Interview with Matteo Santipolo

意大利教育语言学Matteo Santipolo 访谈

2020-03-27 18:40 terminology Coordination


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Interview with Matteo Santipolo Matteo Santipolo is Professor of Educational Linguistics at the University of Padua (Italy), Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari. Born in Rovigo, Italy, in 1971, he studied for some semesters at the Universities of Warwick (visiting student) and Reading (Erasmus student) in Great Britain and then graduated with high distinction in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice with a sociophonetic dissertation on London’s dialect. Part of the thesis has been published on the University’s journal Annali di Ca’ Foscari. At the same University, he also obtained the ITALS Master in education and promotion of the Italian language and culture to foreigners. He attended a PhD course in Linguistics at the University of Pisa, studying for long periods in South Africa, and between 2002 and 2005, he was researcher in modern language education at the University of Bari. He was associate professor in educational linguistics at the Department of Literary and Linguistic Studies at the University of Padua from 2008 to 2017, when he became full professor. At the University of Padua, he was coordinator of the International Relations Commission of the Faculty of Education between 2007 and 2012 during which period he promoted the signature of an International Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Padua and the University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban (South Africa). He is still responsible for the Erasmus Exchange Programme with about twenty Universities. Since 1999 he has been collaborating with the ITALS Laboratory at Ca’ Foscari as trainer of teachers of Italian as a foreign language both in Italy and abroad. He was editorial director of the journal Rivista ITALS. Didattica e linguistica dell’italiano come lingua straniera from 2003 to 2012 (when the journal was closed) and is member of several scientific committees of Italian and international journals. In 2014, he became member of the Scientific Committee of the “Dante Alighieri” Society in Rome, founded in 1889, which coordinates some 500 schools of Italian for foreigners around the world. Since 2015, he has been member of the Board of Directors of DILLE (Italian Association of Educational Linguistics and Language Teaching Education) of which he is currently Vice-president. Since 2019, he has been Secretary-General of FIPLV Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes/International Federation of Language Teacher Associations. Since 2007, he has been member of Rovigo’s Accademia dei Concordi (Academy of Arts, Science and Fine Arts established in 1580). Since 2017, he has been Director of RILA Rassegna Italiana di Lingusitica Applicata founded in 1969, one of the Italian most prestigious journals on applied linguistics and since 2019, he has been co-editor of the journal ISSA, Italian Studies in Southern Africa/Studi di italianistica nell’Africa australe. His main research interests revolve around foreign language education (in particular Italian, English and Spanish as second/foreign languages), the teaching of the sociolinguistic aspects of foreign languages, sociolinguistics and language policies and, recently, the relation between Folk Linguistics and language teaching. In this latter area, he is currently coordinating and International research group.   Could you please explain when did your interest in linguistics start and how did you come to be a linguist? I first became aware of the existence of different languages when I was about six years old and I was attending my first year of Primary School. One day I received as a present a collection of notebooks which all had a different flag and the related currency as their cover (I distinctly remember the flags of Great Britain, Spain, France and Germany, but there must have been others in the series). They immediately caught my curiosity and, out of the blue, I asked my daddy what languages were spoken in those countries. By answering my question I think he sowed the seeds of a passion which has accompanied me ever since and that has literally (and very positively) marked my life. In those days, it was not so common in Italy to have the chance to be exposed to foreign languages at Primary School, but I was so lucky that my teacher brought us in class an English/French bilingual girl from Canada who was spending a year in my hometown and who gave us the rudiments of both languages. The move from languages to linguistics came some years later as I reached the first year of Secondary School. Mainly by listening to pop music I then realised that the English I was taught at school only represented one possible variant of the tongue and that there were actually many other ways of speaking it. Analysing with hindsight and scientific competence the process I was going through I may say that I then became “variation aware”. It was my English teacher, Angelo Morello, who fed and supported my interest in language variation by suggesting me to read a book that I would “devour”: A. C. Gimson’s An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English. Later on during my University years as a student in Venice at the Faculty of foreign languages and literatures (and for a