Anonymization for Compliance: Yes, but Use It for Protection and…


2022-09-23 13:25 GALA


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Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with our webinar program. Anonymization has become a key feature for both public administrations and the enterprise sharing personal data across jurisdictions and for GDPR compliance. However, the roles of Data Controllers and Data Officers are still unclear for many, as it is the need for efficient anonymization and pseudonymization. There are many advantages to having clear anonymization policies, beyond the simple compliance with GDPR/HIPPA/CCPA/API or LGPD to avoid fines. The same techniques can be applied to identify, mine and extract knowledge from Big Data, to obfuscate content, or to ensure key entities and people that need [or need not] be mentioned are actually mentioned [or not]. Pseudonymization has been used to create and monetize data safely and feed AI systems. In this session we will learn... 1. If our organization is a data officer or data controller. 2. How to act accordingly. 3. What benefits anonymisation offers (compliance and beyond). 4. Basic GDPR concepts and how they affect an IT department and data being shared daily from an organization (mails, documents, pptx, etc.). 5. NLP features within anonymisation that offer key knowledge extraction.
注册我们的时事通讯,以跟上我们的网络研讨会计划。 匿名化已成为公共管理部门和企业在司法管辖区之间共享个人数据和遵守GDPR的一个关键特征。 然而,对许多人来说,数据控制人员和数据官员的角色仍然不清楚,因为这需要有效的匿名和假名。除了简单地遵守GDPR/HIPPA/CCPA/API或LGPD以避免罚款之外,拥有明确的匿名策略还有许多好处。 同样的技术可以用于从大数据中识别、挖掘和提取知识,混淆内容,或确保需要[或不需要]被提及的关键实体和人实际上被提及[或不被提及]。假名已经被用来安全地创建和货币化数据,并为AI系统提供信息。 在这节课中,我们将学习... 1.如果我们的组织是数据官员或数据控制员。 2.如何采取相应行动。 3.匿名有什么好处(顺从性及其他)。 4.基本的GDPR概念以及它们如何影响IT部门和每天从组织共享的数据(邮件、文档、pptx等)。 5.匿名中提供关键知识提取的NLP特征。

