What Is the Project Life Cycle?


2023-01-26 20:18 project manager


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There are many different types of projects, but interestingly, they all have one thing in common. They all go through the same cycle, known as the project life cycle, or project management life cycle. What Is the Project Life Cycle? The project life cycle is made up of five project stages: project initiation, project planning, project execution, monitoring & control and project closing. Each of these phases is necessary for the effective delivery of the project. If you’re managing projects, you’ll need the right tools to make the process more effective and efficient. ProjectManager is online project management software that helps you control your project from initiation through closure. Choose between Gantt charts, kanban boards, project dashboards and more project management tools to plan, schedule and track your projects. The 5 Project Life Cycle Phases Here’s a general description of the phases that make up the project life cycle and what can you do in each for successful project delivery. For example, you’ll need to produce important project documentation at each step in the process. 1. Project Initiation Phase This is the start of the project for the project manager, who is responsible for defining the project at a high level. This usually begins with a business case, feasibility study, cost-benefit analysis and other types of research to determine whether the project is feasible and should or shouldn’t be undertaken. Stakeholders provide input. If the project is approved, then a project charter is created, which provides an overview of the project and sets up the stage for your project plan. 2. Project Planning Phase This is where the project plan is created, and all involved in the project will follow it. This phase begins by setting SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) goals. The scope of the project is defined and a project management plan is created, identifying cost, quality, resources and a timetable. Some of the features of this phase include a scope statement, setting of milestones, communication, risk management plans and a work breakdown structure. 3. Project Executing Phase Now begins the part of the project that most people think of as the project: executing the tasks, deliverables and milestones defined in the project scope. Some tasks that make up this phase include developing the team and assigning resources using key performance indicators, executing the project plan, procurement management and tracking and monitoring progress. If needed, you can set status meetings and revise the schedule and plan. 4. Project Monitoring and Controlling Phase The monitoring and controlling phase consists of setting up project controls and key performance metrics to measure the effectiveness of the project execution. The monitoring and controlling project phase is very important to make sure the execution goes as planned in terms of schedule, scope and budget baselines. 5. Project Closing Phase It’s not over until the project closure phase it’s over. Completing the deliverables to the satisfaction of your stakeholders is key, of course, but the project manager must now disassemble the apparatus created to fulfill the project. That means closing out work with contractors, making sure everyone has been paid and ensuring that all project documents are signed off on and archived to help with planning future projects. Once this has been done, the project manager often has a post-mortem with the project team to highlight what worked and what didn’t work, so that successes can be repeated and mistakes avoided. Understanding the Project Management Life Cycle Jennifer Bridges, PMP, is our resident project management expert. She hosts hundreds of our training videos, including this one explaining the project management life cycle. Project Management Templates Can Help Manage the Project Life Cycle We have created dozens of project management templates to help project managers manage each phase of the project life cycle. Here are some of them. Project Charter Template The project charter is the main outcome of the project initiation phase. Our free project charter template is a great place to start building your project and get it approved by stakeholders. Project Plan Template A project plan is a thorough project management document that guides the project execution. Our free project plan template is fully customizable, so you can include what matters most to your project. Project Budget Template Our free project budget template is a great starting point to gather your project tasks, estimate their costs and create a basic project budget. However, if you truly want to use advanced project management features and have full control over your project portfolio, you should try ProjectManager. ProjectManager Helps Manage the Project Life Cycle ProjectManager is a robust project management software that offers multiple project views and features for each step of the project management life cycle. Here are some of its key project management tools. Plan, Schedule and Track with Gantt Charts Our online Gantt chart helps you plan the project, collecting your task list into a timeline. The duration for each task can then be set and each task assigned to a team member. Collaboration happens at the task level on the Gantt chart, where team members can comment and add relevant documents and images. They can even tag those not assigned to the task and they’ll be notified by email. Multiple Project Management Tools The Gantt chart is just one of ProjectManager’s project management views. You can also use kanban boards, dashboards, workload charts, timesheets and other tools. Use kanban boards to visualize the workflow, where cards represent the tasks, keeping team members focused on what they’re working on and project managers get a bird’s eye view. Resources can be reallocated and important dates, such as holidays and vacation days, are marked to know who can work when. Create Project Reports in Minutes One-click reporting gives project managers the data to present to stakeholders on various aspects of the project. These reports can be filtered to show the information you want and allow for deeper dives as necessary. The real-time dashboard shows project metrics in colorful and easy-to-read graphs and charts, giving you the most accurate picture of your project’s progress. ProjectManager is an award-winning project management solution that assists you in all aspects of project management. Online planning tools and web-based task management features let you collaborate on the go and make adjustments. Then, create comprehensive reports from the data with only a few clicks. Try it for yourself by taking this free 30-day trial today.
