15 Free Word & Excel Templates for Business


2023-01-17 20:00 project manager


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Businesses need all the help they can get. These free Word and Excel templates for business will give you an upper hand over the competition. These 15 free Word and Excel templates for business help with everything from cost-benefit analysis to timesheets. Templates are a great way to work consistently and not have to reinvent the wheel each time you need to do repetitive tasks. ProjectManager is more than great project management software, it’s a depository of dozens of free Word and Excel templates for business that you can download right now. 1. SWOT Analysis Businesses need to make strategic plans if they want to remain competitive and profitable. Our free SWOT analysis template for Word is a method that can be used to evaluate your business environment. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which can then be defined within and outside of your organization. The free business template is set up in four quadrants. One for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Vertically, up the left-hand side of the template are two distinctions: one for external and the other for internal. Then on top there are also two categories: one for positive and another for negative. As you do your research, place what you find in the appropriate square. From this visual tool, you can make a viable strategic plan for your business. 2. Timesheet Template It’s said that your employees are your most valuable resource. So, why would you want to give them cumbersome timesheets? Using our free timesheet template for Excel is a simple and effective tool for keeping track of the time your employees spend on their work. It’s good for them and it’s good for managers to track time spent on tasks. Of course, a template is not secure. ProjectManager is cloud-based project management software that delivers real-time data and secure timesheets. Our timesheets make it easy to track the amount of time your employee is spending on their tasks as well as costs and progress. Use them to not only streamline payroll but control your labor costs. Even better, our timesheets work seamlessly with task management, reporting features and more to boost productivity and give managers greater visibility into their employees’ work. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. 3. Project Budget Template One of the most important aspects of any business is its bottom line. If you can’t make a profit, you can’t stay in business. Budgets are estimates of the costs that you’ll spend over a period of time. They need to be accurate, which is where our free project budget template for Excel comes in. It is certainly one of the more important free Excel templates for business. Making an accurate forecast for a budget is hard. There are many uncertainties. But you can use our free Excel template for business to capture labor costs, consultant fees, raw materials, software licenses, travel expenses and even those costs that are recurring, such as telephone charges, office space and equipment, general administration and company insurance. Be sure to use our free project budget template before you embark on any business endeavor. 4. RACI Matrix Template There are multiple stakeholders in every business. From executives to employees and customers, everyone has some vested interest in the business. Being able to identify those roles and responsibilities as well as how they relate to the overall business and its communications is what our free RACI matrix template for Excel helps you determine. RACI is another acronym, this one stands for responsible, accountable, consulted and informed. The value of this free Excel template for business is that it lists everyone in the business on the left-hand column and then the top row identifies them by title. Then you can add the corresponding initial (R, A, C or I) that allows you to understand their place in the business and will help everyone