Global Career Roadmap: Learning From Connections


2020-03-27 01:10 GALA


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26 March 2020 Mara Martins got into the localization industry right out of college. Her first job, in her hometown of Fatima, Portugal, selling wine and working in restaurants, provided her with exposure to many languages. Amazed by the diversity, she knew she wanted to work around people from different cultures. She imagined being a tour guide, showing people around and getting to travel herself, while doing translation on the side. She tried out her dream job working as a tour guide during the summer but quickly realized life on the road wasn’t for her and decided to pursue translation and interpretation full-time. Like many, Mara was able to get her first experience as a translator/interpreter at the European Union where she had a linguistic internship. She loved the personal connection she could get with interpreting and enjoyed translating as well so she decided to go into this field after college. Her first full-time job after college was at Sony. This was a technology company and completely different from her other role working in government. What she enjoyed at Sony was working for a company that made people’s lives easier around the world through using technology. For Mara, the connection to people through technology and innovation is a very important aspect of her career. After 3 years at Sony, she started working at Hogarth Worldwide, a localization service provider and later for Apple as a Localization Project Manager. Mara ultimately moved on to work at Microsoft, managing localization for, one of the top fifty websites visited in the world. Her most recent role is as Senior Localization Marketing Manager at LinkedIn. Through her experiences, Mara realized that using technology and innovative ideas are essential to getting her job done. For her, innovative idea can come from a multitude of sources. Working on both the vendor and client sides provides hands-on experiences in managing projects and teams. She says that working on the vendor side of localization is the best way to learn about the business because you get an idea of how different companies manage their localization programs and are in a position to try new technologies or innovative workflows. On the other hand, Mara explained that her work on the client side afforded her the opportunity to get deeper into a single program and make incremental changes like changing the way that work is managed through vendors and how global stakeholders are engaged. She says “that the way vendors and clients work together has transformed from the old model where vendors would push a single workflow out to all their clients to a current model where vendors tailor a solution to each client’s unique needs.” She likes that there is a closer connection between vendors and clients and that there is more experimentation. Aside from gaining knowledge through personal experiences, Mara supports collaborating with others in the industry to learn about new technologies and innovative localization strategies. When she has a new idea or challenge, she taps her network to discuss what has worked for them. They collaborate on innovative practices, reporting analytics and technologies that are working for them. This way, the community of localizers can stay up to date on the newest ideas and practices. Mara says she does this one-on-one or in a group call to get more opportunities for cross-pollination. What advice does she have for people looking to get into the industry or to develop their careers? She recommends talking to as many people as possible and ask questions about their experiences. Doing research on technologies, reading about best practices in industry magazines and blogs and attending conferences are all excellent ways to learn and create personal connections.
2020年3月26日 Mara Martins 刚从大学毕业就进入了本地化行业。她的第一份工作,在她的家乡葡萄牙法蒂玛,销售葡萄酒和在餐馆工作,为她提供了接触多种语言的机会。她对这种多样性感到惊讶,她知道她想和来自不同文化的人一起工作。她想象自己是一名导游,在一边做翻译的同时,带着人们四处走动,自己去旅行。她在夏天尝试了自己梦想中的工作,当导游,但很快意识到路上的生活并不适合她,她决定全职从事翻译和口译。 和许多人一样,玛拉在欧盟( EU )获得了她的第一次翻译经验,在那里她有语言实习机会。她热爱自己在口译方面的个人联系,也喜欢翻译,因此她决定大学毕业后进入这个领域。她大学毕业后的第一份全职工作是在索尼。这是一家科技公司,完全不同于她在政府工作的其他角色。她在索尼的工作是为一家公司工作,该公司通过使用技术使全世界的人们的生活更加轻松。对于玛拉来说,通过技术和创新与人的联系是她职业生涯的一个非常重要的方面。在索尼工作了3年之后,她开始在 Hogarth Worldwide 工作,这是一家本地化服务提供商,后来又为苹果公司担任本地化项目经理。玛拉最终开始在微软工作,为微软管理本地化。网站是世界上访问最多的50个网站之一。她最近担任 LinkedIn 的高级本地化营销经理。 通过她的经验,玛拉意识到使用技术和创新的想法是完成她的工作的关键。对她来说,创新的想法可以来自多种来源。在供应商和客户双方工作提供了上手在管理项目和团队方面的经验。她说,在供应商方面进行本地化是了解业务的最佳方法,因为您了解了不同公司如何管理其本地化程序,并能够尝试新技术或创新工作流。另一方面, Mara 解释说,她在客户方面的工作为她提供了一个机会,使她能够深入到一个单一的项目中,并进行增量的改变,比如改变通过供应商管理工作的方式以及全球利益相关者的参与方式。她表示,“供应商和客户合作的方式已经从旧模式转变为供应商将单个工作流推给所有客户,转变为当前模式,供应商根据每个客户的独特需求定制解决方案。”她喜欢在供应商和客户之间建立更紧密的联系,并且有更多的实验。 除了通过个人经验获得知识外,玛拉还支持与业内其他人合作,学习新技术和创新的本地化战略。当她有了新的想法或挑战时,她利用自己的网络来讨论对他们有用的东西。他们在创新实践、报告分析和为他们工作的技术方面进行合作。这样,本地化人员的社区就可以了解最新的想法和实践。玛拉说,她是一对一的,或者在一个小组电话中,获得更多的机会进行交叉授粉。 对于那些希望进入行业或发展职业的人,她有什么建议?她建议与尽可能多的人交谈,并询问他们的经验。研究技术、阅读行业杂志和博客的最佳实践以及参加会议都是学习和建立个人关系的极好方法。

