How to Hold a Quarterly Business Review (QBR) Remotely


2020-07-15 05:50 RWS Moravia Insights


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More and more organizations are conducting Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) remotely. The unexpected and unprecedented spread of COVID-19 has mandated that many business meetings happen remotely. But more than that, online QBRs are more efficient, less costly and can be conducted from the comfort of your own home. Even so, some organizations are choosing to postpone or forego QBRs entirely—which means they are missing an invaluable opportunity. Taking the time to review past projects and outcomes, address concerns and offer support while learning more about your partner’s existing needs and the value that you can provide going forward can go a long way towards strengthening key relationships. In this article, we discuss some of the challenges of remote QBRs, how to prepare for them and tips for conducting the meeting. A QBR is a quarterly meeting with a client in which you discuss their business and needs. While all meetings are different, QBRs typically involve a review of past and ongoing value created, as well as plans for adding value going forward. QBRs are more than simple check-ins. They require extensive thought and preparation. This is especially true for remote QBRs. While there can certainly be less logistical tasks, like booking a conference room or ordering some food, those conducting QBRs remotely for the first time may need to step outside of their comfort zones to address some unique challenges. Changing the way you normally do things can lead to some anxiety, and remote QBRs are no exception. Concerns over things like technical glitches and keeping participants engaged might have you worried. The key is to anticipate these issues ahead of time and to approach your presentation from a different perspective. To make the most of limited meeting time, prepare and send the agenda to all stakeholders ahead of time to give them plenty of time to prepare and review important materials. Circulating an agenda prior to the meeting conserves time, eliminating the “why are we here?” discussion at the beginning of the QBR. Your agenda should touch on all the key issues that will be covered. Some common topics include: A review of performance results since the last QBR and a discussion of whether goals were met Obstacles going forward Problems your client experienced, how they were solved and how they will be prevented in the future A discussion of additional products and/or services that could add value to the client Setting goals for the following quarter Any business disruptions due to COVID-19 and proposed mitigation plans Because the dynamics of meeting participation are very different on the phone, be sure to set important ground rules ahead of time. No multi-tasking. Cameras on. Mute when not talking. How to use the chat feature. Let each participant know what is expected of them and that you will encourage each attendee’s contribution. Plan for technological issues ahead of time. For instance, what video platform will you use to conduct the meeting? Will the solution work for all attendees, or does it depend on a specific browser, for example? Does your client have any input or preference? Test the solution with your team in advance of the meeting. Develop a contingency plan in the event you experience problems. Be sure to send invites several weeks in advance with clear instructions for joining the meeting. A major challenge of any remote presentation is maintaining audience engagement. Giving them something very polished and well-prepared to look at will help. Keep your attendees in mind when creating your presentation. Consider their interests and why they are attending the QBR. If possible, spend more time on topics that will foster participation. Avoid topics that are likely to lead one or more participants down a rabbit hole, dragging the meeting out longer than intended. Lastly, incorporate visual elements into your presentation like charts, graphs and animations. Without the additional visual stimulation of an in-person presenter, standard PowerPoint presentations full of text and bullet points will likely put your audience to sleep. Throw in some fun facts about your client’s business or your working relationship to keep things light. We mentioned above the importance of developing contingency plans in the event of technical issues. This point cannot be overstated. You likely spent the better part of a month preparing for the meeting. There could be many participants attending, all of which set aside time in their busy schedules. Nothing is more discouraging than a meeting freezing or crashing. If you experience this, quickly transition to your Plan B or even C. No matter how much you have prepared for the QBR, there is no way to anticipate the level of engagement and participation you will get from your audience. Attendees that may have been quite lively at past in-person QBRs may sit there utterly silent. Leave breaks throughout the presentation to encourage questions and interaction. If nobody is asking questions, you may be in trouble with engagement. In this case, it’s not inappropriate to name names. “Sally, do you have any questions?” “Bob, does anything jump out at you so far?” Consider scheduling the next QBR before concluding the meeting. Doing so reinforces that you are committed to the QBR process and value the relationship and everyone’s time. It is important to follow up with your clients after QBRs, especially your first remote one. Quickly address any concerns or questions that were raised during the meeting. Give them copies of your presentation, notes or even screenshots from the session. Ask for feedback. For instance, what did they like and/or not like about conducting the QBR remotely? How can you make the experience better? Would they prefer that future QBRs be conducted remotely? We are facing unprecedented challenges that have fundamentally changed the ways we work. Many organizations are considering holding QBRs remotely for the first time. Others have already made the transition, realizing that conducting meetings remotely is not only safer, but can be more efficient and cost-effective. Whether you are new to the process or are interested in improving the remote QBR experience, the key is to prepare by anticipating challenges and developing presentations that engage your audience. After all, quarterly business reviews are an indispensable part of building and maintaining effective relationships with our clients. Fortunately, modern technology affords us the opportunity to continue to hold them even in the strangest of times.