couple of years in Britain as well) I began studying linguistics. This eventually led me, under the supervision of Professor Luciano Canepari (one of the best Italian phoneticians) to write my final degree thesis the title of which was: A Socio-phonetic Description of Some Varieties of South-eastern British English. One of my main resources for it was that very same book by Gimson my English teacher had recommended me several years earlier. By that time linguistics and, more specifically (English) sociolinguistics had developed from an interest into a real passion, which I little by little extended to other languages that I happened to get in touch with (from my native Italian and its many dialects, to German and Spanish, to quote just a few). Educational Linguistics was the next step, which first saw me as a young researcher at the University of Bari and then as associate professor, all the way to full professorship at the University of Padua. Could you please explain in simple terms what does a linguist do and what are the most crucial traits that a linguist has to possess nowadays? Linguistics is a very “wide” and far-reaching science and what a linguist does, basically depends on the kind of branch he or she refers to. Morphology, syntax, semantics, phonetics and phonology, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, historical linguistics, theoretical and applied linguistics,  language acquisition and language teaching, language policy and language planning are but a few of the possible areas of investigation. Each of these has its own principles and methodologies,which may even vary a lot from one to another. In a nutshell, however, we may say that a linguist tries to describe language from many perspectives, both intrinsically and extrinsically, in order to understand how it works. The main trait a linguist has to possess is a deep curiosity for anything that has to do with language(s) and always needs to be willing and open to accept that not everything that regards language can be rationally explained, which is exactly what makes this job so fascinating. “My wish is that linguistics (and more specifically educational linguistics, which includes language policy as well) will be consulted on a regular basis and more massively by the decision-makers in the future” What are the main challenges in your day-to-day work? What do you enjoy the most about your work? I think the most challenging aspect of my day-to-day work is to keep up with language change and variation, not just in terms of structures, but of the use people make of it and of the impact this has on language education. This is also what makes my work interesting and never monotonous. Another aspect I really enjoy is observe my students be taken aback by and appreciate the tiny little “secrets” about language I help them discover in my classes. Sometimes it’s as though they could really see for the first time things that had always been before their eyes but they had never been aware of: a little bit like in Edgar Allan Poe’s The Purloined Letter…, to make a literary comparison!   What is special about linguistics work in Italy? Are there specific issues you focus on? Currently there are in Italy several linguistic issues that, so to speak, “hit the headlines” every other day: the “uncontrolled” spread of anglicisms in Italian, the political (and often only demagogical) attempt to promote dialects (which are actually local full-fledged languages in Italy), the “death” of the subjunctive and other similar scientifically-ungrounded amenities, the low quality of foreign language teaching and knowledge. The main problem is that these issues and many more analogous ones, are often presented in the media by journalists, politicians, “influencers” (as they are called today) with little or no competence in the subject but that always have a strong (and mostly negative) impact on the public opinion. One of my “missions” is to “defuse” such nonsense by providing the scientifically grounded but still accessible tools to understand what is really going on. Not an easy task… Could you give an overview of the role of linguistics in Italian educational system? How do you perceive its future? In order to answer this question, I should first of all make a distinction between reality and my wish. Let’s start from the former. What seems to be missing in the Italian educational system as far as linguistic education is concerned today is a unitary vision of the matter. Italian, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian as a second language, even Latin and ancient Greek in the schools, where they are taught, to mention only the most popular languages, are all seen as separate entities, both horizontally and vertically. By this I mean that, on the one hand, there is generally little exchange, interaction and collaboration among the teachers of these languages at the same level of school (Nursery, Primary, Secondary). On the other hand, there is no continuity from one level to the next, so pupils have to start to study the language practically all over again from scratch at the beginning of every cycle. This is both a huge waste of time and of energy. Another big problem is the extremely variegated competence of the language teachers, both in relation to the language they teach and to their teaching preparation. My wish is that linguistics (and more specifically educational linguistics, which includes language policy as well) will be consulted on a regular basis and more massively by the decision-makers in the future.     