Here are the seven term formation principles from ISO 704 Terminology Work—Principles and Methods that allow us to assess existing synonyms or new term suggestions.
The rhetorical question in the title above originates in my work with translation students in the Master’s in Translation and Interpreting program at New York University. In their second semester, they may not have thought about translating in subject areas that are new to the target culture and where terminology has not yet been coined. I explain that, as translators, they might get to form new terms. Sometimes, I hear a tiny gasp from students in my online course.
Naturally, not every technical translator will coin new terminology in every assignment. There’s plenty of work in domains with little innovation and on documents with repetitive material. But there are also scenarios that most certainly include new concepts. For example, a patent is a text about a new invention that is by definition a concept that doesn’t exist elsewhere in that form and, therefore, has to be assigned a term. Translators may work in or for organizations where new departments or new roles need to be named on a regular basis. In manufacturing environments, for example, the number of existing products and new versions may be so high that new names are first suggested by computer programs before a human approves them. This is not the norm. It’s still humans who name most new concepts. So, the more systematically they go about it, the better for the audience.
Language professionals from around the world have come together in the framework of the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) Technical Committee 37, Language and Terminology, to create ISO 704 Terminology Work—Principles and Methods.1 This international standard establishes the basic principles and methods for preparing and compiling terminologies both inside and outside the framework of standardization, and describes the links between objects, concepts, and their terminological representations. The standard also contains a section on term formation. The following will cover the seven term formation principles from ISO 704 that allow us to assess existing synonyms or new term suggestions.
While not all principles and methods are transferable to other languages, many are. Readers may recognize what works in another language, but also identify additional methods for their languages. My goal here is to share this topic with a wide audience and help make naming a more conscious and deliberate effort.
Why Do Well-Formed Terms and Names Matter?
One of the primary goals of technical material is to pass on information to a user. A large component of technical texts are terms and names (designations). Indeed, terms and names are the main carriers of information, as they’re the representations of concepts covered by the text.
If we invent terms and names randomly, chances are nobody will understand the concepts behind them. Communication will be inhibited or not occur. If we form terminology with a systematic approach, a larger percentage of readers will grasp the concept, and grasp it faster. In his Manuel pratique de terminology, Canadian translator-terminologist Robert Dubuc states: “[a] term is well-formed if the concept comes through either via the etymology or via the components of the term. Terms that follow the morphology of a language are often well-formed.”2 [Note: Translation mine.]
ISO Term Formation Principles
The 2009 edition of ISO 704 lists seven principles of term formation for the English language. They allow us to examine existing or new terms. In fact, a better term for these principles might be “term assessment principles.” The sections on the following pages cover the seven principles, complete with examples from my work as a terminologist. For more details, please see the standard itself. (Link provided at the end of this article.)
1. Transparency
If terms and names are transparent, the informed reader will not need a dictionary or definition to understand them. The meaning of the concept they represent will be clear from looking at the designation. Terms that are transparent reflect important characteristics of the concept (e.g., form or function).
Medical terminology, for example, is generally transparent to the subject matter experts of the field. Medical professionals will immediately recognize the concept underlying the term microprolactinoma as a small (micro-) tumor (-oma) that has an effect on the level of the hormone, prolactin, in the body of the patient.
That’s not to say that all medical terminology is created with transparency in mind. Some are what we call ill-formed. For example, a particular gene of the fruit fly was named Cheap Date, as a geneticist-friend pointed out years ago. Even to him the name was murky, but then he learned that the name was motivated by the fact that flies with a mutation in this gene are susceptible to alcohol.3
2. Linguistic Economy
While the term/name must be clear and unique, it should also not be a long description. After all, we could use definitions to be precise, but that wouldn’t be convenient in most communication scenarios. Therefore, a term should be as short as possible. This matters even more in environments where limited space is available (e.g., cell phone screens).
Even where space plays no roll, communicators often prefer short terms for convenience. For example, NATO is used far more often then the full form North Atlantic Treaty Organization. But users and creators of terminology must be aware that shorter terms are less transparent. When asked whether DNA is a transparent term, invariably at least one says yes. Tongue in cheek I affirm that everyone knows that it refers to the Democratic National Alliance, a former political party in Trinidad and Tobago. Without knowing at least the subject area, we cannot be sure of the underlying concept. (See Figure 1.)
3. Consistency
Within the subject field, designations should be consistent and reflect the underlying concept system. Readers new to a subject field learn more quickly when the terminology is consistent, as retention is enhanced. Some good examples of this include:
Chemical formulas and their corresponding terms that reflect the underlying concept system (e.g., N2O, or dinitrogen monoxide; Cl2O7, or dichlorine heptoxide).4
Rotary-wing aircrafts are named based on the number of rotor systems each aircraft has (e.g., a multicopter is one with more than two rotor systems). (See Figure 2.)
