How to Choose a Project Name: Tips & 10 Project Code Names


2023-01-19 15:40 project manager


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Most organizations use project names as they’re a quick way to remember projects and programs. Some project managers think those names should describe a project’s purpose or its main goals, while others simply choose cool or catchy project names to lighten up the mood in the organization. While it can be challenging, creating project code names is a meaningful task that you and your team will value. Then, you’ll need project management software like ProjectManager to get the job done. ProjectManager lets you choose between a wide variety of project management tools such as Gantt charts, dashboards, timesheets, calendars, reports and much more. Get started for free today. How Do You Create a Project Name? There are no right or wrong answers when creating a project name and no method either, which makes it difficult for some people. Today, there’s a lot of advice on how to name projects and even project code name generators online that are fun to use when starting a project. But we thought it’d be most instructive to look at key tips to create a project name, along with the best project code names of all time. 5 Tips to Create Project Names A project name captures its essence and can create a sense of ownership in the team. However, creating a project name is much harder than it sounds. Here are some tips to spark your creativity. 1. Use a Project Name Generator You might be out of ideas right when choosing a project name. In fact, most of us do. Luckily, there are some AI-based project code name generators that’ll make things easier. They’re capable of providing dozens of project names you can skim through. While these project name generators might not be perfect, they’re definitively a source of inspiration. 2. Brainstorm With Your Project Team As always, you should welcome your team members’ ideas when naming your projects. Just like you, they’re involved in the project and can help you come up with great project name ideas that you might have missed. 3. Align Your Project Name With Your Organizational Culture Coming up with a project name goes beyond choosing a cool or catchy name. It’s also important to factor in aspects of your organizational culture such as your brand tone, business name or company values. As a general rule, you don’t want to choose a project code name that goes against any of those. 4. Do a Trademark Check Many projects involve the development of a final product. In those cases, you must be cautious about not using any registered trademark in order to avoid any negative consequences for your project. If you’re located in the United States, you can do a trademark search by using the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database. There are similar regulatory entities around the world. 5. Use a Theme for Your Project Names In large organizations, most of the time your project will be part of a program or project portfolio. It’s important to consider that there should be a logical connection between project names. You could do this by using project names that follow a theme. A typical example of this is to name your projects after Greek mythology gods such as Zeus, Poseidon or Ares. Now, let’s review 10 of the most famous project code names of all time. 10 Project Name Ideas from History The military first started creating project code names for strategic reasons. Churchill himself, it was said, named the Normandy invasion and had his own code of sorts for how operations were to be named. Projects with a higher risk of casualty “ought not to be described by code words which imply a boastful or overconfident sentiment,” he penned. He also recommended avoiding names of “frivolous” characters and living people. Project code names and project names then started expanding across industries, languages and continents and are now a common practice for most organizations. Here are some of the best project names from history. 