How to Control Schedule Conflict in Project Management


2023-05-24 19:00 project manager


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The last thing a project manager wants is a schedule conflict. But a scheduling conflict is an eventuality in project management. While it’s the project manager’s job to ensure that the workflow is unobstructed, it’s also their responsibility to resolve scheduling conflicts when they arise—a problem that’s unavoidable. Before you can control a scheduling conflict, you have to understand what it is. Then you can strategize ways to avoid schedule conflicts and employ the project scheduling tools that’ll help. We’ll explore each of those topics and by the end of this blog, you’ll have a handle on managing schedules to prevent a conflict of schedule. What Is a Scheduling Conflict? A scheduling conflict is simply when you have two or more activities that will take place at the same time. There can be tasks that are executed simultaneously, of course, but only if you’ve planned to have sufficient resources and time to accommodate them. But that strategy is intentional while scheduling conflicts tend to be done by accident. When you have a scheduling conflict, you’ll be unable to deliver on the tasks assigned. Your team members will be spread too thin and other resources might not be available that are needed to complete the task. The result of a scheduling conflict can lead to missed deadlines, going over your budget and eroding project morale. None of these are worth the risk of sloppy scheduling that leads to scheduling conflicts. That doesn’t mean that scheduling mistakes are always responsible for scheduling conflicts. There are accidents that result from human error and there are the risks inherent in any project. Either way, you’ll likely have to deal with scheduling conflicts. The more prepared you are, the better. Part of being prepared is using project management software to schedule your projects. ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that helps you schedule, manage that schedule and track it in real time. Use our powerful Gantt charts to organize your tasks and resources. You can link all four types of task dependencies to avoid scheduling conflicts and delays. Filter for the critical path and see which tasks are essential to delivering a successful project. Once you set a baseline, you can track your progress in real time and catch any issues, solve them and stay on schedule. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. How to Avoid Schedule Conflict in Project Management Sometimes, you can’t avoid a scheduling conflict. There are last-minute meetings, miscommunication and other issues that arise. But outside of an anomaly, there are ways to ensure your schedule is free of scheduling conflicts. Project managers are advised to take these precautions. Use a Work Breakdown Structure to Clearly Define Your Project Scope Everyone knows that projects are made of many tasks. But what’s often overlooked is that there’s a tool to identify those tasks. If you use a work breakdown structure (WBS), you can map the deliverables and tasks in a project. It’s a tree diagram that’s topped with the final deliverable and the smaller ones that lead to it branch off below that. This provides the full scope of the project and helps avoid scheduling conflicts because it’s easier to avoid conflicts when you know all the work and deliverables