How to Measure the Quality of Your Content


2019-09-18 23:10 RWS Moravia Insights


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If you’re a global enterprise, it’s likely that you invest thousands or even millions in creating content to promote your brand and products. Choosing the right words is an important part of communicating your message and values, as well as letting your customers know about your latest products and services. If you engage a team of writers to create these messages about your company, you also need a way of knowing whether they’re delivering high-quality work. The perception of your brand depends on the quality of your content, but high quality is one of those things that you barely notice, while poor quality stands out like a sore thumb. There are many examples online of content that contains egregious mistakes or has been embarrassingly translated, generating higher visibility and far more shares across social media than would otherwise have happened. In the examples above, even the most basic level of quality assurance (QA) would have flagged the errors and avoided the resulting online ridicule. In truth, QA checking usually finds far more mundane issues, but it’s still an essential component of any content creation process to make sure that your audience receives the message exactly as you intended. While many people immediately associate checking content quality with proofreading, a comprehensive process involves much more. A proofreader will identify errors in punctuation, spelling and grammar, but if you want meaningful quantitative and qualitative information about the content, you’ll also need to set up editorial rules, style/tone guides and glossaries. If you’ve engaged a team of freelancers or an agency to create your content, you’ll need to do a lot more than merely avoid cringe-worthy gaffes; you need to make sure that the content aligns with your brand voice and style. With these assets, you’ll also be able to assess the performance of your content producers. So, how should you start designing your content quality measurement process? You need to be clear on what you want to measure. First, focus on trying to eliminate errors by listing and categorizing the most common error types. Your list will depend on your content types, but will probably include: Punctuation, grammar and typos Tone and style Accuracy and consistency Relevance Once you have a list of error types, you’ll need to create a grading system so that you can score each error. A simple approach is one where you have three degrees of severity: Minor: errors that the audience might not notice and which won’t impact the performance of the content. Serious: the audience will notice these errors. They may reduce how effective the content is and/or impact overall trust. Critical: these are at best embarrassing and at worst could cause financial, legal or reputation damage. Armed with this information, you can now create a rubric, where each identified error is categorized by error type and severity. Here’s an example of a table you could develop, along with some fictitious entries. As you can see, you’ll soon have a list of errors which can then be sorted by Error Type or Severity. In this case, errors are scored from 1 (minor) to 3 (critical): Error Type Detail Severity Score Punctuation Period instead of comma in 2nd sentence Minor 1 Typo “Our health club boasts a brand new indoor poo” Critical 3 Grammar “Visitors can pick up they’re badges here.” Serious 2 Readability “Included in the rate is an included warranty.” Minor 1 Accuracy Referring to something as a free perk when it’s a highly valuable upgrade option Critical 3 Omission Failing to highlight an important selling point Serious 2   There are two common approaches to apply a score to the content. Perhaps the simplest approach is to add up the error scores across all work and come up with an overall error score. If you then subtract this from 100, a perfect score, you’ll have a quality spectrum where higher values indicate better quality and lower values reflect poorer quality. It’s up to you to set an acceptable pass threshold for the overall delivery, but you can vary the value depending on the content type, its intended audience and its overall purpose. You might also decide that a critical error is so damaging that it merits an automatic fail. A second approach is to analyze each individual piece of content and mark it with a pass/fail status based on the error score for that piece. If you can reliably identify the author of each piece of work, this is a particularly useful approach to help analyze individual content producers and rank them according to their pass/fail rates. You can then pinpoint who is responsible for the highest proportion of errors as well as identify your star performers. This requires some setup, but it can pay off quickly if you’re managing a large pool of writers.   Measuring content quality should never be an afterthought—it needs to be baked in as an essential part of your content strategy. By finding and eliminating errors prior to publishing your work, you’ll gain trust from your stakeholders and ensure that your message is received in the way it was intended. Do you need to measure the quality of your content but don’t know where to start? We can help you take the headache out of setting up your quality processes.