1. Titan Apple is mum, but Insiders report that the company is working on a car called “Titan,” slated to be road-ready in 2019. With a name that gigantic, buzz is already building about the features that may or may not rival Google’s self-driving cars. 2. Project Hanks When Verizon Communications was looking to take over AOL, they needed to keep the deal secret and came up with a code name. According to the Telegraph, Project Hanks is the name they chose, which may not make sense until you remember that Tom Hanks starred in the movie You’ve Got Mail (1998), a romantic comedy about a relationship built on AOL’s famous mail notification. 3. Kodiak Unlike some other companies that have a codename and then change it to something else when it comes to market, in 2000, Apple developed its first version of Mac OS X with the codename Kodiak. It’s since followed that theme with updates with other powerful creatures of the wild, such as Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion. 4. Code Talkers This was the project name for the secret WWII program to recruit Cherokee, Creek, Choctow and other tribal members to transmit coded messages in Native American languages. It was also popularized in the Nicholas Cage classic of cinema, Windtalkers. 5. Project Blue Book If you don’t already know, then you probably don’t have the clearance. But for the sake of disclosure, Project Blue Book was the code name for the US Air Force investigations into UFO sightings. But you didn’t hear that from us. 6. X Lab They may have been known earlier for their unofficial slogan “Don’t be evil,” but that doesn’t mean Google doesn’t have a secret lair. At the company’s secret “X” Lab, projects like the Self-Driving Car and Google Glass are built under the cloak and veil of secrecy deserved by its uber-mysterious name. 7. Project 404 The code name for a covert US Air Force mission to Laos during the Vietnam War was to supply line crew technicians. Today, it’s the code name for a webpage that can no longer be found. Coincidence? 8. Manhattan Project The super-secret project to develop an atomic bomb during World War II was a beehive of activity for some of the smartest minds at the time, but all they could come up with in terms of a name for their work was “Manhattan” because they began the research in a simple office building located in Manhattan, New York. They eventually moved to more secure environs out of the area, but the classy name remained. 9. Durango When Microsoft was looking to build upon its wildly popular Xbox 360 gaming console, Durango was its name. But like all Microsoft projects, the project name was far from the final product name. In this case, they thought long and hard and hired the best people to release Xbox One. 10. Apollo One of the most famous projects of the last century, the Apollo program, was designed to land humans on the moon and bring them back alive. It’s the kind of story more told in myth, which is maybe why NASA (an acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration) went back to the Greeks. Apollo is associated with the Greek verb meaning to destroy. That may sound counterintuitive, but in Greek mythology Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto, twin of Artemis, was the god of prophecy, medicine, music, art, law, beauty and wisdom. ProjectManager Turns Project Names Into Successful Project Plans Once you’ve come up with a great codename, you need to start the project. The codenames of the projects