5 New time-saving apps available on the SDL AppStore that you should know about

5您应该知道的 SDL AppStore 上提供的新的节省时间的应用程序

2020-03-05 02:50 sdltrados


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At the end of the day, no two translation businesses are the same, so why should your CAT tool be? That’s why we have now collated over 300 apps, created by our very own AppStore development team (SDL Community Developers) and other third party developers, to extend the functionality of your SDL Trados Studio 2019. However, with so many apps to now choose from, I bet you’re struggling to know where to start!To give you some inspiration, I’ve collated my top five new apps that were released onto the SDL AppStore in the last year: 1. Rapid Add Term We all know the importance of using consistent terminology throughout projects and for many, being able to add terms to your termbase whilst translating is of utmost importance. However, when working in SDL Trados Studio, adding terms to your termbase can be less than performant, particularly if you have a large termbase.Taking all your feedback into consideration, we have developed Rapid Add Term to speed up your translation process. When adding terms to your termbase with the Rapid Add Term option, no longer will your termbase preview window open and refresh, but instead terms will be added to your termbase immediately so they are available in your term recognition window straight away. This is a great solution to an often frustrating process. Download Rapid Add Term 2. projectTermExtract This is another termbase app that I highly recommend. Rather than adding terms to your termbase as you translate, use this great app to extract term candidates from your project during project creation and then create a termbase out of them.Simply alter the settings to outline what words you would like to be extracted from your project; create a blacklist of words you wish to be excluded, define how many times the word has to occur in the project and set the minimum length of a word before it is extracted. What’s more, as you adjust your settings, watch how the term candidates change, thanks to the visual wordcloud. Once the terms are extracted, translate them in SDL Trados Studio and save the file as a termbase to use in your project.If you’d like a more in depth description on how to use this projectTermExtract, read this article here. Download projectTermExtract 3. TuToTm Simple but effective, this app is one of my favourites. Have you ever translated a sentence or two, say in an email or on Twitter, and then wished you could easily add it to your translation memory (TM), without having to save it in a document, create a new project in SDL Trados Studio and translate it first? Well now you can!With TuToTm, you can now add multiple translation units to numerous TMs at once, without having to create a new project in SDL Trados Studio at all. Simply open up the interface from within the CAT tool, copy across your translation units, select the Translation Memories you would like to add your translation unit to and press save. It couldn’t be easier. Download TuToTm 4. DSI Viewer The ability to view Document Structure Information is one of the many benefits of using SDL Trados Studio; this feature offers additional context when translating, such as where the segment appears within the source document. The only downside of this feature is that you have to click on the DSI column each time you wish to see this information, slowing you down as you translate.The DSI viewer solves this problem by offering you a separate window that you can position anywhere on your screen and will show this information as you translate, saving you clicks and time!This app is particularly useful when translating bilingual files, DITA files, custom XML files or even SDLXLIFF files