10 tips for creating a knock-out localization strategy in 2020


2020-07-08 22:10 Smartcat


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Does your business have a localization strategy? Many companies make the mistake of launching into foreign markets without planning a concrete localization strategy beforehand. But succeeding overseas is not a fluke. Those who make it haven’t done so as a result of an outrageous slice of good fortune. A business’s international success relies largely on a well-structured localization strategy that can be systematically implemented. But don’t let the complexities keep you from taking the leap! Entering a new market can seem like a daunting prospect, but by planning ahead and establishing a country-by-country localization approach you could potentially tap into a lucrative international marketplace, and set yourself apart from competitors. But how to set up a successful localization strategy? Fortunately, we can guide you in the right direction. Here are our 10 tips for creating a knock-out localization strategy in 2020. 1. Don’t be put off by a competitive market Your initial market research should always begin with a delve into the local market and your competition there. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by an abundance of so-called rivals but the presence of other offerings shouldn’t be a deterrent — this is probably more likely to be a sign of a healthy market. Conduct thorough research into what your competitors are doing, and then do it better. How? Be creative and go the extra mile: offer full packages instead of separate products and focus on solving the customer’s problem, instead of competing on price. You can still succeed in a crowded market, but you’ll have to find a way of standing out. 2. Use your localization strategy to boost your brand If you’re breaking into new markets, don’t treat that expansion as a separate entity. Shout proudly and loudly about your new venture, and let this international expansion be a feature of your local marketing campaigns. Any overseas success will help you build trust with current and potential customers. But be careful about mixing and matching international marketing materials. Your messaging needs to be consistently on-brand globally, but you also need to ensure that the language you use is carefully adapted to your local audiences. This is why it’s so important to put together a good localization team with native translators and language professionals who can make sure your message is always on-point and culturally sensitive to the local market. 3. Set up a solid localization team and a systematic workflow Perhaps obvious, perhaps not, but take extra care when preparing to expand to a new international market. When it comes to your content, it’s not enough to simply translate words into the desired language and think you’re ready to go. Set up a vetted localization team to get it right from the get-go. Ideally, this should be made up of a localization engineer, a project manager, a quality assurance specialist, and obviously, professional translators, editors, and proofreaders from the target market. And don’t forget, you also need a systematic workflow to make it all run smoothly! With all these professionals and optimal processes in place, you can ensure you’re prepared to enter the new market with confidence. 