10 questions to ask yourself when preparing a quotation for translation services


2020-05-24 22:37 Smartcat


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One of the most common and drudging challenges a project manager faces in their daily work is getting a quotation — or many quotations — assessed, produced and delivered to their clients and prospects. Especially when there’s a deadline to get everything done. If you already have “hard-coded” rates for translation services, you can simply multiply it by the number of words and use a simple tool such as this free one to prepare a professionally looking translation quote online. Prepare translation quotation for freeBut if your translation agency hasn't settled down on the pricing yet, or if you want to approach each project individually, there are many things to keep in mind when calculating the quotation. We prepared a quick checklist of questions you want to ask yourself when preparing your translation quotation so that you don’t accidentally miss something. 1. What is your base rate? First of all, think of the rate you want to take for the most common kind of a translation request, in an average-priced language pair, with no additional requirements such as DTP or editing/proofreading. If you’re completely at a loss, average the rates of your last ten orders. 2. What kind of translation is this? Does the source text include specialist language, such as is the case for technical, medical, legal or financial translations? If yes, you will need to find professional translators specializing in these fields, whose rates are typically higher. Add 30–50% to your base rate. 3. Is this a rare language pair? Translators in rare language pairs can be harder to find and will generally charge more for their services. So unless this is a language pair that your company specializes in and has in-house translators for, be ready to add 30–50% more to your base rate. 4. Do you quote plain translation, or editing/proofreading as well? If it’s a critical piece of content that requires a really high-quality translation, you might want to include editing and proofreading in the workflow. Editing costs around 50% of the translation price, and proofreading around half of that, so add 70–80% to your base rate. 5. Can it be a machine translation post-editing project? Some documents and use cases don’t require a super-diligent translation. For example, if it’s a listing on a travel or e-commerce site, you’ll be quite well off with light post-editing over a machine translation. In this case, you can subtract up to 50–70% from your base rate. 6. Does the source content require pre-processing? Whether it’s a scanned PDF requiring OCR or a localization file format with lots of untranslatable texts, some documents will have you spend a while before you can submit them for translation. Factor in that time when calculating the overall project price. 7. Does the target content require post-processing? Similarly, you might need to work on post-translation layout/formatting for PDFs. Sometimes you can do this yourself, other times you’ll need a professional DTP specialist. Whichever the case, make sure to “dilute” the price of those hours/services in your rate. 8. How many translation memory matches do you anticipate? If you have worked for that specific client before, or if the subject area involves repetitive wordings — say contracts — you might save quite a bit on reusing your translation memory matches. Whether you want to discount the price for your client is up to you of course
项目经理在日常工作中面临的最常见和最艰苦的挑战之一是获得一份或多份报价,经过评估和制作,最后交付给他们的客户和潜在客户。 尤其是所有事情都赶上最后期限的时候。 如果你已经有了翻译服务的“硬编码”价格,你可以直接把它乘以字数,并使用一个如本款免费产品一样的简单工具,准备一个专业的在线翻译报价。 免费准备翻译报价。但是如果你所在的翻译机构还没有确定价格,或者你想单独处理每个项目,那么在计算报价时你要牢记很多东西。 我们准备了一个快速问题清单,上面列出了你在准备翻译报价时要问自己的问题,这样你就不会一不小心漏掉了一些东西。 1.你的基本价格是多少? 首先,考虑一下对于最常见类型的翻译需求,在平均价格的语言对中,不需要额外的如桌面排版(DTP)或编辑/校对等要求,你希望拿到的价钱。 如果你完全不了解,那就算出你最后十个订单的平均价格。 2.这是什么类型的翻译? 原文是否包含专业语言,如技术,医学,法律或金融翻译? 如果是的话,你需要找到这些领域的专业翻译,他们的翻译价格通常更高,在你的基础价格上再加30-50%。 3.这是不是稀有的语言对? 稀有语言对的译员很难找到,而且通常会收取更高的服务费。 因此,除非你的公司擅长这种语言对,或公司有内部译员,不然就准备在基础价格上增加30-50%。 4.你报价的是纯翻译,还是包括编辑/校对? 如果是需要高质量翻译的重要内容,你可能希望工作流中包含编辑和校对。 编辑费用大约是翻译价格的50%,校对费用也是,所以要在基本价格上再加70-80%。 5.项目可以做机器翻译的译后编辑吗? 有些文档和用例并不需要非常仔细的翻译。 例如,如果它是一个旅游或电子商务网站上的列表,相当适合在机器翻译基础上做快速译后编辑。 在这种情况下,你可以在基本价格上减去50-70%。 6.源内容是否需要译前处理? 无论是需要光学字符识别(OCR)的扫描PDF文件,还是包含大量不可译文本的本地化文件格式,有些文档在正式翻译之前会花费一点时间。 在计算项目总价格时要把这段时间考虑进去。 7.目标内容是否需要译后处理? 类似地,你可能需要处理PDF文件翻译后的布局/格式。 有时你可以自己做,其他时候你需要一个桌面排版(DTP)专家。 不管是哪种情况,请确保在你的报价中“减少”那些时长/服务的价格。 8.你预计有多少匹配的翻译记忆? 如果你以前为特定的客户工作过,或者主题领域涉及重复的措辞,比如合同,你可能会重用匹配的翻译记忆,从而省下不少钱。你是否给你的客户打折当然由你自己决定。

