Is the terminologist profession recognized in your country?


2020-04-08 11:23 inmyownterms


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Is the terminologist profession recognized in your country? The President of the European Association for Terminology (EAFT) is preparing a paper on the status of the terminologist around the world. If you are involved in terminology, please take a few minutes to read the message he posted on LinkedIn and send him the information directly to him at: Below is his full post on Linkedin: “I’m preparing a paper on the status of the terminologist. I am therefore interested in if “terminologist” is a recognized profession in your country. If so, in what way? Please also indicate the title in your language, and if there are other, similar titles. Regards, Henrik Nilsson President, European Association for Terminology (EAFT) and Secretary, Terminologifrämjandet (Sweden).“
术语学家职业在贵国是否得到认可? 欧洲术语协会(EAFT)主席正在编写一份关于世界各地术语学家地位的文件。 如果你涉及术语,请花几分钟阅读他在LinkedIn上发布的信息,并将信息直接发送给他,地址 以下是他在LinkedIn上的完整帖子: “我正在准备一篇关于术语学家地位的论文。 因此,我感兴趣的是“术语学家”是否是贵国认可的职业。 如果是,以什么方式? 请用你的语言注明标题,如果有其他类似的标题。 问候, Henrik Nilsson,欧洲术语协会(EAFT)主席,Terminologifrämjandet(瑞典)秘书。“