4. Research the local culture A marketable product or service helps attract success, but if it’s not clearly delivered to the target audience, it’s relevance will get lost in translation, literally. Do some local research to make sure you align your branding and services with the new market. Think carefully about the style, colors, and tone of your marketing materials, and attempt to personalize your offering for specific global regions. It might be that your branding transfers seamlessly across borders, or you might find that certain tweaks are necessary to increase the relevance of your services and products. The key to localization success is a constant sensitivity to the changing cultures and people in your target markets. 5. Tap into local knowledge Embrace the ‘local’ in ‘localization’. In every new market, it is essential to call upon the expertise of local translators, editors, and proofreaders. These are the people whose livelihoods rely on an in-depth knowledge of local quirks and idiosyncrasies within their language, so they should be the backbone of any localization strategy. Getting it wrong could sink a new business before it’s even open its doors. So, make sure to avoid the common localization pitfalls and tune into the local lingo to attract your new audience. 6. Adjust your pricing strategy accordingly Don’t assume that the cost of your service can be replicated in an international market. Thorough market research into appropriate pricing is essential in determining whether you can even operate profitably in a different sector. But don’t assume that you are going to have to lower costs to attract new customers. Be aware of the going translation rates but don’t let that get in the way of your primary goal: providing a good enough offering that will make the customer realize the value they get is worth the price. 7. Show that you care Many companies make the mistake of barging headlong into a new international market with little sensitivity to the people and culture. Taking the time to get to know your new customer base can pay dividends in the future, and it helps to establish your brand as a compassionate and sensitive establishment. Know what festivals and national holidays are in the calendar, and tailor your localization strategy towards these major events. Some companies go the extra mile by incorporating transcreation in their marketing and localization strategies. This involves completely changing the content (not just the language) to specifically suit that local market. The purpose is to show the new audience that an international or global brand can still be genuinely local in each market. 8. Prepare for the technology A major part of unveiling a new localization strategy is bringing the relevant technical elements into line. Mobile apps, websites, and software packages all need to be sensitively translated into the new language. But before this massive task is undertaken, it’s worth finding out where to concentrate your efforts. In China, for example, 98% of internet users use a mobile device, so a slick, responsive website is at the top of the list for any company wishing to make a dent in this not insignificant market. 9. Get social (appropriately) Social media is an essential part of any business today. This is the place to share your innovation, success, and advancement with audiences in a way you’d never be able to do otherwise. But don’t assume that what works in one country, will work in another. In fact, don’t assume that the biggest platform in your country will work — or even be used — in another country. Take the time to carefully research what social media outlets are profitable, and seek expert advice when posting. One casually misplaced social media post has the potential to cause chaos and undermine all your marketing efforts. 