Expand to New Markets with Design Thinking


2022-09-19 17:25 United Language Group


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With global disruptions in supply chains and production and general economic uncertainty, growing out and not up is a very attractive option for businesses. Offering an existing product or service to new regions and audiences through localization helps companies to grow their customer base and profits safely and sustainably. Although localization is a powerful growth strategy, it is not simple. For example, in 2018, Coca-Cola made an embarrassing marketing localization blunder by translating a common New Zealand phrase to Māori without consulting Māori speakers. New Zealanders were greeted by vending machines touting “Hello, Death!” instead of the intended “Hello, Mate!” The campaign went viral, but not in the way Coca-Cola envisioned. Localization strategies need cultural relevance and careful planning to reach target audiences and avoid taboos. You can make your localization plan succeed with the help of design thinking and language solution partners. Unlike traditional problem-solving models, design thinking welcomes trial and error. Small failures are a given on the way to a robust solution. Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process for solving complicated problems. Instead of rigidly defining a problem based on assumptions and then coming up with a single solution, design thinking emphasizes observation and first-hand accounts to understand a problem from the intended user’s end. The final solution emerges only after developing models, testing, and redesigning, all with user involvement. Design thinking includes five stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The culmination of these stages is implementation, where the refined concept, product, or service is scaled-up and deployed. Table 1 shows design thinking in action with the example of Mobisol, a German solar-panel company looking to localize to rural Tanzania. Table 1. Design thinking stages with Mobisol examples At this point, Mobisol’s product failed to solve the energy needs of rural Tanzanians; people weren’t using it. If Mobisol were using a traditional problem-solving model, they might have counted the project as a loss and moved on. However, because Mobisol had invested in understanding the culture and defining the problem, they could build and test a new prototype instead of starting over. Also, they didn’t lose a significant financial investment because they tested the prototype before scaling up. Mobisol went back to the solution stage and came up with the idea of a local training program. They developed training modules for community members to become certified solar panel installation and maintenance technicians. After testing their new solution, they found that people started using their solar panels. As we saw in the Mobisol example, understanding the target culture is central to design thinking and needs to be central to localization strategies. A great example of tailoring services to cultural preferences is localization in Brazil. According to Hofstede Insights, Brazil’s national culture tends toward collectivism (loyalty to a group, such as extended family) and indulgence (optimism, prioritizing leisure time). Localization strategies that recognize the importance of extended family and enjoying life tend to succeed in Brazil. But how can companies learn about cultural preferences and national identity? Design thinking encourages interacting directly with your target culture through in-person research. Simply attempting to think empathetically (based solely on assumptions) is not enough. Partnering with organizations like United Language Group (ULG) helps companies connect with community leaders to understand their target culture better. ULG also employs cultural experts who can help refine your localization strategy to ensure it aligns with cultural preferences and that subtleties, such as sarcasm and idioms, keep their meaning. Design thinking’s fluid problem-solving approach helps companies adapt and stay relevant to the target population. The process also ensures companies can react flexibly to new problems they may unearth. For example, when Mobisol tested their mobile solar panel in the most rural parts of Tanzania, they found that last-mile delivery was a huge issue. And it didn’t just apply to solar panels, but to all the goods rural Tanzanians didn’t produce themselves. Accessibility issues inspired Mobisol to start developing a new product—a drone delivery service—to help the most isolated Tanzanians get what they needed. Design thinking can help localization efforts succeed. Partnering with language solutions providers helps companies move towards implementing design thinking in their localization strategy. Companies will need community connections, translation and interpretation services, and cultural expertise to complete the empathize and testing phases of design thinking. Contact ULG for more information on how we can help today.