In your paper Dalla semidialettofonia di ritorno al bilinguismo consapevole: un’ipotesi di evoluzione sociolinguistica in Veneto, you mentioned the concept of “semi-dialettofonia (primaria e secondaria)”. Could you please explain it? What made you come up with this concept and its definition? Would you consider “semi-dialettofonia (primaria e secondaria)” a neologism? I introduced the concept of semi-dialectophony starting from a self-analysis of my relationship with Italian and the Veneto dialect: semi-dialectophony is the condition of partial competence in a dialect on behalf of native speakers of other languages (Italian or else). Primary semi-dialectophony or compensatory semi-dialetophony is typical of autochthonous Italian native speakers; secondary semi-dialectophony is typical of immigrants coming from other Italian regions or from abroad. The latter can be further subdivided into two categories:   internal secondary semi-dialectophony: typical of immigrants from other Italian regions and having another variety of Italian or another dialect as their mother tongue; external secondary semi-dialectophony: typical of immigrants from abroad and not having any variety of Italian as their mother tongue. I would classify myself as a member of the primary semi-dialectophony group. The term is undoubtedly a linguistic neologism. In a world led by technology and social networks, how do linguists address the growing number of neologisms? There is absolutely nothing wrong with neologisms: they are part of the way all languages have always evolved to describe the changes taking place in society and affecting our everyday life. If they hadn’t done so, if they didn’t do so, they would (have) become of little or no use at all. Nowadays it is mainly English that contributes to the growth of neologisms (technology almost exclusively speaks English, no matter either as native or non native!) and different languages may choose different ways to get hold of them (basically adapting or adopting them). Nevertheless, in the past other languages played a similar role: Latin, French, Italian, etc. Nobody can say for sure today, what is going to happen in the years to come. We can only make hypotheses based on what we can see and understand now. “These are all very clear examples of how language is more than just a means of communication: it is a mark of identity” Could you please explain what does “surplus comunicativo” mean in the article mentioned above? Could you make some concrete examples showing why the knowledge of Veneto’s dialect is fundamental to benefit from an effective integration in Veneto’s socio-cultural environment and why the use of Italian language is not enough? As a linguistics student, I once went to a restaurant not far from Piazza San Marco in Venice and pretended to be a tourist who couldn’t speak Italian. I then returned to the same restaurant after some weeks speaking Italian but with a non-Venetian accent and lastly I went there again after some more time speaking alternatively Italian and the Veneto dialect. Every time I ordered exactly the same things, but every time the bill I received was lower… This is something that happens everywhere worldwide. You only have to think about one of the reasons why Cockney (and in particular its rhyming slang, which is technically not a slang but a proper cant!) was born in the East End of London, or of French “verlan” and of “verse” in Lunfardo (Argentinian Spanish). These are all very clear examples of how language is more than just a means of communication: it is a mark of identity (or “communicative surplus”). Not only do we choose what to say, but, by choosing how to say it, we also declare who we are or who we aspire to be as members of a certain peer group. According to your paper, nowadays, in Veneto, parents are more likely to speak and share dialect with their children since they know that their kids manage the right tools to distinguish between Italian and dialect uses. What do you think the linguistic scenario will be in one generation, i.e. at the time of today kids’ children? Over the last three of four decades, dialects in Italy have lost ground to the national language. This process seems to be destined to continue. Nonetheless, I believe dialects will not disappear: they will definitely change in their corpus becoming more “italianised” (as, after all, they have already done), but their status (although hardly ever official) will be more and more that of a cant, a tool to signify and express one’s sense of identity and belonging to a specific (speech) community.  Talking about terms, does it happen to you to use IATE term base? If yes, in which occasions? Although I know and I really appreciate the IATE term base I rarely have the need to use it. Written by Elisa Callegari Terminology trainee at the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament in Luxembourg. She holds a BA in Translation and Interpretation from the SSML University of Turin and a MA in Translation Studies from Paul-Valéry University of Montpellier. She studied Italian, English, French and Russian. Linguistics is her great passion and she has some experience in terminology, translation and formation of neologisms.
