Google Translate vs Siri vs Amazon Translate Which is the best for Translation


2020-03-13 17:34 Lingual Consultancy


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Siri! How do you say “I love you.” in French? Alexa! How do I say “My name is Mark” in Spanish? Do these questions sound familiar? Yes, because we have been using language translators like Google Home, Siri and Amazon Translate for long now. Our smart assistants can do a lot more than playing songs and making calls. However, all of them are different in their ways when it comes to translation. They are one of the best applications of AI to date. All these smart assistants are ever-evolving AI systems. While there is a considerable debate on which one of the three is best, some tests were carried out to know which tool performs the best. The number of languages: The first factor considered was the number of languages each assistant can translate. With their latest update iOS 13, Siri can now translate Chinese, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese and Arabic. Previously, Siri could not do reverse translations for these languages; however, it can now translate from all of these languages into English. Apart from that, it is also able to translate other language combinations such as German into French, Russian into Italian and Chinese into Spanish. Amazon can translate 37 languages at the moment but to be specific, the translation is FROM ENGLISH TO A GIVEN LANGUAGE. If you look at Google, it can translate over 100 languages currently, which is much high a number as compared to other tools. Feasibility of use: The feasibility of use is one more factor facilitating the comparison between various translation assistants. Here too, google won the competition as it allows more than one type of input methods (speaking and typing). However, Siri only offers to translate spoken content as this point of time. Same is with Amazon translation. Accuracy of translation: When all three were compared for the accuracy of translation using four languages: French, Spanish, Chinese, and German, Google home managed to ace the competition in all languages except for Chinese. For Chinese, Amazon was more effective as compared to the other two. Here, general phrases from all the languages were used as test statements. From various comparisons carried out between the three language translation tools, it is visible that Apple is still in a developmental stage. However, looking at the rapid growth of this tool, it is evident that Siri will give a tough competition to other translation tools. But if we talk about comparative rankings based on their performance at the moment, Google is on the top by all means. Whether it is the method of inputs, the accuracy of translation or the number of languages translated, Google is acing the chart in all the parameters. Artificial intelligence won't be able to replace human professionals anytime soon, but it will surely augment them. Hence, businesses may not directly rely on them. Looking for a reliable translation service provider? Look no further. Lingual Consultancy provides you with the best quality translations. We provide you quality in return to your trust! With a pool of more than 16000 translators/interpreters/voice artists/transcribers across the globe, we provide localization services in the industry in more than 250 languages.
“Siri,‘我爱你’用法语怎么说?”“Alexa,我怎么用西班牙语说‘我叫马克?’”这些问题耳熟吗?没错,这就是我们一直使用的谷歌智能家居Google Home、苹果语音助手Siri和亚马逊翻译Amazon Translate等语言翻译助手。 我们的智能助手能做的不仅仅是放歌和打电话。在翻译方面,它们也各有千秋。它们是迄今为止人工智能领域最好的应用之一。所有这些智能助手都是不断发展的人工智能系统。 人们对于这三种工具中谁是最优者争论纷纷,甚至对它们进行了测试,了解哪种工具性能最佳。 可翻译的语言数量:首要考虑因素就是每个助手可以翻译的语言数量。 随着苹果操作系统更新到iOS 13,Siri现在可以翻译中文、西班牙语、德语、法语、意大利语、日语、俄语、巴西葡萄牙语和阿拉伯语。在此之前,Siri只能将英语译成其他语言,然而,现在它可以把所有这些语言译成英语。除此之外,它还可以翻译其他语言对,例如德语译成法语,俄语译成意大利语,汉语译成西班牙语。亚马逊目前可以翻译37种语言,但具体来说,只能将英语译成其他语言。 再来看谷歌,它目前可以翻译超过100种语言,与其他工具相比,数量上要多得多。 适用性:适用性是不同翻译助理之间角出胜负的另一因素。在此方面,谷歌又赢了,因为它允许多种输入方法(语音和打字录入)。而Siri和亚马逊翻译目前只提供语音翻译。 翻译的准确性:比较三者在法语、西班牙语、汉语和德语这四种语言翻译的准确性时,Google Home在除汉语外的所有语言翻译中都拔得头筹。在翻译中文时,亚马逊的翻译比其他两家更准确。这里,用作测试的是四种语言中的常用短语。 通过对三种翻译工具从不同方面进行对比可以看出,苹果仍处于发展阶段。然而,单从苹果的发展速度来看,很快Siri就足以与其他二者媲美。 但如果我们根据三者目前的表现来排名,谷歌无疑是冠军。无论是输入方法、翻译的准确性还是翻译的语言数量上,谷歌在各个方面都表现最优。 人工智能在短期内无法取代人类专家,但它肯定会成为专业人士的助力。因此,企业可能不会直接依赖人工智能。 寻找可靠的翻译服务提供商?不用舍近求远!Lingual Consultancy(语言咨询)就可以为您提供最优质的翻译。我们将用优质的产品回报您的信赖!我们在全球拥有超过16000名笔译员、口译员、配音专家、转录员,提供超过250种语言的本地化服务。 译后编辑:孔越怡(中山大学)