know as well. 5. Cost-Benefit Analysis A free Excel template for business that no enterprise should be without is our free cost-benefit analysis template for Excel. When you’re exploring business opportunities you need to make sure that they’re worth the time, effort and especially cost. This free template will allow you to test the waters so you know if you will swim or sink if you take on the project. A cost-benefit analysis is used by businesses to look at what they expect to pay for a project against what benefits or opportunities it will provide them. In short, will they make money or gain some advantage? Is it worth it? That answer can save a company a lot of frustration down the line or put them in a position to reap the rewards of its endeavor. Either way, it’s a free template that no business can do without. 6. Meeting Minutes Template One thing that business people seem to agree about is that there are too many meetings. However, meetings are essential for communication, brainstorming and more. That doesn’t mean they don’t meander, but with an agenda, they can stay on point. With our free meeting minutes template for Word, you can also capture the important takeaways. Using our free template for business allows you to collect all the necessary information in a format that is easy to read and, therefore, more likely retained by those who are in attendance. Minutes also help with documentation and save time during the meeting. That’s because everything is laid out, from the agenda to action items and even scheduling the next meeting. 7. Inventory Template Businesses run lean and mean if they want to stay in business. If your business has inventory then knowing exactly what you have and what you need is key to success. If you have our free inventory template for Excel then you’ll always have the materials you need on hand and never have costly delays in production to restock your inventory. The free inventory template records the level of stock you’re warehousing as well as tracking turnover. It’s all there on one document, which makes it easy for managers to know what they have and when they have to order more. Not only manufacturers, but retailers can use the free Excel template for business to see what is and isn’t selling. 8. Gap Analysis Template Businesses don’t have the luxury of resting on their laurels. Stagnation leads to death. But wanting to improve and improving are two different things. That’s why our free gap analysis template for Excel is so critical for any business that wants to stay competitive. It helps businesses set long-term goals and stay innovative. This free Excel template for business is a chart that collects the data you need to create an action plan that will move a business from where it currently stands in the marketplace to where it wants to be in the future. It does this by focusing on areas of improvement, using a gap percentage to show how far you have to go, including a timeline and resource management to get you there. 9. Project Prioritization Matrix Template The insight to know which project needs your attention if you’re managing a portfolio or program is key to managing your precious resources wisely to get the best return on your investment. Your business has a long-term strategy and using our free project prioritization matrix template for Excel helps you determine which projects are aligned with that strategy objectively and need attention immediately. It does this with what’s commonly referred to as an Eisenhower matrix. It’s a chart broken up into four quadrants: must be done immediately, scheduled for the near future, delegated and delete or move. Across the top of the chart are two columns, one for do now and the other for doing later. On the left-hand side are two rows: crucial and not crucial. By placing your projects in one of these quadrants you can make more insightful decisions as to where to place your business efforts. 