10 Fun Facts About Mexico, a Diverse and Multicultural Land


2020-06-20 05:20 GALA


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For the launch of our new section #SpanishAroundTheWord, we chose the largest Spanish-speaking country on the planet: Mexico. At Rosario Traducciones y Servicios SA, we invite you to join us on a virtual tour through the different countries of Latin America, as we explore their diversity and cultural riches. In this first post, you will discover ten fun and unique facts about Mexico, the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. 1) Mexico: extensive, diverse and multicultural Mexico is the 11th most populous country on the planet, with almost 125 million inhabitants. Its capital city, the fifth largest in the world, is home to 30 million people. In addition to Spanish, 69 indigenous languages languages are spokes, along with their respective dialects. Mexico is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world, with the largest number of speakers of Amerindian languages in the Americas. 2) The capital with the largest number of museums Mexico City tops the list of cities ith the highest number of museums. There are 171 museums, according to the Ministry of Tourism. However, there are reportedly more than 200, many of which are not officially registered. 3) Gastronomy: World Intangible Cultural Heritage Mexican cuisine is so delicious and varied that it is recognized by the UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage contribution to humanity. Mexico introduced chocolate, chili and corn to the rest of the world, and today, nachos with guacamole can be enjoyed even in the most remote places. Its flavors are as exotic as they are rich and diverse. For example, nopales (cactus leaves with spines) are eaten in salads, as are escamoles or chapulines, which are ant eggs and crickets, respectively. 4) A sinking capital Mexico City was built on the ruins of the Aztec city Tenochtitlan. Today, the city sprawls beyond the space once occupied by Texcoco Lake, an acquirer that supplies 70% of all the water consumed in Mexico City. As a result, the Mexican capital is sinking 25 centimeters on average per year, a fact that is evident in some of the city’s largest buildings. 5) The largest pyramid in the world Many believe that the largest pyramid is found in Egypt. However, Mexico's Great Pyramid of Cholula is the largest pyramid known to exist in the world, and the largest constructed monument still standing today. But Mexico is also a nation of contrasts. The ancient Aztec empire is home to the smallest volcano in the world, the Cuexcomate, an inactive geyser. 6) Latin American Capital of Guinness Records Mexico City is the Latin American city with the highest number of Guinness records (approximately 400). These include the largest number of naked people (photographed by Spencer Tunick); the largest number of people dancing to Michael Jackson's Thriller at the same time; the largest number of people kissing simultaneously; the largest enchilada in the world; the cup of biggest mug of hot chocolate; and the largest altar of the Day of the Dead, to mention a few examples. 7) The largest park in Latin America Chapultepec, or "Bosque de Chapultepec" (Chapultepec Forest) in Mexico City, is the largest city park in Latin America and one of the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Covering 678 hectares, it is twice the size of New York City's Central Park. 8) Coral riches The natural wonders along the Riviera Maya are as extensive as its long white-sand beaches and as abundant as the cenotes or sink holes, which the Mayan people held sacred because they were once the only source of freshwater in the Yucatan jungle. It is also home to the second largest coral reef in the world (2,500 km), surpassed only by Australia's Great Barrier Reef (2,300 Km). 9) Day of the Dead Celebration El Día de los Muertos (or Day of the Dead), a national holiday in Mexico, is celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of November. Over the course of two days, mexican families pay tribute to their departed loved ones in a celebratory manner. This celebration dates back more than 3,000 years to the Aztecs, who paid homage to the souls of the deceased who visited the world of the living each year in November. In this tradition, there are several types of altars, with different levels. An altar represents the material and immaterial world. Two-level altars represent the sky and the earth, and three-level altars symbolize the sky, the earth and the underworld. Sugar skulls, considered the favorite food of the spirits, and the bread of the dead (symbolizing the human sacrifices of ancient populations) are also part of the rituals. In 2008, UNESCO recognized the importance of Día de los Muertos by adding the holiday to its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. 10) Great biological diversity Mexico is one of the 18 most megadiverse countries of the world. To qualify, a country must have at least 5,000 species of endemic plants and border a marine ecosystem; in Mexico's case, it is believed that more than 200,000 species of plants and animals coexist in one of the the richest biologically diverse nations on the planet.