upfront. Identify Any Task Dependencies Of course, not all tasks are equal. There are often task dependencies or tasks that can start or stop until another task starts or stops. As a simple example, a task dependency is like a wall that can’t be painted until it’s been built. Task dependencies can drastically impact a project schedule, so important to identify them so that you don’t have costly delays or schedule conflicts. You’ll want to also note what type of task dependency it is. There are four: start to start, which starts when another starts; start to finish, which starts when another finishes, finish to finish, which finishes when another finishes and finish to start, which finishes with another starts. Establish a Sequence for Your Project Tasks Project schedules should follow a sequence to ensure that you’re not double dipping. It starts broadly by defining the project goals and identifying all stakeholders. This leads to a final deadline that determines when all deliverables must be completed. At this point, you’ll want to employ your WBS to list all your deliverables, tasks and the steps you’ll take to complete the project. You’ll set up processes and procedures. Team members will be assigned to tasks, which will have start dates and due dates. This schedule is then shared with the team and any scheduling conflicts that are found can be changed before the execution of the project. Related: 25 Must-Have Project Management Excel Templates & Spreadsheets Assign Roles and Responsibilities Another way to avoid scheduling conflicts is by ensuring that everyone on the project team has been assigned a role and understands their responsibilities. This gives each team member ownership over a piece of the project which leads to greater quality and the timely completion of their tasks. That’s because each team member will be accountable. They’ll be in charge of dealing with any issues, such as delays, missing resources and conflicts. Identify the Critical Path The critical path is the longest sequence of activities that must be completed on time for the whole project to succeed. Another way of looking at this is that the critical path separates those tasks that are essential to delivering the project from others that could be neglected if time and money become an issue. This is very important to schedule for obvious reasons. You now know the tasks that are critical and can focus on them, while others can be delayed if there’s a conflict, as well as how much float or slack you have. Create a Project Schedule The above outline the steps to making a project schedule. Without a project schedule, you’re flying blind. This isn’t recommended for small projects and certainly not for large, more complex ones. Having a project schedule also allows you to track your project by comparing the planned progress against the actual progress. It keeps everyone working on the same page so they know what needs to be done and when it has to be done. All this works toward running a successful project with fewer scheduling conflicts. What Project Scheduling Tools Can Help With Scheduling Conflict? Making a project schedule is part of the planning phase in project management. Project management has scheduling tools that can help you both plan and execute the project. Let’s look at three common types of project scheduling tools and how they help reduce scheduling conflicts. 