10. Organizational Chart Template As businesses grow, they can become like a freighter, too big to turn swiftly. Our free organizational chart template for Excel won’t necessarily make your business more nimble, but it’ll help you stay competitive and improve departmental communication. Knowing who reports to who and who has authority to do what in a business will help you respond quickly to market forces and that makes this free Excel template for business so valuable. A visual chart that shows the internal structure of a business, this hierarchical document breakdown the chain of command from top to bottom. It lists everyone’s name and position and shows where they stand in the organization of the business. Besides showing the relationships of the employees in a business it also helps to analyze the needs of a workforce, which makes it easier to know when you have to hire staff or streamline to create greater efficiency. 11. Weekly Work Schedule Template How you handle your human resources is instrumental to the success of your business. Organizing the work schedules of your employees keeps the company productive. Manage workflow with our free weekly work schedule template for Excel. This free Excel template for business lists all your employees, where and when they work as well as their responsibilities over a period of a week. This not only helps with productivity but ensures that you are efficiently balancing your workforce. It’s a way to organize work and keep everyone working at capacity without over-allocating them. This helps to reduce the cost of your resources while keeping to deadlines. There’s also the fact that you can prioritize the work that must be done over the week. It also keeps the work-life balance that retains employees and lifts morale. 12. Action Plan Template Businesses have strategies, but they’re just ideas on paper until they’re executed. An action plan turns that strategy into actionable steps that will ideally lead to the outcome you’ve planned to achieve. To outline those steps use our free action plan template for Excel. It will visualize the steps necessary to meet your business objectives and goals. This action plan is made up of tasks and the free Excel template for business even breaks these tasks into subtasks, which are action items. It also notes the team, time and resources that will be required to complete the work. This includes a timeline to organize those tasks, prioritize them and assemble the team who will execute the work. 13. Request for Quote Template Businesses can’t do everything themselves. They contract out work often but even more, they build relationships with suppliers who provide them with the materials they require to get their work done. Getting the supplies they need, when they need them is done through a request for quote (RFQ) process. To secure the procurements you need for your business, use our free request for quote template for Word. The RFQ is often used with the request for proposal, the latter being how contracts between businesses and suppliers are defined. This free template is key to negotiating the price, amount and delivery of those supplies necessary for your work. Through a RFQ, both sides can come to an equitable agreement. This free template is ideal for keeping your supply costs down. 14. Marketing Calendar Template If your business is marketing a product or service that’s a whole other job you have to do on top of everything else. Planning a marketing campaign involves deadlines, coordinating resources and much more. Using our free marketing calendar template for Excel shows you the campaign and activities on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis to help you stay on track. This customizable free Excel template for business will allow you to visualize your marketing plan over a specific period of time. You can organize your schedule, the many tasks that are involved and their duration. There’s a place to describe the work and when it’s due as well as the people who are involved in doing that work. You can even set marketing goals to measure the success of your campaign. 