为了创建一个名为#世界西班牙语#的新版块,我们将目光投向了地球上最大的西班牙语国家:墨西哥。 在Rosario Traducciones y Servicios SA,我们邀请您加入一场通向拉丁美洲不同国家的虚拟之旅,探索其多元性和丰富多彩的文化。 在这第一篇文章中,你将发现关于世界上最大的西班牙语国家墨西哥的十个有趣和独特的事实。 1)墨西哥:地大物博,丰富多彩,文化多元 墨西哥人口居全球第11位,有近1.25亿居民。 其首都是世界上第五大的城市,居住着3000万人口。 除西班牙语外,还有69种土著语言及其各自的方言。 墨西哥是世界上语言最丰富的国家之一,也是美洲讲美洲印第安人语言的人数最多的国家。 2)拥有最多博物馆的首都 墨西哥城是世界上拥有博物馆数量最多的城市。 据旅游部统计,这里一共有171所博物馆。 然而,实际数量有超过200所,其中许多并未正式登记。 3)美食:世界非物质文化遗产 墨西哥菜美味而多样,被联合国教科文组织列为对人类做出贡献的非物质文化遗产。 墨西哥把巧克力,辣椒和玉米介绍到世界各地,今天,即使在最偏远的地方,也能享用到搭配鳄梨色拉酱的玉米片。 它们丰富多样,其风味充满异国情调。 例如,nopales(带刺的仙人掌叶)被放在沙拉中食用,escamoles或chapulines也是如此,它们分别是蚂蚁蛋和蟋蟀。 4)不断下沉的首都 墨西哥城建在阿兹特克城市——特诺奇蒂特兰城的废墟之上。 随着城市发展,如今墨西哥城已经超出了特斯科科湖曾经所占的空间,墨西哥城70%的用水都来源于特斯科科湖。 这就导致墨西哥首都每年平均下沉25厘米,这种现象在该市一些最大的建筑中可见一斑。 5)世界上最大的金字塔 许多人都认为最大的金字塔是在埃及发现的。 然而,其实墨西哥的乔卢拉大金字塔是世界上已知现存的最大的金字塔,也是至今仍矗立着的最大的建筑纪念碑。 但墨西哥也是一个充满反差的国家。 古老的阿兹特克帝国拥有世界上最小的火山——Cuexcomate,这是一个并不活跃的间歇泉。 6)拉丁美洲吉尼斯纪录之都 墨西哥城是拥有最多吉尼斯纪录的拉丁美洲城市(约400项)。举几个例子,比如这些记录包括裸体人数最多(图/斯宾塞·图尼克摄); 同时跳迈克尔·杰克逊的《颤栗者》人数最多; 同时接吻的人数最多; 世界上最大的辣肉馅玉米卷; 最大一杯的热巧克力以及亡灵节最大的祭坛。 7)拉丁美洲最大的公园 墨西哥城的查普尔特佩克公园,又称为“博斯克德查普尔特佩克”(查普尔特佩克森林),是拉丁美洲最大的城市公园,也是西半球最大的城市公园之一。 占地678公顷,是纽约市中央公园的两倍大。 8)珊瑚资源 玛雅河沿岸的自然奇观与长长的白沙滩一样广袤,与洞穴一样丰富,玛雅人认为这些洞穴是神圣的,因为它们曾经是尤卡坦半岛丛林中唯一的淡水来源。 它也是世界上第二大珊瑚礁(2500公里)的家园,仅次于澳大利亚的大堡礁(2300公里)。 9)亡灵节庆祝活动 亡灵节是墨西哥的国定节日,在11月1日和2日举行庆祝活动。 在两天的时间里,墨西哥的家庭以庆祝的方式悼念他们逝去的亲人。 这一庆祝活动要追溯到3000多年前的阿兹特克人,他们在每年11月向造访生者世界的逝者的灵魂表示敬意。 在这个传统中,祭坛有几种类型,层次不同。 祭坛代表着物质世界和非物质世界。 二级祭坛代表天空和大地,三级祭坛象征着天空,大地和阴间。 糖头骨被认为是幽灵最喜爱的食物,以及死者的面包(象征着古代人口的人类祭祀)也是仪式的一部分。 2008年,教科文组织认识到亡灵节(Día de los Muertos)的重要性,将其列入人类非物质文化遗产清单。 10)巨大的生物多样性 墨西哥是世界上最具多样性的18个国家之一。一个国家要想符合该条件,必须拥有至少5000种特有植物,并与海洋生态系统接壤; 以墨西哥为例,作为世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,人们相信有20多万种动植物共存于此。

