The Pitfalls of Translation Memory


2019-08-13 14:17 CSOFT


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Translation Memory (TM) is a database that stores language “segments” (phrases, clauses, headings, etc.) that you or your company has translated. As you continue translating documents, the database offers up translation suggestions based on those stored segments. Suggestions can range from “perfect match” to less-than-perfect matches, often referred to as “fuzzy matches.” In the translation world, TM has undoubtedly been a game-changer, increasing the speed and consistency of translations while lowering costs. However, it does have some limitations and may not be ideal in all situations so it’s good to be cautious when using TM. Without further ado, here are four possible pitfalls of TM: For example, if someone in your company mistranslates a segment and this mistranslation is not caught by other translators later on, the mistranslated segment may end up appearing in a frighteningly large number of documents. One company’s documents I personally reviewed had mistakenly translated the word “box” as “cartoon.” This error cropped up in every one of their documents that I looked at. And because a mistranslation becomes so ubiquitous, translators are more and more likely to take it at face value, despite harboring doubts. Depending on the importance of the meaning of that segment, such mistranslations can be quite problematic. If a translator relies too heavily on the TM system’s suggestions, there may be many mistakes or problems with flow. In this case, re-translating and heavy editing may be required. In the long run, translating without TM might have actually been faster. Suppose you export a translation into Microsoft Word format to send to an external agency for editing. The editors mark up the document with crucial edits and send it back. On the one hand, not entering these corrections manually into the TM database makes for a weaker or less comprehensive system. On the other hand, the entering of these corrections takes time. If you’re a freelance translator, you may receive tasks from a client who uses TM tools with which you may not be familiar. Chances are, the deadline given won’t take into account time for learning the software, naturally impeding your productivity. While TM has revolutionized translation, it is by no means a perfect tool. To make sure your company’s documentation is on point, contact CSOFT’s professional team of technical writers and editors! Written by Mike Lenczewski, Senior Writer at CSOFT International Read more of Mike Lenczewski’s  blogs
翻译记忆( TM )是一个数据库,存储您或您的公司已经翻译的语言“段”(短语、子句、标题等)。当您继续翻译文档时,数据库提供了基于这些存储段的翻译建议。建议可以从“完美匹配”到不完美匹配,通常被称为“模糊匹配”。在翻译领域, TM 无疑是一个改变游戏规则的游戏,在降低成本的同时提高了翻译的速度和一致性。然而,它确实有一些限制,可能不是理想的所有情况下,所以谨慎使用 TM 是好的。没有更多的麻烦,这里有四个可能的陷阱 TM : 例如,如果贵公司的某个人误解了某个部分,而这种误解后来没有被其他翻译人员发现,那么被误解的部分最终可能会出现在数量惊人的文件中。我个人查阅的一家公司的文件错误地将“盒子”一词翻译成“卡通”。这一错误出现在我看过的每一份文件中。而且,由于误解变得如此普遍,译者越来越有可能以表面价值看待它,尽管有一些疑问。根据这一部分的意义的重要性,这种误解可能是相当有问题的。 如果译者过分依赖 TM 系统的建议,那么流程中可能会出现许多错误或问题。在这种情况下,可能需要重新翻译和重编辑。从长远来看,没有 TM 的翻译实际上可能更快。 假设导出到 MicrosoftWord 格式的翻译,以便发送到外部代理进行编辑。编辑用关键的编辑标记文档并将其发送回。一方面,不将这些修正手动输入 TM 数据库会导致系统变得更弱或更不全面。另一方面,这些修正的输入需要时间。 如果你是一名自由翻译,你可能会收到客户的任务,使用 TM 工具,你可能不熟悉。可能的情况是,给出的最后期限不会考虑学习软件的时间,这自然会阻碍您的生产力。 虽然 TM 已经使翻译发生了革命性的变化,但它绝不是一个完美的工具。为了确保贵公司的文档记录准确,请联系 CSOFT 的专业技术作者和编辑团队! 由 CSOFT 国际公司的资深作家 Mike Lenczewski 撰写的文章阅读了 Mike Lenczewski 的博客

