Pro Guide: How to Run a Translation and Localization RFP

专业指南:如何开展翻译和本地化 RFP

2020-07-01 21:00 slator


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Slator’s 25-page How to Run a Translation and Localization RFP Report is a must-read guide for translation and localization buyers. It offers guidance on 12 types of key information to provide in your translation services and / or localization services RFP, as well as 5 essential types of information to request from participants in your RFP. If you are wondering whether you even need an RFP, this guide will help you navigate your decision-making process by outlining 4 key reasons for running an RFP. The report also provides details on 7 important decisions that should be made before launching an RFP. To further support your language services RFP, the report features two spotlight chapters on the fast-evolving areas of machine translation (MT) and translation management systems (TMS), giving buyers practical tips and insights into MT and TMS procurement. The intended audience of this report are translation and localization buyers looking to qualify languages services and technology vendors and procure translation and localization services. This report can also aid translation and localization vendors (LSPs) looking for insights into the RFP process. The report can be used as a standalone resource for buyers and LSPs, and is best read alongside Slator’s flagship 2020 Language Industry Market Report. Slator Research is available as pay-as-you-go or to subscribers of Slator’s Annual Research or Strategy Packages. Slator’s Research team is available to provide bespoke RFP advisory services and / or compile custom long and short lists of potential service suppliers and technology vendors. Slator’s easy-to-digest research offers the very latest industry and data analysis, providing language service providers, end-clients, and investors the confidence to make informed and time-critical decisions. This report does not cover information on RFPs for interpreting services.
Slator 发布了一份长达 25 页的报告《如何开展翻译和本地化 RFP》(How to Run a Translation and Localization RFP Report)。对于翻译和本地化服务的买方而言,这份指南值得一读。它详细列出了在翻译服务和/或本地化服务的 RFP 中应该提供的 12 类关键信息,以及要从参与方那里获取的 5 种基本信息。 本指南通过梳理买方的决策过程,指出开展 RFP 的 4 大关键原因,帮助买方决定是否需要开展 RFP。本报告还指出了在启动 RFP 之前必须做出的 7 项重要决定。 为了更契合当前语言服务的采购需求,本报告使用了两章篇幅,着重介绍了机器翻译 (MT) 和翻译管理系统 (TMS) 这两个快速发展的领域,为买家在采购机器翻译和翻译管理系统时提供客观可行的提示和见解。 本报告的目标读者是翻译和本地化服务的买方采购人员,他们正在为如何找到合格的语言服务和技术供应商而殚精竭虑。同时,本报告也帮助翻译和本地化提供商 (LSP) 了解 RFP 的流程。 本报告可单独购买,当然,如果与 Slator 2020 语言行业市场报告一起阅读则效果更佳。Slator Research 可以接受随买随用的方式,也可以按年订阅 Slator 的研究报告或战略资源包。 Slator 的研究团队可以提供定制的 RFP 咨询服务和/或按照客户需求来编制语言服务提供商和技术供应商的候选公司长名单和短名单。 Slator 简洁清晰的研究报告,涵盖最新的行业动态和数据分析,致力于帮助语言服务提供商、最终客户和投资者们做出明智果断的商业决策。 本报告不涉及口译服务 RFP 的相关信息。