1. Gantt Charts We already touched on Gantt charts. These are the workhorses of traditional project management methodologies. They’re great for projects that follow phases when one thing happens after another. They detail the entire project on a visual timeline that shows all the tasks and their durations. You can often add milestones, link dependencies and more to schedule the project from start to finish. 2. Project Calendars A project calendar might not be as robust as a Gantt chart, but they’re also a lot simpler to make and use. Calendars have long been used in scheduling because they work. They’re a visual tool that lays out a month on a page and gives you start dates and due dates. They’re easy to share and understand, which is why they’ve been a staple of project scheduling from almost the beginning of projects. 3. Kanban Boards Kanban boards are a more modern tool. They’re a visual workflow system that breaks up a production schedule into columns on a board with tasks represented by cards that move across the board as they’re being completed. This allows a project manager to see the whole process and catch problems like scheduling conflicts before the team encounters them. The project manager can then reallocate resources to resolve the issue and keep the team’s work unobstructed. ProjectManager Is Robust Project Scheduling Software You’ll find all three of those project scheduling tools in ProjectManager, award-winning project management software that helps schedule, manage and track projects in real time. Scheduling starts with onboarding your team. Our software allows you to set your team’s availability, including PTO, vacations and global holidays, which makes assigning easier. When you’re building your project schedule, you can avoid scheduling conflicts by knowing who is available and when. Use Multiple Project Scheduling Tools Once you’ve scheduled your project on our Gantt chart, you can share that plan with your project team. But team members don’t need all the features of a Gantt chart, which is why we have multiple project tools. They can execute their work on any tool they’re comfortable with, such as task lists, kanban boards or even calendars. All share the same data and update in real time simultaneously to keep everyone on the same page. Monitor Project Progress With Real-Time Dashboards Updating project scheduling tools is only one aspect of real-time data. Having live data means that project managers can monitor the project schedule and ensure that the project is on track. Project managers can get a high-level overview of the project by toggling to the real-time dashboards. They automatically collect live data and display it on easy-to-read graphs and charts that measure metrics such as time, cost, workload and much more. Unlike lightweight alternative software, there’s no time-consuming configuration necessary. It’s ready when you are. Scheduling is essential to delivering a project on time. Our software makes that possible with multiple project views, real-time dashboards and reports that go deeper into the data. Reports are customizable to zero in on only the data which is important. They can be easily shared to keep stakeholders updated on the project’s progress. With our software, you can plan, manage and track your schedule from start to finish. ProjectManager is online project management software that connects teams across departments and continents. You can plan your schedule and share it with distributed teams and keep track of their progress anywhere and at any time. Join teams from Avis, Nestle and Siemens who use our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