4. Appropriateness
The designation must be appropriate for the audience of the text and the subject field and shouldn’t have any unwanted connotations. This principle suggests that we pick the right register for the audience. But it also helps us avoid creating terms that are hard to pronounce or that have distracting undertones.
Even companies that aren’t concerned with many of the other principles discussed here obey the latter aspect of this one when coining new product names. For example, when Windows® Vista was named, language experts for over 100 languages were asked what Vista meant to them. When only the Lithuanian linguists mentioned that višta means hen in their language, the Windows team deemed Vista acceptable for use worldwide.
5. Derivability and Compoundability
A new concept and its term may lead to new ways of communicating about them. If possible, we should keep in mind while coining the term that we may have to form other parts of speech (derivability) or compounds (compoundability) that are based on the term in the future. Here are two examples:
Starting with the Microsoft® Office 2007 suite, the user interface navigation changed from menu-driven navigation to the “ribbon,” a graphical control element in the form of a set of toolbars placed on several tabs. Pretty soon other software developers “ribbonized” their interfaces and introduced ribbons as navigational aids. And eventually the ribbon was broken down into “ribbon tabs” and “ribbon groups.”
When German terminologists decided that the noun for the English “upload” would be “Upload” in German, they didn’t think about the term as a verb yet. For a while, even the IT community struggled with the past tense of the term, which could be upgeloaded or geuploaded. Both sounded cumbersome and looked incorrect.
6. Linguistic Correctness
A new term must follow standard rules of the language with regard to spelling or grammar. Particularly areas of business that are sales-oriented are prone to violating this principle in their naming. Being hip trumps being correct. And yet, following established rules allows us to create terms or names that will be acceptable to a larger audience, less exposed to ridicule, and less likely to necessitate a change.
Inspired by English, many business owners of small businesses in Germany use the apostrophe “s” for possessives in their business name: e.g., Mirko’s Dönerbude or Erika’s Nagelstudio (correct: Mirkos Dönerbude and Erikas Nagelstudio). As linguists, we’re aware of hyphenation, capitalization, and other rules that apply to our languages and follow them.
7. Preference for Native Language
Often, we have a choice between a loanword, which we could introduce from the source language into the target language, and a term in the native language of the target market. The preferred term in most cases is a term in the native language (not a loan), because it’s generally easier for target-language readers to understand. This principle applies specifically to our scenario of creating terms during the translation process.
Particularly the IT professionals in other countries are willing to use English terminology, but that doesn’t always work out. Even IT experts in Germany voted to replace the above-mentioned example of the verb uploaden with the existing and perfectly fine German term hochladen when asked in a survey during an industry event in 2004. Replacing such a prevalent term many years after it was introduced is extremely costly for a company.
That’s why it was a surprise when Microsoft insisted on using the English term “firstline worker” (for a new category of workers) in many target-language markets. It’s one thing to retain the name of a product or a company name, but it’s not advisable to impose terms for general concepts on another language. Even if we don’t speak Japanese, we can see from the excerpt shown in Figure 3, which comes from a Japanese website, that it might be a problem.4 Just think of the sales representative who is trying to introduce clients to a product for firstline workers. It’s easy to imagine that by the second time they have to pronounce it, they’ll have invented something that works more naturally for them.
There’s Nothing Easy about Naming
In my classroom, we look at terms in the context of their underlying concept and assess whether or not they meet the principles discussed above. Students notice that most terms don’t meet all the principles. As mentioned earlier, a term can often only be transparent (where the meaning of the underlying concept is readily understood) or short (where the meaning is less transparent). When this is the case, a concept might be represented by both a long and a short form. For instance, the long, more transparent, form should be used initially, but then the shorter form can be used in the rest of the document, especially if space is an issue. Sometimes long forms aren’t very easy to pronounce, and therefore might lack appropriateness. Again, this is where a short form might come in handy.
There’s nothing easy about naming, especially if we don’t do it regularly. Companies that are serious about their linguistic presentation and professional image put work into naming their products, features, departments, job titles, and most of all the company itself. As their extended representatives, translators must put equal care into the coining of new terms and names. ISO 704 provides us with seven term formation principles to guide us in this endeavor.