15. Change Log Template There isn’t a business that has not had to change something in order to remain solvent. But changes are disruptive and if you’re not managing them they can end up causing damage or worse to your business. Our free change log template for Excel captures those changes and tracks them throughout their life cycle until they have been resolved. This provides a business with greater visibility. You identify the change and assign someone in the business to be responsible for addressing it. That creates accountability and managers can be certain that the change, whatever it might be, is taken care of. Not all changes are created equally, either. You can prioritize the change on this free Excel business template and better manage the time and cost related to the change. ProjectManager Helps With Business Planning All of these free Word and Excel templates for business are helpful, but they can only take you so far. They are, after all, static documents. You have to manually update them and, if they’re shared, it can be difficult to impossible to know which version has the most current data. ProjectManager is cloud-based software that empowers businesses to work more productively and streamline their processes for greater efficiency. Plus, everyone is connected, any time and anywhere, and they’re working off of real-time data to make more impactful decisions. Plan Business Strategy With Robust Gantt Charts Businesses need to plan ahead, whether to implement their strategies and meet objectives and goals or to execute projects. That involves scheduling costs, resources and time. Our robust Gantt charts do all that and more. They link all four types of dependencies to help you avoid delays. You can also create milestones and set a baseline to track your planned effort against your actual effort in real time to keep your strategic plans on track. Track Projects With Real-Time Dashboards Once you’ve set a baseline, you can track your progress and performance across our software in real time. Toggle over to the live dashboard where colorful graphs and charts make it easy to see metrics, such as time, cost and more. Unlike lightweight tools, there’s no configuration required. It’s ready when you are to show a high-level view of the work you and your employees are doing. That’s just a sampling of the features we have. There are also resource management tools that can help you balance your employees’ workload to make them more productive. Risk management features allow you to track those changes and make sure they don’t impact your schedule or budget. All this on a collaborative platform that makes it easy to share files, comment and more. Templates are fine, but our software takes your business to the next level. Get started with ProjectManager today for free. Related Business Content If you’re not ready to take our free trial and upgrade your business, but still curious about how ProjectManager can help your business, we’ve got more for you to read. Below is a sampling of the free content on our site,, which includes weekly blogs, guides and, of course, free templates. SWOT Analysis: Definitions, Examples & Templates How to Write a Mission Statement (Definition & Examples Included) What Is a Vision Statement? 15 Vision Statement Examples to Inspire You How to Create a Small Business Plan How to Write a Business Case (Template Included)
企业需要他们能得到的所有帮助。这些免费的Word和Excel商业模板将让你在竞争中占据上风。这15个免费的Word和Excel商业模板有助于从成本效益分析到时间表的一切。 模板是一种始终如一地工作的好方法,而不必在每次需要执行重复性任务时重新发明轮子。ProjectManager不仅仅是出色的项目管理软件,它是数十个免费的Word和Excel业务模板的存储库,您现在可以下载。 1. SWOT分析 如果企业想要保持竞争力和盈利,就需要制定战略计划。我们免费的Word SWOT分析模板是一种可用于评估您的业务环境的方法。SWOT代表优势,劣势,机会和威胁,然后可以在组织内部和外部定义。 免费业务模板设置在四个象限中。一个是优势、劣势、机会和威胁。垂直,在模板的左侧是两个区别: 一个用于外部,另一个用于内部。然后在顶部还有两类: 一类是积极的,另一类是消极的。在进行研究时,请将找到的东西放在适当的正方形中。通过此可视化工具,您可以为您的业务制定可行的战略计划。 2.时间表模板 据说你的员工是你最宝贵的资源。那么,你为什么要给他们麻烦的时间表呢?使用我们的Excel免费时间表模板是一个简单有效的工具,可以跟踪您的员工在工作上花费的时间。这对他们有好处,对经理来说,跟踪花费在任务上的时间也有好处。 当然,一个模板是不安全的。ProjectManager是基于云的项目管理软件,可提供实时数据和安全的时间表。我们的时间表使您可以轻松跟踪您的员工在任务上花费的时间以及成本和进度。使用它们不仅可以简化工资,还可以控制您的人工成本。