项目经理最不希望的就是进度冲突。但是在项目管理中,进度冲突是不可避免的。虽然确保工作流程畅通无阻是项目经理的工作,但当日程冲突出现时,解决它们也是他们的责任——这是一个不可避免的问题。 在您能够控制调度冲突之前,您必须了解它是什么。然后,您可以制定策略来避免进度冲突,并使用会有所帮助的项目进度工具。我们将探讨这些话题中的每一个,在这篇博客结束时,你将掌握如何管理日程以防止日程冲突。 什么是调度冲突? 日程安排冲突就是当你有两个或更多的活动同时发生时。当然,有些任务可以同时执行,但前提是您已经计划好有足够的资源和时间来适应它们。但是这种策略是有意的,而调度冲突往往是偶然发生的。 当你的日程安排有冲突时,你将无法完成分配的任务。您的团队成员将过于分散,并且可能无法获得完成任务所需的其他资源。时间安排冲突的结果会导致错过最后期限,超出预算,降低项目士气。这些都不值得冒导致调度冲突的草率调度的风险。 这并不意味着调度错误总是导致调度冲突。有事故是由人为错误造成的,任何项目都有固有的风险。无论哪种方式,您都可能不得不处理日程安排冲突。你准备得越充分越好。准备工作的一部分是使用项目管理软件来安排你的项目。 ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目管理软件,可帮助您安排、管理和实时跟踪该计划。使用我们强大的甘特图来组织您的任务和资源。您可以链接所有四种类型的任务依赖项,以避免计划冲突和延迟。筛选关键路径,并查看哪些任务对于交付成功的项目至关重要。一旦你设定了基线,你就可以实时跟踪你的进度,发现任何问题,解决它们并按计划进行。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 如何避免项目管理中的进度冲突 有时候,你无法避免日程冲突。会出现最后一分钟的会议、沟通不畅和其他问题。但是除了异常情况之外,还有一些方法可以确保你的时间表没有时间冲突。建议项目经理采取这些预防措施。 使用工作分解结构来明确定义项目范围 每个人都知道项目是由许多任务组成的。但是经常被忽视的是,有一种工具可以识别这些任务。如果您使用工作分解结构(WBS),您可以映射项目中的可交付成果和任务。这是一个树形图,顶部是最终的可交付成果,下面是通向它的较小的可交付成果。这提供了项目的全部范围,并有助于避免调度冲突,因为当您预先知道所有工作和可交付成果时,更容易避免冲突。 标识任何任务依赖项 当然,并不是所有的任务都是平等的。在另一个任务启动或停止之前,通常存在任务依赖项或任务可以启动或停止。举个简单的例子,任务依赖就像一面墙,在建成之前不能粉刷。任务依赖性会极大地影响项目进度,因此识别它们非常重要,这样您就不会有代价高昂的延迟或进度冲突。您还需要注意它是什么类型的任务依赖。有四种:开始到开始,当另一个开始时开始;开始到结束,当另一个结束时开始,结束到结束,当另一个结束时结束,结束到开始,当另一个开始时结束。 为项目任务建立顺序 项目时间表应该遵循一个顺序,以确保你不会二次探底。它从定义项目目标和确定所有利益相关者开始。这导致了一个最终的截止日期,它决定了所有可交付成果必须完成的时间。在这一点上,你需要使用你的WBS来列出你所有的可交付成果、任务和完成项目的步骤。你将建立流程和程序。团队成员将被分配到具有开始日期和截止日期的任务。然后与团队共享此计划,发现的任何计划冲突都可以在项目执行之前进行更改。 相关:25个必备的项目管理Excel模板和电子表格 分配角色和职责 避免时间安排冲突的另一种方法是确保项目团队中的每个人都被分配了一个角色并理解他们的职责。这给了每个团队成员对项目的一部分的所有权,从而导致更高的质量和及时完成他们的任务。这是因为每个团队成员都要负责任。他们将负责处理任何问题,如延迟、资源缺失和冲突。 确定关键路径 关键路径是整个项目要成功必须按时完成的最长的活动序列。另一种看待这个问题的方式是,关键路径将那些对交付项目至关重要的任务与其他任务分开,如果时间和金钱成为问题,这些任务可能会被忽略。由于显而易见的原因,这是非常重要的安排。你现在知道哪些任务是关键的,可以专注于它们,而如果有冲突,其他任务可以被推迟,以及你有多少浮动或松弛。 创建项目计划 以上概述了制定项目时间表的步骤。没有项目时间表,你是盲目的。对于小型项目不建议这样做,对于大型、更复杂的项目当然也不建议这样做。拥有项目时间表还允许您通过比较计划进度和实际进度来跟踪项目。它让每个人都在同一页上工作,这样他们就知道需要做什么,什么时候必须做。所有这些都有助于以更少的时间安排冲突运行一个成功的项目。 什么项目调度工具可以帮助解决调度冲突? 制定项目时间表是项目管理计划阶段的一部分。项目管理有日程安排工具,可以帮助您计划和执行项目。让我们看看三种常见的项目调度工具,以及它们如何帮助减少调度冲突。 1.甘特图 我们已经提到了甘特图。这些是传统项目管理方法的主力。当一件事接二连三地发生时,它们非常适合遵循阶段的项目。他们在一个可视化的时间线上详细描述了整个项目,显示了所有的任务及其持续时间。您通常可以添加里程碑、链接依赖项等来从头到尾安排项目。 2.项目日历 项目日历可能不像甘特图那样健壮,但制作和使用起来也简单得多。日历长期以来一直被用于日程安排,因为它们有效。它们是一个可视化工具,在页面上显示一个月,并给出开始日期和截止日期。它们易于共享和理解,这就是为什么它们几乎从项目一开始就成为项目计划的主要内容。 3.看板 看板是一种更现代的工具。它们是一个可视化的工作流系统,它将生产计划分解成板上的列,任务由卡片表示,当任务完成时,卡片会在板上移动。这允许项目经理看到整个过程,并在团队遇到问题之前发现问题,如日程安排冲突。然后,项目经理可以重新分配资源来解决问题,并保持团队的工作畅通无阻。 ProjectManager是健壮的项目调度软件 您可以在ProjectManager中找到所有这三种项目日程安排工具,ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目管理软件,可帮助实时安排、管理和跟踪项目。日程安排从让你的团队入职开始。我们的软件允许您设置团队的可用性,包括PTO、假期和全球假期,这使得分配更容易。当您构建项目计划时,您可以通过了解谁有空以及何时有空来避免计划冲突。 使用多个项目计划工具 一旦您在我们的甘特图上安排了项目,您就可以与您的项目团队共享该计划。但是团队成员不需要甘特图的所有功能,这就是为什么我们有多个项目工具。他们可以在任何他们熟悉的工具上执行工作,比如任务列表、看板甚至日历。所有人共享相同的数据,并同时实时更新,以保持每个人都在同一页面上。 使用实时仪表板监控项目进度 更新项目调度工具只是实时数据的一个方面。拥有实时数据意味着项目经理可以监控项目进度,并确保项目按计划进行。项目经理可以通过切换到实时仪表板来获得项目的高级概述。他们自动收集实时数据,并将其显示在易于阅读的图形和图表上,以衡量时间、成本、工作量等指标。与轻量级替代软件不同,不需要耗时的配置。当你准备好的时候它就准备好了。 时间安排对于按时交付项目至关重要。我们的软件通过多个项目视图、实时仪表板和深入数据的报告使这成为可能。报告可以定制,只关注重要的数据。它们可以很容易地共享,以便让涉众了解项目的最新进展。使用我们的软件,您可以从头到尾计划、管理和跟踪您的日程安排。 ProjectManager是一款在线项目管理软件,可以连接跨部门和跨大洲的团队。您可以计划您的时间表,并与分散的团队共享,随时随地跟踪他们的进度。加入来自Avis、Nestle和Siemens的团队,他们使用我们的软件交付成功的项目。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。