we collected above are memorable because they were successful, and every great project begins with a plan. ProjectManager, our award-winning project management software, simplifies that process with online Gantt charts that turn your tasks into timelines for easy scoping. Keep projects on schedule and under budget with this visual tool. Team Collaboration for Better Execution The codename for a project is cool, but your team is your most valuable resource. ProjectManager frees them to be more productive. They can collaborate with each other at the task level, adding relevant files and images. They can even tag people and send out email alerts to keep everyone in the loop. Give your teams the tools they need to get the work done. ProjectManager has all that and more. Our software enables you and your team to deliver any kind of project in any kind of industry. Take a look at what we can offer your next project, then come up with a winning codename. Try ProjectManager for 30 days with this free trial.
大多数组织使用项目名称,因为这是记住项目和计划的一种快速方式。一些项目经理认为这些名字应该描述项目的目的或主要目标,而其他人只是选择酷的或吸引人的项目名字来点亮组织中的气氛。 虽然创建项目代码名称很有挑战性,但它是一项有意义的任务,您和您的团队都将重视它。然后,你需要像ProjectManager这样的项目管理软件来完成这项工作。ProjectManager允许您在各种项目管理工具中进行选择,如甘特图、仪表板、时间表、日历、报告等等。立即免费开始。 如何创建项目名称? 创建项目名称时没有正确或错误的答案,也没有方法,这对一些人来说很难。今天,网上有很多关于如何命名项目甚至项目代码生成器的建议,在开始一个项目时使用起来很有趣。但是我们认为,看看创建项目名称的关键技巧,以及有史以来最好的项目代码名称,将是最有指导意义的。 创建项目名称的5个技巧 项目名称抓住了它的本质,可以在团队中创造一种主人翁感。然而,创建一个项目名称比听起来要困难得多。这里有一些激发你创造力的建议。 1.使用项目名称生成器 在选择项目名称时,您可能会没有主意。事实上,我们大多数人都这样。幸运的是,有一些基于人工智能的项目代码名称生成器会让事情变得更容易。他们能够提供几十个项目名称,你可以浏览。虽然这些项目名称生成器可能并不完美,但它们绝对是灵感的来源。 2.与项目团队一起集思广益 像往常一样,在命名项目时,您应该欢迎团队成员的想法。就像你一样,他们参与到项目中,可以帮助你想出你可能错过的伟大的项目名称想法。 3.使项目名称与组织文化保持一致 想出一个项目名称不仅仅是选择一个很酷或吸引人的名字。考虑组织文化的各个方面也很重要,比如你的品牌基调、企业名称或公司价值观。一般来说,您不希望选择与这些规则相违背的项目代码名称。 4.进行商标检查 许多项目涉及最终产品的开发。在这些情况下,您必须谨慎不要使用任何注册商标,以避免对您的项目产生任何负面后果。如果你在美国,你可以使用美国专利商标局(USPTO)的数据库进行商标搜索。世界各地都有类似的监管机构。 5.为项目名称使用主题 在大型组织中,大多数情况下,您的项目将是计划或项目组合的一部分。重要的是要考虑到项目名称之间应该有逻辑联系。您可以使用跟在主题后面的项目名称来实现这一点。一个典型的例子是用希腊神话中的神来命名你的项目,比如宙斯、波塞冬或阿瑞斯。 现在,让我们回顾一下有史以来最著名的10个项目代号。 来自历史的10个项目名称创意 出于战略原因,军方最初开始创建项目代号。据说,丘吉尔本人命名了诺曼底登陆,并有自己的行动命名准则。他写道,伤亡风险较高的项目“不应该用暗示自吹自擂或过于自信情绪的暗语来描述”。他还建议避免使用“轻浮”的角色和活生生的人的名字。 然后,项目代码名称和项目名称开始跨行业、跨语言和跨大洲扩展,现在是大多数组织的常见做法。以下是历史上一些最好的项目名称。 1.泰坦 苹果保持沉默,但内部人士报告称,该公司正在开发一款名为“泰坦”的汽车,预计将于2019年上路。有了这样一个巨大的名字,buzz已经在开发一些功能,这些功能可能会也可能不会与谷歌的自动驾驶汽车相媲美。 2.汉克斯项目 当Verizon Communications希望接管AOL时,他们需要对交易保密,并想出了一个代号。据《每日电讯报》报道,汉克斯计划是他们选择的名字,这可能没有意义,直到你记得汤姆·汉克斯主演了电影《你有邮件》(1998),这是一部浪漫喜剧,讲述了一段建立在美国在线著名的邮件通知基础上的关系。 3.科迪亚克 不像其他一些公司有一个代号,然后在上市时把它改成别的名字,2000年,苹果开发了第一个代号为Kodiak的Mac OS X版本。此后,它又更新了其他强大的野生动物,如美洲狮、美洲虎、黑豹、豹子、雪豹和狮子。 4.暗号说话者 这是二战秘密计划的项目名称,该计划招募切罗基人、克里克人、乔克托人和其他部落成员用美洲土著语言传输编码信息。它还在尼古拉斯·凯奇的经典电影《风语者》中流行开来。 5.蓝皮书项目 如果你还不知道,那么你可能没有权限。但是为了公开起见,蓝皮书计划是美国空军调查UFO目击事件的代号。但你不是从我们这里听到的。 6.X实验室 他们可能因为他们的非官方口号“不要作恶”而出名,但这并不意味着谷歌没有秘密巢穴。在该公司的秘密“X”实验室,像自动驾驶汽车和谷歌眼镜这样的项目是在其超级神秘的名字所应得的秘密外衣和面纱下建造的。 7.项目404 越战期间,美国空军在老挝的秘密任务的代号是提供线路机组技术人员。今天,它是一个再也找不到的网页的代号。巧合吗? 8.曼哈顿计划 第二次世界大战期间开发原子弹的超级秘密项目在当时是一些最聪明的头脑的活动蜂巢,但他们所能想到的关于他们工作的名字是“曼哈顿”,因为他们是在位于纽约曼哈顿的一个简单的办公楼里开始这项研究的。他们最终搬到了该地区以外更安全的地方,但这个优雅的名字仍然存在。 9.杜兰戈 当微软希望建立在其广受欢迎的Xbox 360游戏主机上时,Durango是它的名字。但是像所有的微软项目一样,项目名称与最终产品名称相去甚远。在这种情况下,他们深思熟虑,雇佣了最优秀的人来发布Xbox One。 10.阿波罗 上个世纪最著名的项目之一,阿波罗计划,旨在将人类送上月球并让他们活着回来。这种故事更多的是在神话中讲述的,这可能是NASA(美国国家航空航天局的首字母缩写)回到希腊的原因。阿波罗与希腊语动词联系在一起,意思是毁灭。这听起来可能有悖常理,但在希腊神话中,宙斯和阿耳忒弥斯的双胞胎勒托之子阿波罗是预言、医学、音乐、艺术、法律、美丽和智慧之神。 ProjectManager将项目名称转化为成功的项目计划 一旦你想出了一个伟大的代号,你需要开始这个项目。我们上面收集的项目的代号令人难忘,因为它们是成功的,每个伟大的项目都是从一个计划开始的。我们屡获殊荣的项目管理软件ProjectManager通过在线甘特图简化了这一过程,将您的任务转化为时间表,以便于确定范围。使用这一可视化工具,让项目按计划进行并低于预算。 团队协作,更好地执行 一个项目的代号很酷,但是你的团队是你最有价值的资源。ProjectManager解放了他们,使他们更有效率。他们可以在任务级别相互协作,添加相关文件和图像。他们甚至可以标记人,并发送电子邮件提醒,让每个人都了解情况。为您的团队提供完成工作所需的工具。 ProjectManager拥有所有这些,甚至更多。我们的软件使您和您的团队能够在任何行业交付任何项目。看看我们能为你的下一个项目提供什么,然后想出一个成功的代号。免费试用ProjectManager 30天。