更好的是,我们的时间表与任务管理,报告功能等无缝配合,以提高生产率并使经理对员工工作有更大的了解。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 3.项目预算模板 任何业务最重要的方面之一就是其底线。如果你不能盈利,你就不能继续做生意。预算是对你在一段时间内将花费的成本的估计。他们需要准确,这就是我们免费的Excel项目预算模板的来源。它当然是商业上更重要的免费Excel模板之一。 很难准确预测预算。有许多不确定性。但是您可以使用我们的免费Excel业务模板来获取人工成本,顾问费,原材料,软件许可证,差旅费用,甚至是经常性费用,例如电话费,办公空间和设备,一般管理和公司保险。在开展任何业务之前,请务必使用我们的免费项目预算模板。 4. RACI矩阵模板 每个企业都有多个利益相关者。从高管到员工和客户,每个人都对企业有一定的既得利益。我们的免费Excel RACI矩阵模板可以帮助您确定这些角色和职责以及它们与整体业务及其沟通的关系。 RACI是另一个首字母缩写,代表负责任,负责,咨询和知情。此免费的Excel业务模板的值是,它在左侧列列出了业务中的每个人,然后在最上面的行按标题标识他们。然后你可以添加相应的首字母 (R,A,C或I),让你了解他们在企业中的位置,并帮助每个人都知道。 5.成本效益分析 我们的免费Excel Excel模板是任何企业都不应该没有的免费Excel模板。当您探索商机时,您需要确保它们值得花费时间,精力,尤其是成本。这个免费的模板将允许你测试水域,所以你知道如果你会游泳或下沉,如果你采取的项目。 企业使用成本效益分析来查看他们期望为项目支付的费用,以及它将为他们提供的收益或机会。简而言之,他们会赚钱还是获得一些优势?值得吗?这个答案可以为公司节省很多挫败感,或者使他们有能力从自己的努力中获得回报。无论哪种方式,它都是一个免费的模板,任何企业都离不开它。 6.会议纪要模板 商界人士似乎同意的一件事是,会议太多了。然而,会议对于沟通、集思广益等至关重要。这并不意味着他们不会曲折,但有了议程,他们就可以坚持下去。有了我们的Word免费会议记录模板,您还可以捕捉到重要的收获。 使用我们的免费业务模板允许您以易于阅读的格式收集所有必要的信息,因此更有可能被出席的人保留。会议记录还有助于文档编制并节省会议时间。这是因为一切都布置好了,从议程到行动项目,甚至安排下一次会议。 7.库存模板 如果企业想继续经营下去,他们会精益求精。如果你的企业有库存,那么确切地知道你有什么和你需要什么是成功的关键。如果您拥有我们的Excel免费库存模板,那么您将始终拥有所需的材料,并且永远不会因生产成本高昂的延迟而重新库存。 免费库存模板记录您要入库的库存水平以及跟踪营业额。所有这些都在一个文档上,这使经理很容易知道他们拥有什么以及何时需要订购更多。不仅制造商,零售商也可以使用免费的Excel商业模板来查看什么是卖什么,什么不是卖什么。 8.差距分析模板 企业没有奢侈的享受。停滞会导致死亡。但是想要改进和改进是两码事。这就是为什么我们的Excel免费差距分析模板对于任何想要保持竞争力的企业都是如此关键。它帮助企业制定长期目标并保持创新。 这个免费的业务Excel模板是一个图表,它收集您创建行动计划所需的数据,该行动计划将业务从当前在市场上的位置转移到未来的位置。它通过专注于改进的领域来做到这一点,使用差距百分比来显示您必须走多远,包括时间表和资源管理来帮助您实现目标。 9.项目优先级矩阵模板 如果您正在管理投资组合或计划,了解哪个项目需要您的关注是明智地管理您的宝贵资源以获得最佳投资回报的关键。您的企业有一个长期战略,使用我们的免费项目优先级矩阵模板Excel帮助您确定哪些项目与该战略客观地保持一致,并需要立即关注。 它用通常所说的艾森豪威尔矩阵来做到这一点。这是一个分为四个象限的图表: 必须立即完成,计划在不久的将来,委派并删除或移动。图表顶部有两列,一列用于现在做,另一列用于以后做。左侧有两行: 至关重要的和不重要的。通过将您的项目放在这些象限之一中,您可以就将业务工作放在何处做出更深刻的决定。 10.组织结构图模板 随着业务的发展,它们可能会变得像货轮一样,太大而无法迅速转向。我们免费的Excel组织结构图模板不一定会使您的业务更加灵活,但它将帮助您保持竞争力并改善部门沟通。了解谁向谁报告,谁有权在企业中做什么,将帮助您快速响应市场力量,这使得这个免费的Excel商业模板如此有价值。 显示业务内部结构的可视化图表,此分层文档从上到下对命令链进行了细分。它列出了每个人的姓名和职位,并显示了他们在企业组织中的地位。除了显示企业中员工的关系外,它还有助于分析员工的需求,这使得您更容易知道何时必须雇用员工或精简员工以提高效率。 11.每周工作计划模板 您如何处理人力资源对您的业务成功至关重要。组织员工的工作时间表使公司保持生产力。使用我们免费的Excel每周工作计划模板管理工作流。这个免费的Excel业务模板列出了您的所有员工,他们在一周内的工作地点和时间以及他们的职责。 这不仅有助于提高生产率,而且确保您有效地平衡劳动力。这是一种组织工作并使每个人都保持正常工作的方式,而又不会过度分配他们。这有助于在遵守最后期限的同时降低资源成本。还有一个事实是,你可以优先考虑一周内必须完成的工作。它还保持工作与生活的平衡,以留住员工并提升士气。 12.行动计划模板 企业有策略,但在执行之前,它们只是纸面上的想法。一项行动计划将该策略转变为可行的步骤,理想情况下,这些步骤将导致您计划实现的结果。要概述这些步骤,请使用我们的Excel免费行动计划模板。它将可视化实现您的业务目标所需的步骤。 此行动计划由任务组成,免费的Excel业务模板甚至将这些任务分解为子任务,这些子任务是行动项。它还注意到完成工作所需的团队,时间和资源。这包括一个时间表来组织这些任务,确定它们的优先级并组建将执行工作的团队。 13.请求报价模板 企业不能自己做所有事情。他们经常外包工作,但更重要的是,他们与供应商建立了关系,供应商为他们提供完成工作所需的材料。通过询价 (RFQ) 流程,在需要时获取所需的耗材。为了确保您的业务所需的采购,请使用我们的免费报价模板。 RFQ通常与建议书一起使用,后者是如何定义企业与供应商之间的合同。这个免费模板是谈判您的工作所需的价格,数量和交付的关键。通过询价,双方可以达成公平的协议。这个免费模板是降低供应成本的理想选择。 14.营销日历模板 如果你的企业是营销一种产品或服务,而这完全是另一项工作,那么你必须在其他一切之上做。计划营销活动涉及截止日期,协调资源等等。使用我们的免费营销日历模板Excel每月,每季度或每年向您显示活动和活动,以帮助您保持正轨。 这个可定制的免费Excel商业模板将允许您在特定的时间段内可视化您的营销计划。您可以组织您的日程安排,涉及的许多任务及其持续时间。有一个地方可以描述这项工作,何时到期,以及参与这项工作的人。你甚至可以设定营销目标来衡量你的广告系列的成功程度。 15.更改日志模板 没有一家企业不必为了保持偿付能力而改变某些东西。但是变化是破坏性的,如果你不管理它们,它们最终可能会对你的业务造成损害或更糟。我们的Excel免费更改日志模板会捕获这些更改,并在其整个生命周期中对其进行跟踪,直到解决为止。 这为企业提供了更高的可见性。您可以确定变更,并指派业务人员负责解决变更。这就产生了责任感,经理们可以肯定的是,无论是什么变化,都会得到处理。也不是所有的变化都是平等创造的。您可以在此免费的Excel业务模板上优先考虑更改,并更好地管理与更改相关的时间和成本。 项目经理帮助业务规划 所有这些用于企业的免费Word和Excel模板都很有帮助,但它们只能带您到目前为止。毕竟,它们是静态文件。你必须手动更新它们,如果它们是共享的,很难甚至不可能知道哪个版本有最新的数据。ProjectManager是基于云的软件,使企业能够更高效地工作,并简化其流程以提高效率。此外,每个人都可以随时随地联系在一起,他们正在利用实时数据做出更具影响力的决定。 用稳健的甘特图规划业务战略 企业需要提前计划,无论是实施其战略,实现目标还是执行项目。这涉及调度成本、资源和时间。我们强大的甘特图可以完成所有这些工作。它们链接了所有四种类型的依赖关系,以帮助您避免延迟。您还可以创建里程碑并设置基线,以实时跟踪您的计划工作与实际工作的关系,以使您的战略计划步入正轨。 使用实时仪表板跟踪项目 设置基线后,您可以实时跟踪我们软件中的进度和性能。切换到实时仪表板,彩色图形和图表使您可以轻松查看指标,例如时间,成本等。与轻量级工具不同,不需要配置。当你要展示你和你的员工正在做的工作的高级视图时,它就准备好了。 这只是我们拥有的功能的样本。还有一些资源管理工具可以帮助您平衡员工的工作量,使他们的工作效率更高。风险管理功能允许您跟踪这些更改,并确保它们不会影响您的日程安排或预算。所有这些都在协作平台上,可以轻松共享文件,评论等。模板很好,但是我们的软件将您的业务提升到一个新的水平。立即免费开始使用ProjectManager。 相关业务内容 如果您还没有准备好接受我们的免费试用和升级您的业务,但仍然对ProjectManager如何帮助您的业务感到好奇,我们有更多供您阅读。以下是我们网站上的免费内容的样本,其中包括每周博客,指南,当然还有免费模板。 SWOT分析: 定义、示例和模板 如何编写任务说明 (包括定义和示例) 什么是愿景声明?15个愿景陈述例子来激励你 如何创建小型企业计划 如何编写业务案例 (包含模板)

