DeepL, Write, and penetrating AI


2023-01-18 01:38 multilingual


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Cologne-based DeepL has announced the beta launch of DeepL Write, an AI-powered authoring tool intended to improve texts by fixing errors and making suggestions for word replacements while keeping an eye on style, grammar and formatting. Write’s functionality will ring a bell; the product positions itself right next to Grammarly, a company that successfully injected AI into traditional linguistic features such as grammar and spelling checks, thus productizing such features again. DeepL Write is a first addition to DeepL Translate, DeepL’s flagship product. Translate is a highly appreciated AI translation tool by various stakeholders in the translation supply chain; from program managers on the buyer side to linguists, project managers and engineers on the supplier side. DeepL must be seen as a very special case or even an outlaw in the MT landscape. The company isn’t necessarily as fast as other key players when it comes to releasing new functionality, but new features are always positively received. Support for more language combinations is gradually being released, it is possible to switch between formal and informal output, there’s a detailed API, and DeepL’s glossary feature is unparalleled. As a result, the company has always been able to keep up with the US-based tech giants. The release of DeepL Write comes less than a week after the news that investors valued DeepL at 1 billion USD in its latest financing round. The M&A and venture capital (VC) wave resumes in 2023, but the focus seems to shift from TMS to the MT and AI market, which confirms the belief of VCs in AI as a piece of language technology. It’s also no surprise that the communication about DeepL Write and DeepL’s latest funding coincides with the current hype around GPT-3 and ChatGPT. The use cases that have been determined so far include: Augmented MT: eliminating gender bias, adapting formality. TMS integrations: automated terminology extractions, QA, scoring, etc. Transcreation: producing more content at a faster pace. While it’s too early to make firm statements, it’s not unlikely that linguistic AI labs like DeepL or large language models (LLM) such as GPT-3 will be embedded in different steps of the translation process. The increasing penetration of AI in language services is keeping industry analysts busy as potential disruptions now need to be defined.
总部位于科隆的DeepL宣布推出DeepL Write测试版,这是一款人工智能创作工具,旨在通过修复错误和提出单词替换建议来改进文本,同时关注风格、语法和格式。Write的功能会让人印象深刻;该产品将自己定位在Grammarly公司旁边,后者成功地将人工智能注入到传统的语言功能中,如语法和拼写检查,从而使这些功能再次产品化。 DeepL Write是DeepL的旗舰产品DeepL Translate的第一个附加产品。Translate是翻译供应链中各利益相关方高度赞赏的人工智能翻译工具;从买方的项目经理到供应商的语言学家、项目经理和工程师。DeepL必须被视为MT领域的一个非常特殊的案例,甚至是一个亡命之徒。在发布新功能方面,该公司不一定像其他主要公司那样快,但新功能总是受到积极欢迎。对更多语言组合的支持正在逐步释放,可以在正式和非正式输出之间切换,有一个详细的API,DeepL的词汇表功能是无与伦比的。因此,该公司始终能够跟上总部位于美国的科技巨头。 DeepL Write的发布不到一周前,有消息称,投资者对DeepL在其最新一轮融资中的估值为10亿美元。2023年并购和创投(VC)浪潮再起,但焦点似乎从TMS转移到了MT和AI市场,这印证了创投对AI作为一门语言技术的信念。关于DeepL Write和DeepL最新融资的沟通与当前围绕GPT-3和ChatGPT的炒作不谋而合,这也不足为奇。 到目前为止已确定的使用情形包括: 增强MT:消除性别偏见,改变形式。 TMS集成:自动化术语提取、QA、评分等 转录:以更快的速度产生更多的内容。 虽然现在下定论还为时过早,但DeepL等语言人工智能实验室或GPT-3等大型语言模型(LLM)将嵌入到翻译流程的不同步骤中并非不可能。人工智能在语言服务中的渗透率不断提高,这让行业分析师们忙得不可开交,因为现在需要定义潜在的中断。