以下是ISO 704术语工作中用来评估现有同义词或新术语的七个原则。
标题中的疑问起源于我与纽约大学翻译硕士研究生的合作。 他们都读到第二学期了,可能都没想过在目标文化中新出现的,术语尚未创造的学科领域进行翻译。 我对学生解释说,作为译者,他们可能需要创新术语。 但在有的线上课程,我会听见学生们吓到倒抽气。
当然,并不是每个技术翻译都会在每次任务中创造新的术语。 大量的工作是在缺乏创新的领域和对重复材料的文档进行翻译, 但也肯定会在一些场景遇到新概念。 例如,专利是关于一项新发明的文本,从定义上来说,这是一种不存在于其他形式的概念,因此,必须为其指定一个术语。 译者也可能就职于需要定期命名新部门或新角色的组织中。 例如,在制造业中,因为现有产品及其新版本数量过多,所以往往先由电脑程序为其命名再由人类定夺。 但这不是常态, 大多数新概念仍由人类命名。 所以,他们的命名越有规律,读者越容易理解。
来自世界各地的语言专业人员,为了创建ISO 704术语工作的原则和方法而在国际标准化组织(ISO)第37技术委员会—“语言和术语”板块汇聚一堂。1本国际标准确立了在标准化框架内外编制和汇编术语的基本原则和方法,并描述了对象,概念及其术语表示之间的联系。 该标准涵盖了术语构成方面, 以下是ISO 704中构成术语的七个原则,这些原则能帮助我们评估现有的同义词或新术语。
虽然并不是所有的原则和方法都适用于其他语言,但多数是可以的。 读者可以发现其他语言的规律,但也能意识到其母语的规律。我在此是为了给大众分享这个主题,今后能在命名过程中意识到这一点并更加深思熟虑。
技术材料的主要目标之一是将信息传递给用户。 术语和名称(称呼)是技术文本的一大组成部分。 事实上,术语和名称是信息的主要载体,因为它们是文本所涵盖概念的表达。
如果我们随意创造术语和名称,很可能没人能理解它们的含义。 交流将产生障碍甚至无法交流。 如果我们用一种系统的方法来构成术语,就会有更多读者更快地掌握这个概念。 加拿大翻译家兼术语学家罗伯特·杜布克在他的《实用术语手册》中提出:“如果一个术语能通过词源或其组成部分表达其概念,就认为这个术语结构良好。 按照词法构词的术语通常结构良好。“2[注:翻译我。]
2009年版ISO 704列出了英语术语形成的七个原则,能帮助我们检查现有术语和新术语。 事实上,用“术语评估原则”来命名这些原则可能更好。有关详细信息,请参阅标准本身。 (本文末尾提供了链接。)
如果术语和名称简单易懂,专业的读者将不需要字典或定义来理解它们。 光从名称上就能很清楚地知道它们所代表的概念的含义。 易懂的术语往往反映了概念的重要特征(例如形式或功能)。
例如,医学术语通常对该领域的专家是易懂的。 医学专业人士将立刻知道“微泌乳素瘤”这一术语的基本概念,即能影响患者体内催乳素激素水平的小型(微)肿瘤(瘤)。
但并不是所有医学术语都是在考虑到易懂的情况下创建的, 有些术语我们就认为结构不良。 例如,一位遗传学家朋友多年前就提出一个被命名为“廉价女”的果蝇的特殊基因命名不当。因为即使对他来说,这个名字也是晦涩难懂的。但他后来才了解到,因为该基因发生突变的苍蝇对酒精很敏感,所以叫这个名字。3
虽然术语或名称必须清楚和独特,但也不宜过长。 毕竟,尽管我们可以使用定义来精确描述,但这在大多数交流中并不方便。 因此,一个术语应尽可能简短。 特别在可用空间有限的环境中(例如手机屏幕),这一点尤为重要。
即使空间没有限制时,交流者也经常图方便而使用简短的术语。 例如,北约的使用频率远高于其全称—北大西洋公约组织。 但术语的使用者和创建者必须留意,较短的术语会更难懂。 当被问到DNA是否是一个易懂的术语时,至少总有一人认为是的。 我会开玩笑说,大家都知道它指的是民主全国联盟,这是特立尼达和多巴哥的一个前政党。 至少要知道主题领域,我们才能确定术语的内在含义。 (参见图1.)
在学科领域内,名称应该是一致的,并反映基本的概念系统。 当术语保持一致时,新进入一个主题领域的读者更容易记住术语,也就能学习得更快。 这方面的一些范例包括:
旋转翼飞机是根据每架飞机具有的旋翼系统的数量来命名的(例如,多翼飞机是具有两个以上旋翼系统的飞机)。 (参见图2.)