Matteo Santipolo 访谈 Matteo Santipolo 是帕多瓦大学(意大利)教育语言学教授。 1971年出生于意大利罗维戈,他在英国华威大学(访问学生)和雷丁大学(伊拉斯谟学生)学习了一些学期,然后以很高的外语成绩毕业,并在威尼斯的 Ca ’ Foscar 大学以伦敦方言的社会语音学位毕业。论文的一部分发表在大学的期刊 Annalidi Ca ’ Foscar 上。在同一所大学,他还获得了意大利语言和文化对外国人的教育和宣传硕士学位。他在比萨大学攻读语言学博士课程,在南非学习了很长时间,在2002年至2005年期间,他在巴里大学从事现代语言教育研究。2008年至2017年,他成为帕多瓦大学文学和语言学研究系的教育语言学副教授,成为教授。在帕多瓦大学,他是2007年至2012年教育学院国际关系委员会的协调员,在此期间,他推动帕多瓦大学与德班夸祖鲁·纳塔尔大学(南非)签署了一项国际谅解备忘录。他仍然负责与大约20所大学的伊拉斯谟交流方案。 自1999年以来,他一直与 Ca ’ Foscari 的 ITALS 实验室合作,作为意大利和国外外语教师的培训师。他是 Rivista ITALS 杂志的编辑主任。2003年至2012年(该杂志关闭时),意大利语学院的意大利语学院( Didattica e lingisca dell'italiano )成为意大利和国际期刊的几个科学委员会的成员。2014年,他成为罗马“但丁·阿利吉里”协会科学委员会的成员,该协会成立于1889年,为世界各地的外国人协调了大约500所意大利学校。自2015年起,他一直担任 DILLE (意大利教育语言学和语言教学教育协会)董事会成员,目前担任该协会副主席。自2019年起,他一直担任国际语言教师联合会/国际语言教师协会联合会秘书长。自2007年起,他一直是 Rovigo 的 Academia dei Concordi (艺术、科学和美术学院成立于1580年)的成员。 自2017年起,他一直担任 RILA Rassegna Italiana di Linguusitica Applicationta 的董事,该公司成立于1969年,是意大利最著名的应用语言学杂志之一,自2019年起,他一直担任 ISSA 杂志的联合编辑,即南部非洲意大利研究中心/意大利非洲研究中心的联合编辑。他的主要研究方向是外语教育(特别是以意大利语、英语和西班牙语作为第二/外语)、外语社会语言学方面的教学、社会语言学和语言政策以及最近民间语言学与语言教学之间的关系。在后一个领域,他目前是协调和国际研究小组。 你能解释一下你对语言学的兴趣是什么时候开始的,你是如何成为语言学家的? 当我六岁左右的时候,我第一次意识到不同语言的存在,那时我正在上小学的第一年。有一天,我收到了一系列的笔记本,它们都有不同的国旗和相关的货币作为封面(我清楚地记得英国、西班牙、法国和德国的国旗,但在这一系列中肯定还有其他国旗)。他们立刻引起了我的好奇心,从蓝色中,我问我爸爸在那些国家说什么语言。通过回答我的问题,我认为他播下了一种激情的种子,这种激情从那时起就一直伴随着我,这实际上(而且非常积极地)标志着我的生活。在那些日子里,在小学里接触外语的机会在意大利并不常见,但我很幸运,我的老师给我们带来了一位来自加拿大的英语/法语双语女孩,她在我的家乡住了一年,给了我们两种语言的雏形。从语言到语言学的转变是在几年后,我来到了中学的第一年。主要是通过听流行音乐,然后我意识到我在学校教的英语只代表了一种可能的语言变体,实际上还有很多其他的方式来表达它。通过事后分析和科学能力,我所经历的过程可能会说我后来变得“了解变化”。是我的英语老师安吉洛·莫雷罗,他建议我读一本我会“吞食”的书,以此来满足和支持我对语言变异的兴趣。