10. Embrace integration If your business requires an element of technological integration, take the time to research and consider how to make it all work together within an efficient, automated (within reason) system. This means making sure your CAT tools, translation management tools, and payment systems are all compatible with each other. Or, avoid that problem altogether by getting an all-in-one integrated solution to handle your whole localization ecosystem. The thought of changing your whole toolset may be a little scary but you’ll be amazed at how much time and energy (i.e. money and resources!) you’ll save once you’ve consolidated all your processes into one streamlined system. Go local or go home It all comes down to making sure your localization team is made up of great language, marketing, and business professionals, all working together in an efficient localization workflow supported by integrated, specialized technological tools. Once you’ve got all these foundational elements in place, you can set out to plan and execute a thorough, culturally sensitive localization strategy in every local market you set out to serve and succeed in. Are you ready? Check out some of our other helpful articles to help you get there!
你的企业有本地化战略吗?许多公司都犯了这样的错误:在事先没有制定具体的本地化战略的情况下,就开始进入国外市场。但在海外取得成功并非侥幸。那些未制定本地化战略就成功了的人是因为运气好得离谱。一个企业在国际上的成功很大程度上依赖于一个结构良好、能够系统实施的本地化战略。 但是不要让它的复杂性阻碍了你迈出这一步!进入一个新市场看起来是一件令人畏惧的事,但是通过提前计划和按国家逐个制定本地化方案,你或许可以打开利润丰厚的国际市场,并使自己从竞争对手中脱颖而出。 但是如何制定一个成功的本地化战略呢? 幸运的是,我们能为你指引正确的方向。以下是2020年制定本地化战略的10条重磅建议。 1.不要被竞争激烈的市场所拖累 市场调查的第一步,应该从深入当地市场,了解你在当地的竞争对手开始。很多所谓的竞争对手很容易让人不知所措,但其他产品的存在不应该成为威慑你的因素——因为这更有可能是一个市场良性竞争的迹象。深入研究你的竞争对手在做什么,然后把它做得更好。怎么做?要有创意,比你的对手多迈一步:比如提供完整的套餐,而不是单独的产品,专注于解决客户的问题,而不是疯狂竞价。你仍然可以在一个对手众多的市场上取得成功,但必须找到一种脱颖而出的方法。 2.运用本地化策略提升品牌知名度 如果你要拓展新市场,不要把这种扩展看作是一个独立的公司。为你的新企业做足宣传,让这种国际市场的扩张成为你本地市场营销活动的一个特色。 海外市场的任何成功都会有助于你与当前客户和潜在客户建立信任。 但混合和搭配国际营销材料时要小心谨慎。你所传达的品牌信息需要在全球范围内始终如一,同时也需要确保使用的语言经过精心调整,以满足你的本地受众的需求。这就是为什么一个优秀的本地化团队中,本地译员和语言专业人士如此重要的原因,他们可以确保所传达的信息始终是贴切适宜的,并且对当地市场具有文化敏感性。 3.建立可靠的本地化团队和系统的工作流程 问题也许显而易见,也许隐藏很深,所以在准备开拓新的国际市场时要格外小心。至于你的产品内容,并不是仅仅把原有语言翻译成目标语言就万事大吉了。你需要建立一支经过审核的本地化团队,从一开始就把好关。理想情况下,这支团队应该包含一名本地化工程师、一名项目经理、一名质量保证专员,当然,还有来自目标市场的专业译员、编辑和校对人员。而且别忘了,你还需要一个系统的工作流程来保障每个环节顺利运行!所有这些专业人士和优化流程准备就绪后,你就可以树立起已准备好进入新市场的信心了。 4.研究地方文化 一个适销对路的产品或服务容易成功,但是如果它没有被清晰地传达给目标受众,那么它的热度就会被翻译给扑灭,这话一点儿也不假。 做好当地的调查,以确保你的品牌和服务与新市场的需求不相违背。仔细考虑营销材料的风格、颜色和口吻,并尝试为全球特定的区域个性化定制你的产品。这一步可能使你的品牌顺利实现跨国界发展,也可能发现需要进行某些必要的调整,以增加服务和产品的本地关联性。 本地化成功的关键是敏锐察觉目标市场中不断变化的文化和人文因素。 5.利用当地知识 接受“本地化”中的“本地”。在每一个新的市场中,你都需要当地译员、编辑和校对的专业知识。这些人的生计依赖于他们对当地语言的奇特用法和特质的深入了解,因此他们应该是所有本地化战略的支柱。如果没有认识到这一点,一个新公司甚至还没开业就会破产。因此,请确保避免常见的本地化陷阱,适应本地方言以吸引新受众。 6.相应调整定价策略 别指望到了国际市场,你的产品或服务成本会保持不变。合理定价前一定要进行彻底的市场调查,这是至关重要的,它决定了你是否可以在不同的行业盈利。但这并不意味着你不得不降低价格来吸引新客户。要知道,翻译的薪资成本正在提升,但不要让它妨碍你的首要目标:你要给客户提供足够好的服务,让客户意识到他们得到的价值是值得这个价格的。 7.表现出你的关心 许多公司都犯了这样的错误,那就是轻率地闯进一个新的国际市场,却对当地的人和文化都不太敏感。花时间去了解你的新客户群体,将来一定会给你带来好处,而且有助于树立一个富有同情心和关怀感的企业形象。了解当地日历上有哪些节日和法定假日,并针对这些重大事件专门定制你的本地化策略。有些公司在营销和本地化策略中加入了“改造”,从而帮助自己走得更远。这将会完全改变产品内容(而不仅仅是语言)来针对性地迎合当地市场。其目的是向新受众展示,一个国际或全球品牌仍然可以在每个市场上具有真正的本土特色。 8.技术准备 制定新的本地化战略,其中一个主要部分就是整合相关的技术要素。手机应用程序、网站和软件包都需要翻译成易感知的新语言。但在这项庞大的任务开始之前,有必要找出这其中的重点工作。例如,在中国,98%的互联网用户使用移动设备,因此,对于任何想要在这个举足轻重的市场上有所成就的公司来说,一个流畅、反应迅速的网站都是首选。 9.(适当)社交 社交媒体是当今所有商业活动的重要组成部分。这是唯一一个与观众分享你的创新、成功和进步的渠道。但不要以为在一个国家行得通的东西在另一个国家也会行得通。事实上,在你的国家最大的平台,可能在另一个国家并不流行——甚至没人使用。花点时间仔细研究一下哪些社交媒体可以增加收益,发帖前咨询专家的建议。一个不适宜的社交媒体动态,即使是不经意的,也有可能引起混乱,甚至破坏你所有的营销成果。 10.接受融合 如果你的业务需要一个技术集成的元素,请花时间研究并考虑如何使它们在一个高效的、(合理范围内)自动化的系统中协同工作。这意味着要确保你的CAT工具、翻译管理工具和支付系统都是相互兼容的。或者,使用一个多合一的集成解决方案来管理整个本地化生态系统,从而完全避免这个问题。改变整套工具的想法可能有点吓人,但,一旦将所有流程整合到一个流线系统中,你会惊讶于它节省了多少时间和精力(比如金钱和资源!)成本。 要么本地化,要么回家 归根结底,确保你的本地化团队拥有优秀的语言水平、营销水平和专业商务人士,所有人在高效的本地化工作流程中协同工作,且拥有集成化的、专业的技术工具支持。 一旦具备了所有这些基本要素,你就可以开始计划并执行一个全面的、具有文化敏感度的本地化战略,打入你准备开拓并取得成功的每一个本地市场。 准备好了吗?欢迎查看我们其他的有用的文章,以帮助你实现目标!

