Danish Hemophilia Society Case Study


2023-05-24 09:09 lionbridge


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For patients with life-threatening or chronic illnesses, quality of life is largely impacted by the quality of medical care they receive. Individuals who cannot properly communicate with their healthcare providers – including those who speak a different language – may struggle to take care of themselves or their dependents. Such a disconnect could prove fatal, especially when concerning bleeding disorders. The Danish Hemophilia Society (DHS) works to provide hemophilic patients and their families with counseling and education to help them navigate treatment, emerging research, and daily life. As part of an initiative to support patients with Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), the DHS created a dialogue tool that would facilitate effective communication between patients’ families and healthcare providers. Lionbridge's expertise and deep experience with linguistic validation allowed the customer to provide Danish parents with a native version of the materials, considering target patient groups, intertextual coherence, and consistency. The translated versions were effective, maintaining the quality, accuracy, and polished presentation of the original English versions. Read the case study to learn more about key elements of our solution.
对于患有危及生命或慢性疾病的患者,生活质量在很大程度上受到他们所接受的医疗质量的影响。无法与医疗保健提供者 (包括说不同语言的人) 进行适当沟通的个人可能很难照顾自己或家属。这种脱节可能是致命的,尤其是在出血性疾病方面。 丹麦血友病协会 (DHS) 致力于为血友病患者及其家人提供咨询和教育,以帮助他们进行治疗,新兴研究和日常生活。作为支持免疫性血小板减少性紫癜 (ITP) 患者的计划的一部分,DHS创建了一种对话工具,可促进患者家庭与医疗保健提供者之间的有效沟通。 Lionbridge在语言验证方面的专业知识和丰富经验使客户能够为丹麦父母提供本地版本的材料,同时考虑目标患者群体,互文连贯性和一致性。翻译版本有效,保持了原始英语版本的质量,准确性和优美的外观。阅读案例研究,了解更多关于我们解决方案关键要素的信息。

