的产品之一。 以下是为您建立完善的审核流程提供的一些工具: 查看文本片段的注释 查看评论报告以查看已解决和未解决的报告 每个主题的待办事项列表 电子邮件通知 审阅者仪表板 审阅者角色 所有这些功能融合在一起,为您的团队提供了全面的审核体验。 追求更高质量的用户手册! 结论 避免这些重大错误,将很容易指导您创建更好的用户手册。 ClickHelp的发展很快,因此请紧跟潮流-在不久的将来将会出现许多重要功能。 祝你的技术写作好运! 单击帮助小组 跨平台和设备编写,托管和交付文档

