ISO publishes revised, more collaborative international standard for RSI technology


2022-09-22 13:30 multilingual


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The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) announced Friday that it has revised and published its requirements and recommendations for simultaneous interpreting delivery platforms (SIDPs). The organization published the updated “24019:2022 Simultaneous Interpreting Delivery Platforms: Requirements and Recommendations” on Sept. 8, replacing a version from 2020. In revising the document, the ISO noted that it paid closer attention to stakeholders involved in the delivery of remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI) services, such as speakers, interpreters, and platform providers, to more effectively standardize the use of the technology. “The new standard seeks to ensure that simultaneous interpreters can perform their jobs under reasonable and safe working conditions, so that the listeners can benefit as intended,” reads the ISO’s Sept. 16 announcement of the new standard’s recent publication. “But it does so in a unique, clear, and fresh way: the standard is not just about technology provided by platforms; it also addresses the responsibilities of various stakeholders and their interdependency, requiring them to work together to achieve compliance.” The ISO noted that the earlier version of the 24019 standard, published in 2020, mainly focused on the technology behind the platforms, providing basic standards of quality in a “wild-west RSI market.” By identifying the primary stakeholders who use SIDPs, the ISO was also able to devise a set of requirements and recommendations that these stakeholders should adhere to, to ensure that a quality interpretation is deliverable. “If a speaker does not use a proper microphone and creates poor sound, the platform provider cannot reproduce quality sound to the interpreter, compromising both the interpreter’s ability to work and the quality for the listener,” the ISO wrote, explaining why it was necessary to revise the 2020 standard. “This is the case even if the interpreter and the platform provider are otherwise compliant.” Expanding upon the 2020 version of the standard, the newly published standard is more than twice as long, laying out requirements for interpreters, speakers, and platform providers to ensure that images and audio transmitted between them are conveyed accurately and cleanly. The revised version of the standard is available for CHF 138 ($141.04) on the ISO’s official website.
国际标准化组织(ISO)周五宣布,它已经修订并公布了同声传译平台的要求和建议。 该组织于9月8日发布了更新的“24019:2022同声传译平台:要求和建议”,取代了2020年的版本。在修订该文件时,国际标准化组织指出,它更加关注参与提供远程同声传译(RSI)服务的利益攸关方,如演讲者、口译员和平台提供商,以更有效地规范这项技术的使用。 ISO在9月16日宣布新标准的最新出版物时写道:“新标准旨在确保同声传译员能够在合理和安全的工作条件下执行工作,以便听众能够按预期受益。”“但它以一种独特、清晰和新鲜的方式做到了这一点:标准不仅仅是平台提供的技术;它还涉及各种利益攸关方的责任及其相互依赖性,要求他们共同努力实现遵约。“ ISO指出,2020年发布的24019标准的早期版本主要侧重于平台背后的技术,在“Wild-West RSI市场”提供基本的质量标准通过确定使用SIDP的主要利益相关者,ISO还能够设计一套这些利益相关者应该遵守的要求和建议,以确保交付高质量的解释。 ISO在解释为什么有必要修订2020年标准时写道:“如果演讲者没有使用适当的麦克风,产生了糟糕的声音,平台提供商就不能向口译员再现高质量的声音,这既损害了口译员的工作能力,也损害了听众的质量。”“即使翻译和平台提供商在其他方面合规,情况也是如此。” 新发布的标准是2020版标准的两倍多,对译员、演讲者和平台提供商提出了要求,以确保他们之间传输的图像和音频得到准确和干净的传达。该标准的修订版在ISO的官方网站上以138瑞士法郎(141.04美元)的价格提供。