如果你是一家全球性企业,你可能会投资数千甚至数百万美元来创建内容来推广你的品牌和产品。选择合适的词语是传达您的信息和价值以及让您的客户了解您的最新产品和服务的重要部分。如果你让一组作者来创建关于你公司的信息,你也需要一种方式来了解他们是否在提供高质量的工作。 你对品牌的感知取决于你内容的质量,但高质量是你几乎不注意的事情之一,而低质量就像一只大拇指。在网上有很多内容的例子,这些内容包含了惊人的错误,或者被尴尬地翻译了出来,在社交媒体上产生了更高的知名度和更多的份额,而不是本来会发生的。 在上面的示例中,即使是最基本的质量保证级别( QA )也会标记错误并避免由此产生的在线嘲笑。实际上, QA 检查通常会发现更普通的问题,但它仍然是任何内容创建过程的重要组成部分,以确保您的受众接收到的信息与您的预期完全一致。 虽然许多人立即将检查内容质量与校对联系起来,但一个全面的过程涉及的更多。校对员将识别标点符号、拼写和语法中的错误,但如果你想获得关于内容的有意义的定量和定性信息,你还需要建立编辑规则、风格/音调指南和词汇表。如果你雇用了一个自由职业者团队或一个代理机构来创建你的内容,你就需要做很多事情,而不仅仅是避免令人尴尬的失态;你需要确保内容与你的品牌声音和风格一致。有了这些资产,您还可以评估内容制作者的性能。 那么,您应该如何开始设计您的内容质量测量过程?你需要清楚你想测量什么。首先,通过列出和分类最常见的错误类型来努力消除错误。您的列表将取决于您的内容类型,但可能包括: 标点、语法和类型 色调和风格 准确性和一致性 相关性 一旦有了错误类型列表,就需要创建一个分级系统,以便对每个错误进行评分。简单的方法是有三个严重程度: 次要:观众可能不会注意到的错误,不会影响内容的性能。 严重的:观众会注意到这些错误。它们可能会降低内容的有效性和/或影响整体信任。 批评:这些行为充其量是令人尴尬的,最坏的情况下可能会造成财务、法律或名誉损失。 有了这些信息,您现在可以创建一个 rubric ,其中每个识别的错误都按错误类型和严重程度进行分类。这里是一个可以开发的表的示例,以及一些虚拟条目。正如您所看到的,您很快就会有一个错误列表,然后可以按错误类型或严重程度进行排序。在这种情况下,错误评分从1(小)到3(关键): 错误类型 详情 严重程度 分数 波动 第二句中的逗号代替句号 未成年人 1 台风 “我们的健康俱乐部拥有一种全新的室内香波。” 关键的 3. Grammar “游客可以在这里拿到徽章。” 严重的 2 可读性 “包含在费率中的是包含保修。” 未成年人 1 准确性 当它是一个非常有价值的升级选项时,将其称为免费赠品 关键的 3. 遗漏 未能突出显示重要的卖点 严重的 2 有两种常见的方法可以将分数应用于内容。也许最简单的方法是将所有工作中的错误分数相加,得出一个整体错误分数。如果你把这从100减去,一个完美的分数,你会有一个质量谱,高的值表明更好的质量,低的值反映较差的质量。您可以为整个交付设置一个可接受的传递阈值,但您可以根据内容类型、预期受众和总体目标来更改该值。你也可以决定一个关键的错误是如此的破坏性,它值得自动失败。 第二种方法是分析每个单独的内容片段,并根据该片段的错误分数将其标记为 pass / fail 状态。如果您能够可靠地识别每个作品的作者,这是一个特别有用的方法来帮助分析单个内容制作者,并根据他们的通过/失败比率对他们进行排名。然后,你可以找出谁负责最高比例的错误,以及确定你的明星表演者。这需要一些设置,但是如果您管理大量的写作库,它可以很快得到回报。 测量内容质量永远不应该是事后的想法——它需要作为内容策略的一个重要部分进行烘烤。通过在发布工作之前发现并消除错误,您将获得利益相关者的信任,并确保以预期的方式接收您的消息。 您是否需要衡量内容的质量,但不知道从哪里开始?我们可以帮助您解决设置您的质量过程中的头痛。