越来越多的企业在远程进行季度业务审查(QBRs)。一场意料之外又史无前例的新冠肺炎疫情使得许多商务会议都只能远程进行。 但更重要的是,在线QBR效率更高,成本更低,而且可以在舒适的家中进行。 即便如此,一些企业还是选择推迟或完全放弃举行QBR——这意味着他们正在错过一个宝贵的机会。 花点时间回顾过去的项目和成果、解决问题并提供支持,同时能更多地了解你的工作伙伴现有的需求和未来你所能提供的价值,这对加强重要合作关系大有裨益。 在本文中,我们将讨论远程QBR所面临的一些挑战,如何为这些挑战做准备以及召开会议的技巧。 QBR与客户召开的季度性会议,会上讨论客户业务与需求。 虽然具体会议内容因企业而异,但QBR通常是涉及对企业过去和正在创造的价值进行审查,以及未来增加价值的计划。 QBR不仅仅是简单的签个到,它要求企业进行全面考虑和准备。 远程QBR尤其如此。 虽然当然可以减少后勤任务,比如预订会议室或点餐,但对那些首次进行远程QBR的人来说,可能需要走出舒适区,应对一些特别的挑战。 改变你一贯的处事方式可能会引发焦虑,进行远程QBR也不例外。 对诸如技术故障和保持参与者参与等问题的担忧可能会让你忧心忡忡。 关键是要提前预测这些问题,并从不同的角度来考虑你的展示。 要最大限度地利用有限的会议时间,提前准备并向所有利益攸关方发送议程,让他们有充足的时间准备和审阅重要材料。 在会议之前分发议程可以节省时间,以免QBR开始时大家还在疑惑“我们的目的是什么?”。 你的议程应该囊括所有将要涉及的关键问题。 一些常见的主题包括: 回顾自上次QBR以来的绩效结果,并讨论是否实现了目标 将要面临的困难 您的客户遇到的问题,如何解决这些问题,以及将来如何防止这些问题 讨论可以为客户增加价值的其他产品和/或服务 制定下一季度的目标 由于新冠肺炎疫情和拟定的缓解计划所造成的任何业务中断 由于参与电话会议的动态与线下会议截然不同,所以一定要提前设定重要的基本规则。 不能一心多用;打开摄像头;不说话时静音;如何使用聊天功能等。 让每位与会者知道他们身负期待,以及您将鼓励每位与会者做出贡献。 提前谋划技术问题。 比如,你会用什么视频平台来进行会议? 解决方案是否适用于所有与会者,或者是否依赖于特定的浏览器? 你的客户有什么意见或偏好吗? 在会议之前与您的团队一起测试解决方案。 在遇到问题时制定一个应急计划。 请务必提前几周发送邀请,并明确说明参加会议的事宜。 所有远程展示都会面临的一个挑战就是保持观众的参与度。 给他们呈现进行准备的。 创建演示文稿时,考虑与会者。 想想他们的兴趣,以及他们参加QBR的原因。 如果可能的话,多花点时间在能促进参与的话题上。 避免那些可能会让一个或多个参与者陷入困境,拖长会议时间的话题。 最后,在演示文稿中加入可视化元素,如图表、图形和动画。 没有了当面演示的额外视觉刺激,全是文本和要点、缺乏新意的PowerPoint演示很可能会使您的听众昏昏欲睡。 加入一些有趣的事实,涉及客户业务或者你的工作关系,能达到事半功倍的效果。 我们在上文提到在发生技术问题时制定应急计划的重要,这一点极其重要。 你可能花了一个月的时间来准备这次会议。 可能会有很多人参加,大家都是在百忙之中抽出时间参会,所以没有什么比会议无法进行或以失败告终更令人沮丧的了。 如果遇到问题,迅速采取B计划甚至C计划。 无论你为QBR做了多少准备,都无法预测与会者的参与度。过去线下QBR与会者在线上会议中可能会完全保持沉默。 在整个演示过程中留出休息时间,鼓励大家提问或互动。 如果没有人问问题,你可能会陷入尴尬。 在这种情况下,点名指定与会者并无不妥。 比如:“萨利,你有什么问题吗?”“鲍勃,到目前为止有什么问题想问吗?” 可以考虑在会议结束前安排下一个QBR。 这样做能说明你对QBR的重视,并珍惜合作关系和每个人的时间。 在QBR之后与您的客户保持联系是很重要的,尤其是您的第一个远程客户。 迅速解决会议期间提出的任何关切或问题。 给他们你的演示文稿、笔记甚至是会议的截图,征求反馈。 例如,关于远程QBR他们喜欢哪一点或者不喜欢哪一点? 你怎样才能让客户体验感更好? 他们是否希望今后的QBR以远程方式进行? 我们面临着前所未有的挑战,这些挑战从根本上改变了我们的工作方式。 许多企业正在考虑首次远程举行QBR,有的已经进行了远程QBR,认识到远程举行会议不仅更安全,而且可以效率更高,更节约成本。 无论您是还未进行过远程QBR的新手,还是有意对远程QBR进行改善,关键是要提前做好准备,包括预测可能出现的困难以及做出能吸引听众的个人演示。 毕竟,季度业务回顾是与我们的客户建立和保持有效关系不可或缺的一部分。 好在现代技术为我们提供了机会,即使在特殊时期,依然可以与客户保持联系。