有许多不同类型的项目,但有趣的是,它们都有一个共同点。它们都经历相同的周期,称为项目生命周期或项目管理生命周期。 什么是项目生命周期? 项目生命周期由五个项目阶段组成:项目启动、项目规划、项目执行、监控和项目结束。这些阶段中的每一个都是有效交付项目所必需的。 如果你在管理项目,你需要合适的工具来使这个过程更加有效和高效。ProjectManager是一款在线项目管理软件,可以帮助您控制项目从启动到结束的整个过程。在甘特图、看板、项目仪表板和更多项目管理工具之间进行选择,以规划、安排和跟踪您的项目。 项目生命周期的5个阶段 下面是对组成项目生命周期的各个阶段的一般描述,以及在每个阶段您可以做些什么来成功交付项目。例如,您需要在流程的每一步生成重要的项目文档。 1.项目启动阶段 对于项目经理来说,这是项目的开始,他负责在高层次上定义项目。这通常从商业案例、可行性研究、成本效益分析和其他类型的研究开始,以确定项目是否可行,是否应该进行。利益相关者提供意见。如果项目获得批准,则会创建一个项目章程,该章程提供了项目的概述,并为您的项目计划设置了阶段。 2.项目规划阶段 这是创建项目计划的地方,所有参与项目的人都将遵循它。这个阶段从设定SMART(具体的、可衡量的、可实现的、现实的、及时的)目标开始。确定了项目的范围,并制定了项目管理计划,确定了成本、质量、资源和时间表。这一阶段的一些特征包括范围陈述、里程碑设定、沟通、风险管理计划和工作分解结构。 3.项目执行阶段 现在开始大多数人认为是项目的项目部分:执行项目范围中定义的任务、可交付成果和里程碑。构成这一阶段的一些任务包括发展团队和使用关键绩效指标分配资源、执行项目计划、采购管理以及跟踪和监控进展。如果需要,您可以设置状态会议并修改日程和计划。 4.项目监测和控制阶段 监测和控制阶段包括建立项目控制和关键绩效指标,以衡量项目执行的有效性。监测和控制项目阶段对于确保执行按计划进行非常重要,包括进度、范围和预算基线。 5.项目结束阶段 直到项目结束阶段才结束。当然,让涉众满意地完成可交付成果是关键,但是项目经理现在必须拆卸为完成项目而创建的设备。这意味着结束与承包商的工作,确保每个人都得到支付,并确保所有项目文件都得到签署和存档,以帮助规划未来的项目。一旦这样做了,项目经理通常会与项目团队进行事后分析,以强调哪些可行,哪些不可行,这样就可以重复成功并避免错误。 理解项目管理生命周期 PMP的詹妮弗·布里奇斯是我们的常驻项目管理专家。她主持了数百个我们的培训视频,包括这个解释项目管理生命周期的视频。 项目管理模板可以帮助管理项目生命周期 我们创建了几十个项目管理模板来帮助项目经理管理项目生命周期的每个阶段。以下是其中的一些。 项目章程模板 项目章程是项目启动阶段的主要成果。我们的免费项目章程模板是开始构建您的项目并获得利益相关者批准的好地方。 项目计划模板 项目计划是指导项目执行的全面的项目管理文档。我们的免费项目计划模板是完全可定制的,因此您可以包括对您的项目最重要的内容。 项目预算模板 我们的免费项目预算模板是一个很好的起点,可以收集您的项目任务,估计它们的成本,并创建一个基本的项目预算。但是,如果您真的想使用高级项目管理功能并完全控制您的项目组合,您应该尝试ProjectManager。 ProjectManager帮助管理项目生命周期 ProjectManager是一个强大的项目管理软件,为项目管理生命周期的每个步骤提供多种项目视图和功能。以下是它的一些关键项目管理工具。 使用甘特图进行计划、安排和跟踪 我们的在线甘特图帮助您规划项目,将您的任务列表收集到时间表中。然后可以设置每项任务的持续时间,并将每项任务分配给团队成员。协作发生在甘特图上的任务级别,团队成员可以在其中注释和添加相关文档和图像。他们甚至可以标记那些没有被分配到任务的人,他们会收到电子邮件通知。 多种项目管理工具 甘特图只是ProjectManager的项目管理视图之一。您还可以使用看板、仪表板、工作量图表、时间表和其他工具。使用看板来可视化工作流程,其中卡片代表任务,让团队成员专注于他们正在做的事情,项目经理可以鸟瞰。可以重新分配资源,并标记重要日期,如节假日和休假日,以了解谁可以在什么时候工作。 在几分钟内创建项目报告 一键式报告为项目经理提供了向涉众展示项目各个方面的数据。这些报告可以被过滤以显示您想要的信息,并允许在必要时进行更深入的研究。实时仪表板以丰富多彩且易于阅读的图形和图表显示项目指标,为您提供项目进度的最准确的图片。 ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的项目管理解决方案,可在项目管理的各个方面为您提供帮助。在线规划工具和基于web的任务管理功能让您可以随时随地进行协作和调整。然后,只需点击几下鼠标,即可从数据中创建全面的报告。立即免费试用30天,亲自尝试一下。