随着全球供应链和生产的中断以及总体经济的不确定性,向外发展而不是向上发展对企业来说是一个非常有吸引力的选择。通过本地化将现有的产品或服务提供给新的地区和受众,有助于公司安全和可持续地扩大其客户群和利润。 虽然本地化是一个强有力的增长战略,但它并不简单。例如,2018年,可口可乐就犯了一个尴尬的营销本地化错误,在没有咨询说毛利语的人的情况下,将一个常见的新西兰短语翻译成毛利语。新西兰人被自动售货机吹捧为“你好,死神!”而不是本意的“你好,伙计!”这场运动在网上疯传,但并不像可口可乐公司想象的那样。 本地化策略需要文化相关性和周密的计划,以达到目标受众和避免禁忌。您可以在设计思维和语言解决方案合作伙伴的帮助下使您的本地化计划取得成功。 与传统的问题解决模型不同,设计思维欢迎尝试和错误。小故障是一个强大的解决方案的方法。设计思维是解决复杂问题的非线性迭代过程。设计思维不是基于假设来严格定义一个问题,然后提出一个单一的解决方案,而是强调观察和第一手资料,从预期用户的角度来理解一个问题。只有在开发模型、测试和重新设计之后,最终的解决方案才会出现,所有这些都有用户的参与。 设计思维包括五个阶段:移情、定义、构思、原型和测试。这些阶段的顶点是实现,在实现中,细化的概念、产品或服务被放大和部署。表1以德国太阳能电池板公司Mobisol为例,展示了设计思维在行动,该公司希望在坦桑尼亚农村地区进行本地化。 表1。以Mobisol为例设计思维阶段 在这一点上,Mobisol的产品未能解决坦桑尼亚农村人的能源需求;人们不用它。如果Mobisol使用传统的问题解决模型,他们可能会把这个项目算作一个损失,然后继续前进。然而,由于Mobisol在理解文化和定义问题上进行了投资,他们可以建立和测试一个新的原型,而不是重新开始。此外,他们没有损失大量的财务投资,因为他们在扩大规模之前测试了原型。 Mobisol回到解决方案阶段,想出了当地培训计划的想法。他们为社区成员开发了培训模块,使其成为认证的太阳能电池板安装和维护技术人员。在测试了他们的新解决方案后,他们发现人们开始使用他们的太阳能电池板。 正如我们在Mobisol的例子中看到的,理解目标文化是设计思维的核心,也是本土化战略的核心。根据文化偏好定制服务的一个很好的例子是巴西的本地化。根据Hofstede Insights,巴西的民族文化倾向于集体主义(对一个群体的忠诚,如大家庭)和放纵(乐观,优先考虑闲暇时间)。认识到大家庭和享受生活的重要性的本土化战略在巴西往往会取得成功。 但公司如何了解文化偏好和国家身份?设计思维鼓励通过面对面的研究与你的目标文化直接互动。仅仅试图以同理心的方式思考(仅仅基于假设)是不够的。 与联合语言集团(ULG)这样的组织合作有助于公司与社区领袖联系,从而更好地理解他们的目标文化。ULG还雇佣了文化专家,他们可以帮助完善您的本地化策略,以确保它符合文化偏好,并确保微妙之处,如讽刺和习语,保持其含义。 设计思维的流畅的问题解决方法帮助公司适应和保持与目标人群的相关性。这一过程还确保公司能够灵活地应对他们可能发现的新问题。 例如,当Mobisol在坦桑尼亚大多数农村地区测试他们的移动太阳能电池板时,他们发现最后一英里的交付是一个巨大的问题。它不仅适用于太阳能电池板,还适用于坦桑尼亚农村人自己不生产的所有商品。无障碍问题激励Mobisol开始开发一种新产品--无人机送货服务--以帮助最孤立的坦桑尼亚人获得他们需要的东西。 设计思维可以帮助本土化努力取得成功。与语言解决方案提供商合作有助于公司在本地化战略中实现设计思维。公司将需要社区联系、翻译和口译服务,以及文化专业知识来完成设计思维的移情和测试阶段。联系ULG获取更多关于我们今天如何帮助的信息。