Gimson's An 介绍 to Promunification of English 。后来,在我大学的几年里,我在威尼斯的外语和文学学院学习语言学(在英国也学了几年)。这最终使我在卢西亚诺·坎帕里教授(意大利最好的音系学家之一)的指导下,写出了我的最后学位论文,题目是:东南英国英语的一些变体的社会语音描述。我的主要资源之一是我的英语老师吉姆森几年前推荐给我的那本书。 到那时,语言学,尤其是(英语)社会语言学已经从兴趣发展成真正的激情,我很少扩展到我碰巧接触到的其他语言(从我的母语意大利语和它的许多方言,到德语和西班牙语,仅引用几个)。教育语言学是下一步,首先我是巴里大学的年轻研究员,然后是副教授,一直到帕多瓦大学担任教授。 你能简单地解释一下语言学家做了什么,现在语言学家必须具备哪些最关键的特征吗? 语言学是一门非常“广泛”和深远的科学,语言学家所做的一切,基本上取决于他或她所指的分支。形态学,语法,语义学,语音学和声韵学,社会语言学,语用学,历史语言学,理论和应用语言学,语言习得和语言教学,语言政策和语言规划只是一些可能的研究领域。每一种方法都有自己的原则和方法,它们之间甚至可能有很大的不同。总之,我们可以说,语言学家试图从许多角度来描述语言,从本质和外在两个方面来理解语言是如何工作的。语言学家必须具备的主要特点是对任何与语言有关的事物都有强烈的好奇心,并且总是需要愿意和开放地接受,不是所有有关语言的东西都能被合理地解释,这正是使这份工作如此引人入胜的原因。 “我的愿望是,未来决策者将定期、更大规模地咨询语言学(尤其是教育语言学,包括语言政策)。” 你日常工作的主要挑战是什么?你最喜欢的工作是什么? 我认为,我日常工作中最具挑战性的方面是跟上语言的变化和变化,不仅是在结构上,而且在人们使用它的情况下,以及这对语言教育的影响。这也是使我的工作有趣而不单调的原因。我真正喜欢的另一个方面是观察我的学生们被吓了一跳,并欣赏我在课堂上帮助他们发现的关于语言的微小“秘密”。有时,他们似乎第一次真正能看到他们眼前的东西,但他们从来没有意识到:有点像埃德加·艾伦·坡的《私信》中的那种,用来作文学比较! 意大利的语言学工作有什么特别之处?有没有你关注的具体问题? 目前在意大利有几个语言问题,可以说,每隔一天都会出现“头条新闻”:在意大利的英语中“不受控制地”传播;在政治上(而且往往只是煽动性的)试图推广方言(实际上是意大利当地的正式语言),虚拟设施和其他类似科学设施的“死亡”,外语教学和知识质量低下。主要的问题是,这些问题和更多类似的问题,往往由记者、政客们在媒体上发表,“影响者”(他们今天被称为“影响者”),他们在这个问题上几乎没有能力,但总是对公众舆论产生强烈(而且大多是消极的)影响。我的“使命”之一是通过提供科学依据但仍可使用的工具来理解到底发生了什么,来“化解”这种无稽之谈。这不是一个容易的任务… 你能概述一下语言学在意大利教育体系中的作用吗?你如何看待它的未来? 为了回答这个问题,我首先应该区分现实和我的愿望。让我们从前者开始。就目前的语言教育而言,意大利教育体系中似乎缺少的是对这一问题的统一看法。意大利语、英语、德语、西班牙语、法语、意大利语作为第二语言,甚至是在学校里的拉丁语和古希腊语,只提到最受欢迎的语言,都被视为横向和纵向的独立实体。我的意思是,一方面,这些语言的教师之间在同一级别的学校( Nursery , Primary , Secondary )通常很少进行交流、互动和协作。另一方面,从一个层面到另一个层面都没有连续性,因此学生必须在每一个周期开始的时候从头开始重新开始学习语言。这既是对时间和精力的巨大浪费。另一个大问题是语言教师的能力极不平等,既与他们所教的语言有关,也与他们的教学准备有关。