The Week in Review: June 2, 2023


2023-06-02 14:30 multilingual


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This week was a big one for generative AI and large language models. Bloomberg is predicting that the artificial intelligence (AI) market will grow to $1.3 trillion over the course of the next decade. And at the same time, some leaders in the industry are warning that the technology could have a catastrophic impact on humanity. Read more on the latest in generative AI, plus blog posts and press releases from Lokalise, Summa Linguae, and vidby. Got news you’d like to share in next week’s Week in Review? Send it over to our editorial team here. Looking for a pen pal to practice your language skills with? Memrise and Discord just might have the solution for you: the GPT-3-powered Memrise Discord app. The app — which works in 25 different languages as of its launch earlier this week — allows Discord users to practice their writing skills with a chatbot via Discord. The Verge’s senior reviewer Monica Chin says the app is still imperfect (for example, it doesn’t control for formality very effectively), but nonetheless fun to test out. Whether or not you consider generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard to be industry disruptors, one thing is for certain: They’re likely to be big money makers for their developers. According to a recent report from Bloomberg, the AI market is likely to “expand at a rate of 42% over ten years,” thanks to the popularity of these public-facing chatbots. The ones who will reap the biggest rewards? Bloomberg predicts that Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Nvidia will see the biggest gains. A bipartisan team of US senators have introduced a new piece of legislation to provide more visas for the Afghan interpreters who aided US forces during the Afghan War. If it becomes law, the Special Immigrant Visa would be extended until 2029 and 20,000 visas would be authorized. “The U.S. has a moral obligation to follow through and help these supporters who have given invaluable assistance to our forces for over 20 years,” said senator Roger Wicker of Massachusetts, one of the bill’s sponsors. A handful of AI leaders — including Sam Altman of OpenAI — recently signed onto a statement warning of the dangers of AI. “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war,” reads the one-sentence statement. Check out the link above to read The New York Times’ commentary on their statement. Embrace the Online Opportunity of African Languages (via Lionbridge) The top 15 product management blogs to follow in 2023 (via Lokalise) Quick Guide to Product Localization (via Summa Linguae) Multilingual Website Strategies in the Future World of Generative Search (via Motionpoint) Swiss AI dubbing startup initiates ethical code of artificial intelligence use in translations Terra Localizations launches brand refresh Welocalize achieves ISO 14001 certification to further strengthen its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) framework Win & Winnow renewed its carbon-neutral certification The Association of Language Companies launches an internship focus within the ALC Bridge Job Board Clearly Local Announces Partnership with Phrase to Deliver Superior Localization Solutions
本周是生成AI和大型语言模型的重要一周。 彭博社预测,人工智能(AI)市场将在未来十年内增长到1.3万亿美元。与此同时,该行业的一些领导者警告说,这项技术可能会对人类产生灾难性的影响。 阅读更多关于生成式AI的最新信息,以及来自Lokalise,Summa Linguae和vidby的博客文章和新闻稿。 有什么消息想在下周的《一周回顾》中分享吗?把它发给我们的编辑团队。 想找一个笔友来练习你的语言技能吗?Memrise和Discord可能会为您提供解决方案:GPT-3驱动的Memrise Discord应用程序。 这款应用程序在本周早些时候推出时支持25种不同的语言,它允许Discord用户通过Discord与聊天机器人练习写作技巧。The Verge的高级评论员Monica Chin表示,该应用程序仍然不完美(例如,它不能非常有效地控制正式程度),但测试起来仍然很有趣。 无论你是否认为ChatGPT和Bard等生成式AI工具是行业颠覆者,有一件事是肯定的:他们很可能是开发商的大摇钱树。根据彭博社最近的一份报告,由于这些面向公众的聊天机器人的普及,人工智能市场可能会“在十年内以42%的速度扩张”。 谁将获得最大的回报?彭博社预测,亚马逊、微软、谷歌和英伟达将获得最大的收益。 一个由美国参议员组成的两党小组提出了一项新的立法,为在阿富汗战争期间帮助美军的阿富汗口译员提供更多的签证。如果它成为法律,特别移民签证将延长至2029年,并将批准20,000个签证。 该法案的发起人之一、马萨诸塞州参议员罗杰?威克(Roger Wicker)表示:“美国在道义上有义务坚持到底,帮助这些支持者,他们20多年来为我们的军队提供了宝贵的援助。” 包括OpenAI的Sam Altman在内的一些AI领导者最近签署了一份声明,警告AI的危险。 “减轻人工智能灭绝的风险应该是全球优先事项,以及其他社会规模的风险,如流行病和核战争,”一句话的声明说。查看上面的链接,阅读《纽约时报》对他们声明的评论。 把握非洲语言的在线机会(通过Lionbridge) 2023年要关注的前15个产品管理博客(通过Lokalise) 产品本地化快速指南(通过Summa Linguae) 未来生成式搜索世界中的多语言网站策略(通过Motionpoint) 瑞士AI配音初创公司启动人工智能在翻译中使用的道德准则 Terra Localizations推出品牌更新 Welocalize获得ISO 14001认证,进一步加强其环境、社会和治理(ESG)框架 Win & Winnow重新获得碳中和认证 语言公司协会在ALC Bridge工作委员会内推出实习重点 Clearly Local宣布与Phrase合作,提供卓越的本地化解决方案