名称必须与文本的受众和主题领域相合,不该有任何不必要的含义。 这一原则建议我们为听众选择正确的语域,也避免我们创造难以发音或有令人分心的潜台词的术语。
即使是那些不关心这里讨论的许多其他原则的公司,在创造新的产品名称时也会遵守这一原则的后一方面。 例如,在命名Windows®Vista时,微软公司询问了100多位不同语种的语言专家,Vista对他们意味着什么。 当只有立陶宛的语言学家提到Vista在他们的语言中意味着“母鸡”时,微软团队认为Vista这一名称可以在全世界使用。
一个新概念及其术语可能会带来有关的新交流方式。 如果可能的话,我们在创造这个术语的时要注意,将来我们可能会形成基于这个术语的其他词类(派生性)或复合词(复合性)。 这里有两个例子:
从2007版Microsoft®Office开始,用户界面导航从菜单驱动的导航转变为“功能区”,这是一个图形化的控制元素,以一组工具栏的形式放在几个选项卡上。 很快,其他软件开发人员将界面“功能区化”,并引入“功能区”作为导航辅助工具。 最终,功能区被分成“功能区索引标签”和“功能区组”。
德国术语学家决定英语名词“upload”在德语中命名为“upload”,但他们没有考虑到这个词也可以当动词使用。 有一段时间,即使是IT界都为这个术语的过去时态头疼,它既可以是“upgeloaded”也可以是“geuploaded”,但两者的德语发音听起来都很绕口,看起来也像个错词。
一个新的术语必须遵循该语言的拼写或语法的标准规则。 特别是以销售为导向的业务领域,在命名时往往会违反这一原则。 在他们看来,时尚比正确更重要。 然而,遵循既定的规则可以让我们创造出能为更多观众所接受的术语或名称,更少受到嘲笑,也更少需要改变。
受英语的启发,德国许多小企业主在企业名称中使用“ ’S”表示所有格。例如,Mirko's Dönerbude或Erika's Nagelstudio(正确名称应为:Mirkos Dönerbude和Erikas Nagelstudio)。 作为语言学家,我们会注意断字,字母大写和其他适用于我们语言的规则,并遵守它们。
通常,我们要在一个外来词(我们可以把它从源语言引入目标语言)和一个目标市场的母语中的术语之间做出选择。 大多数情况下,首选的术语是母语中的术语(而不是外来语),因为这样更利于目标语读者理解。 这个原则尤其适用于我们在翻译过程中创建术语的情况。
即使是更喜欢使用英语的的信息技术人员,也不总是愿意使用英语的。 在2004年的一次行业活动中,德国的信息技术专家在一项调查中投票决定将上述的动词uploaden替换成现存的、完全正确的德语词汇“hochladen”。对一个公司来说,引入一个流行的术语多年之后再将它换掉是非常昂贵的。
这就是为什么微软坚持在许多目标语言市场使用英语术语“firstline worker”(一种新工种),会令人惊讶。 保留产品名称或公司名称是一回事,但将通用概念的术语强加于另一种语言是不可取的。 即使我们不会说日语,我们也可以从摘录自一个日语网站的图3中看出,这可能是个问题。 不难想象,等下次必须发音的时候,他们会创造一个更自然的词。
在我的课堂上,我们把术语放在表达其基本概念的上下文中看,并评估它们是否符合上面讨论的原则。 学生们注意到大多数术语并不符合所有的原则。 如前所述,一个术语往往只能是易懂的(即其基本概念的含义易于理解)或简短的(其含义不那么容易理解)。 在这种情况下,一个概念可以用详细和简短两种方式呈现。 例如,最初应该使用较长的,更易懂的形式。但随后可以在文档的剩余部分使用较短的形式,特别是文本空间有限时。 有时详细的术语不太容易发音,因此可能缺乏适当性。 同样,这也是简短术语可能派上用场的地方。
命名并不容易,尤其是对那些不常命名的人来说。 那些重视语言表达和专业形象的公司会在产品,功能,部门,职称,以及公司本身的命名上下功夫。 作为自身的另一种代表,译者在创造新词和名称也必须同样小心。 ISO 704在这方面提供了七个术语构成原则来指导我们。
ISO TC37《语言和术语》. “ISO 704:2009术语工作-原理和方法”, ISO 704卷(日内瓦:ISO/TC 37/SC 1,2009年),
杜布克,罗伯特. 《实用术语手册》,第4版(布罗萨德:语言学编辑有限公司.,2002年).
罗伯特·克鲁维奇.《果蝇专家狠拍“廉价女”》 美国国家公共电台:包罗万象(2009年2月9日),
芭芭拉·英格·卡什是术语咨询和培训公司BIK Termology的所有者。 作为一名顾问和培训师,她为其他公司和组织提供有关术语培训、术语开发和术语管理系统等服务。 拥有14年任职于J.D.爱德华兹和微软公司作为内部术语专家的经验。自2012年以来,在纽约大学翻译硕士专业担任兼职教师一职。 作为国际标准化组织第37技术委员会的美国代表,她正在主持ISO 12616(“支持多语言交流的术语工作--第1部分:面向翻译的术语学基础”)的修订工作。 联系方式。