我的愿望是,未来决策者将定期和更大规模地咨询语言学(更具体地说,教育语言学也包括语言政策)。 在你的论文中,你提到了“半方言式(第二次世界大战)的概念”。你能解释一下吗?是什么让你想到了这个概念和它的定义?你是否会认为“半方言式的泛音(原音为第二调)”是一种新词? 我从自我分析我与意大利语和威尼托方言的关系入手,介绍了半方言的概念:半方言是代表其他语言的母语人士(意大利语或其他语言)的方言的部分能力的条件。主要的半方言或补偿性的半方言是典型的意大利本族语;次要的半方言是典型的移民来自其他意大利地区或国外。后者可进一步细分为两个类别: 内部次级半方言:典型的来自其他意大利地区的移民,以另一种意大利语或另一种方言作为母语; 外用半方言:外来移民的典型特征,没有任何意大利语作为母语。 我会把自己归类为主要半方言小组的成员。 这个词无疑是一种语言新词. 在一个以技术和社交网络为主导的世界里,语言学家如何应对越来越多的新词呢? 新词绝对没有什么错:它们是所有语言发展的一部分,用来描述社会中发生的变化,影响我们的日常生活。如果他们没有这样做,如果他们没有这样做,他们将变得很少或根本没有用。现在,主要是英语有助于新词的发展(技术几乎完全讲英语,不管是母语还是非母语!),不同的语言可以选择不同的方式来掌握它们(基本上是适应或采用它们)。然而,在过去,其他语言也扮演了类似的角色:拉丁语、法语、意大利语等。今天没有人能肯定地说出未来几年会发生什么。我们只能根据我们现在所能看到和理解的东西来做假设。 “这些都是非常清楚的例子,说明语言不仅仅是一种交流方式:它是身份的标志。” 你能解释一下上面提到的文章中“过剩的 comunicativo ”是什么意思吗?你能举出一些具体的例子来说明为什么威尼托方言的知识对于有效地融入威尼托的社会文化环境是至关重要的,为什么使用意大利语还不够? 作为一名语言学专业的学生,我曾经去过一家离威尼斯圣马可广场不远的餐馆,假装是一个不会说意大利语的游客。我讲了几个星期意大利语之后回到了同一家餐馆,但带着一种非威尼斯人的口音,最后我又去了一次,又说了一会儿意大利语和威尼托方言。每次我订购的东西完全一样,但每次收到的账单都很低……这是世界各地都会发生的事情。你只需要考虑一下考克尼(尤其是它的押韵俚语,从技术上讲,它不是俚语,而是一个恰当的不能!)在伦敦东区出生的原因之一,或者法国的“维兰”和伦法多的“诗”(阿根廷的西班牙语)。这些都是非常清楚的例子,说明语言不仅仅是一种交流手段:它是身份的标志(或“交际剩余”)。我们不仅选择要说什么,而且通过选择如何说,我们还宣布我们是谁或者我们希望成为某个同辈群体的成员。 根据你的论文,如今,在威尼托,父母更有可能和孩子说方言,因为他们知道他们的孩子使用正确的工具来区分意大利语和方言。你认为语言场景在一代人的时间里会发生什么,即在今天的孩子们的时候? 在过去的四十年中,意大利的方言已经失去了民族语言的基础。这一进程似乎注定要继续下去。尽管如此,我相信方言不会消失:他们的语料肯定会变得更“斜体”(毕竟,他们已经这样做了),但他们的地位(虽然从来不是官方的)将会越来越多地成为不能的,一个表示和表达自己的身份意识的工具,属于一个特定的(语言)社区。 谈到术语,你是否碰巧使用了 IATE 术语基础?如果是,在哪些场合? 虽然我知道,我真的很感谢 IATE 的术语基础,但我很少需要使用它。 Elisa Calligari 编写 卢森堡欧洲议会术语协调股的术语学员。她拥有都灵 SSML 大学的翻译和口译学士学位和蒙彼利埃大学的翻译研究硕士学位。她学习意大利语、英语、法语和俄语。语言学是她的伟大热情,她在术语,翻译和新词的形成方面有一些经验。

