YourTerm Medical: An Innovative Terminological Database for the Use of Healthcare Professionals


2020-04-12 20:19 termcoord


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With the aim to meet the immediate terminological needs of Médecins sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in their international missions, a project consisting in building a linguistic database was undertaken by the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament, the Paris-Diderot University, the University of Granada, and others. A big challenge that doctors face in their daily practice is dealing with terminological variation, i.e., different denominations for the same specialized concepts depending on the characteristics of the concept that the user, either consciously or unconsciously, focuses on. In order to meet this challenge, we started building a next generation structured database. The organization of this new database is based on and integrates the latest advances in Cognitive Terminology and Psychoterminology (Koreneva Antonova 2017). This project is based on the innovative cognitive structure of the Frame-Based Terminology (Faber 2014) applied to medical events. A previous approach on the matter was materialized in the terminological database VariMed, which compiles terminological variations in the medical field along with pragmatic information, and which is intended to facilitate communication between healthcare professionals and patients. The current project languages are Arabic, English, French, German, Greek, Russian, and Spanish. Other languages may be integrated in the future, such as Portuguese. The languages were selected in an attempt to match the international missions carried out by MSF and the languages spoken in the main countries in which MSF operates. Nowadays this is particularly important due to the wave of refugees coming to Europe, since this phenomenon is causing the type of emergency situation that MSF would attend. Under these circumstances, it is crucial for doctors to have linguistic resources at their disposal so that they can take care of their patients in an effective manner. This is the motivation behind the creation of an innovative multilingual database enabling doctors to consult it when operating on site. The advantages of this new database are the structure and the way it matches knowledge organization in the human brain. For this, the database was based upon the Medical Event ‘Disease’. An event in Cognitive Terminology is the frame in which elements pertaining to a certain conceptual structure are stored in and retrieved from our memory. The event structure was based on a previous Corpus Linguistics analysis of medical texts and on previous psycholinguistic experiments with specialized concepts. According to the findings, the mental lexicon of healthcare professionals is organised in form of ‘Medical Events’, which are prototypical and universal (i.e., not linked to a specific language or culture) representations of how information about diseases is stored, as observed in the following screenshot:(此处原文有个图,是否要加上呢?) According to this structure, a disease is a process located in a body part or a physiological system, which is manifested by a set of signs and symptoms, and that can be cured or alleviated by means of treatment. The database contains columns corresponding to Disease, Symptoms, Affected Body Part and Treatment, structured in such a way that equivalents for different languages are easily retrieved. The new database so far contains 50 terms which were selected according to the priority working areas of MSF. In the framework of the ongoing project YourTerm Medical, more terms will be added to the database in the future.
为满足“无国界医生组织(MSF)”在执行国际任务中对术语的紧急需求,欧洲议会术语协调部(TermCoord)、巴黎狄德罗大学(Paris-Diderot University)、西班牙格拉纳达大学(University of Granada)和其他机构开展了一个语言数据库项目。 医生在日常工作中面临的一大挑战是如何处理“术语变体(terminological variation)”,即人们会有意或无意地特别关注概念的某一特点,因此,不同的人会选择不同的术语表达相同的概念。为应对这一挑战,这些机构着手构建下一代的“结构化数据库”。该数据库的架构以认知术语学和心理术语学为基础,整合其中最新的研究成果(Koreneva Antonova 2017)。该项目借鉴应用于医疗事件的框架型术语学的创新型认知结构(Faber 2014)。术语库VariMed率先尝试应对该挑战,汇编了医学领域中的术语变体以及实用信息,旨在促进医疗专业人士和患者之间的交流。 目前,本项目支持的语言有阿拉伯语、英语、法语、德语、希腊语、俄语和西班牙语。大部分是无国界医生组织(MSF)执行国际任务、开展国际业务主要国家的官方语言,未来可能会加入葡萄牙语等其他语言。如今,欧洲的难民潮突显了这个项目的重要性。因为难民潮会引起突发状况,无国界医生组织需要参与其中。这时,医生掌握语言资源是至关重要的,因为只有这样才能有效地照顾病人。这就是创建“创新型多语言数据库”的动机——为了方便医生在实际工作中能参考数据库。 该数据库的优点是其与人类大脑中知识组织的架构和方式相匹配。因此,该数据库基于医疗事件“疾病”。认知术语学中的“事件”是指与某一概念结构有关的元素在人类记忆中存储和提取的框架。该事件结构基于一个以往的语料库语言学对医学文本的分析和心理语言学对特定概念的实验。根据研究结果,医疗专业人士的心理词典以“医疗事件”的形式组建。这些事件是典型的、通用的,不特指某一语言或文化,展现了疾病信息的存储模式,如下图所示:(此处原文有配图,是否要加上呢?) 根据这一结构,疾病是位于身体某一部位或生理系统内,以一组体征和症状表现出来,通过治疗手段可以治愈或减轻的。该数据库包含与疾病、症状、受影响的身体部位和治疗相对应的栏目。这一架构使得不同语言间的对等词易于检索。 到目前为止,该数据库包含五十个根据无国界医生组织的优先工作领域选定的术语。未来,更多的术语会添加至YourTerm Medical项目中。