that have been exported from SDL Passolo. Download DSI Viewer 5. Wordlight Highlighting text in SDL Trados Studio is a very handy feature, especially when reviewing documents, the only disadvantage is that it takes five clicks to actually access the highlight button through the Quick Insert menu. If you use this feature frequently, you’ll be pleased to know that the Wordlight app makes highlighting a whole lot quicker.With a brand new highlight button situated in the ribbon at the top of the page, highlighting a segment will now only take you two clicks! You can also select from 15 different colours (the same that are available in Microsoft Word), you can highlight any file type (not just the ones currently supported by Quick Insert), plus if the source document is a Word or PDF, your target file will retain and display the highlights! Download Wordlight So these are just a handful of the new apps available on the SDL AppStore; to fully understand their benefits, download them and give them a try!If you have any feedback, then please remember to head over to the SDL Community and start a discussion. There’s even a new app called SDL Community Inside that enables you to access The Community from directly inside SDL Trados Studio, so that’s worth checking out too. Plus, make sure you keep your apps up to date with AppNotifications. Whenever an app update is available on the AppStore, a notification will appear within SDL Trados Studio and you can download and install the app update directly from there. Lastly, don’t forget to take a look at our webinar ‘Top time-saving tips for freelance translators working in SDL Trados Studio 2019’ where we cover even more apps that will help you translate faster and more effectively.*Translation Technology Insights 2016
最后,没有两个翻译业务是相同的,所以为什么你的 CAT 工具应该是?这就是为什么我们现在整理了300多个应用程序,这些应用程序是由我们自己的 AppStore 开发团队( SDL Community 开发人员)和其他第三方开发人员创建的,用于扩展您的 SDL Trados Studio 2019的功能。然而,有这么多的应用程序可供选择,我敢打赌你很难知道该从哪里开始!为了给你一些启发,我整理了我去年发布到 SDL AppStore 的前五个应用程序: 1。快速添加术语 我们都知道在整个项目中使用一致的术语的重要性,对于许多人来说,在翻译的同时能够在术语库中添加术语是非常重要的。然而,当在 SDL Trados Studio 中工作时,向您的术语库中添加术语可能比性能更差,特别是如果您有一个大型的术语库。考虑到您的所有反馈,我们开发了快速添加术语,以加快您的翻译过程。使用“快速添加期限”选项将术语添加到术语库时,您的术语库预览窗口将不再打开和刷新,而是将术语立即添加到术语库中,以便在术语识别窗口中直接可用。这是一个经常令人沮丧的过程的很好的解决方案。 下载快速添加术语 2.projectTermExtract 这是我强烈推荐的另一个基于 termlbase 的应用程序。在项目创建期间,使用这个伟大的应用程序从项目中提取候选术语,然后从这些术语中创建一个术语库。只需更改设置,以概述您希望从项目中提取的单词;创建要排除的单词的黑名单,定义项目中该单词必须出现的次数,并在提取前设置单词的最小长度。更重要的是,当你调整你的设置时,要注意候选术语是如何改变的,这要感谢 visualwordCloud 。提取术语后,在 SDL Trados Studio 中转换这些术语,并将文件保存为要在项目中使用的术语库。如果你想更深入地描述如何使用这个项目 TermExtract ,请阅读本文。 下载 projectTermExtract 3.TuToTm 简单但有效,这个应用是我最喜欢的应用之一。你有没有翻译过一两句话,比如在电子邮件或 Twitter 上,然后希望你可以轻松地将它添加到你的翻译内存( TM ),而无需将其保存在文档中,在 SDL Trados Studio 中创建一个新项目并首先翻译它?现在你可以了!使用 TuToTm ,您现在可以同时向多个 TMs 添加多个翻译单元,而无需在 SDL Trados Studio 中创建一个新项目。只需从 CAT 工具中打开界面,在翻译单元中进行复制,选择要将翻译单元添加到的翻译备忘录,然后按保存。这并不容易。 下载 TuToTm 4.DSI 查看器 查看文档结构信息的能力是使用 SDL Trados Studio 的许多优点之一;该功能在翻译时提供了额外的上下文,例如段出现在源文档中的位置。此功能的唯一缺点是,每次您希望看到此信息时,都必须单击 DSI 列,这会使您在翻译时放慢速度。DSI 查看器通过为您提供一个单独的窗口来解决此问题,您可以将该窗口定位在屏幕上的任何位置,并在您翻译时显示此信息,从而节省了您的单击和时间!在翻译从 SDL Passolo 导出的双语文件、 DITA 文件、自定义 XML 文件甚至 SDL XLIFF 文件时,此应用程序尤其有用。 下载 DSI 查看器 5.Wordlight 在 SDL Trados Studio 中突出显示文本是一个非常方便的功能,特别是在查看文档时,唯一的缺点是通过“快速插入”菜单实际访问突出显示按钮需要五次单击。如果你经常使用这个特性,你会很高兴地知道 Wordlight 应用程序能够更快地突出显示。在页面顶部的功能区中设置了一个全新的突出显示按钮,突出显示一个段现在只需单击两次即可!您还可以从15种不同的颜色中进行选择(与 MicrosoftWord 中提供的颜色相同),您可以突出显示任何文件类型(不仅仅是快速插入当前支持的文件类型),此外,如果源文档是 Word 或 PDF ,您的目标文件将保留并显示突出显示! 下载 Wordlight 因此,这些只是 SDL AppStore 上可用的少数新应用程序;要完全了解它们的优点,请下载它们并尝试一下!如果您有任何反馈,请记住前往 SDL 社区并开始讨论。甚至还有一个名为 SDL Community Inside 的新应用程序,可以让您直接从 SDL Trados Studio 内部访问该社区,因此也值得查看。此外,请确保您的应用程序与 AppNotifications 保持最新。无论何时应用程序更新在 AppStore 上可用, SDL Trados Studio 中都会出现通知,您可以直接从那里下载和安装应用程序更新。最后,别忘了看一下我们的网络研讨会“ SDL Trados Studio 2019中的自由职业者节省时间的最佳技巧”,我们将提供更多的应用程序,帮助您更快、更有效地翻译。*2016年翻译技术观察

