New Impact Story: Gender in Poland’s Presidential Election Campaigns


2023-05-24 23:25 CLARIN


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At a time when Poland is grappling with a conservative push and growing polarisation among its population, political scientists Agata Włodkowska and Joanna Gajda reconstructed and analysed how the notions of sex and gender featured in the 2015 and 2020 Polish presidential election campaigns. Using the CLARIN-PL tools Korpusomat and ComCorp, the researchers analysed the language used by the presidential candidates, as well as the presence of gender-related topics in their election agendas, showing the impact that vocabulary and dominant themes can have during the election process itself, as well as their importance for gender equality more broadly. Read the full impact story here.
在波兰正在努力应对保守派的推动和人口日益两极分化的时候,政治学家Agata Włodkowska和Joanna Gajda重建并分析了性和性别概念在2015年和2020年波兰总统竞选活动中的表现。使用CLARIN-PL工具Korpusomat和ComCorp,研究人员分析了总统候选人使用的语言,以及与性别相关的主题在选举议程中的存在,显示了词汇和主导主题在选举过程中的影响,以及它们对更广泛的性别平等的重要性。 在这里阅读完整的影响故事。

