What Are Task Dependencies in Project Management?


2022-09-16 14:35 project manager


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Projects are made up of many tasks which are mapped out on a project schedule so they can be executed in a timely and organized manner. One of the most important steps when creating a project schedule is to identify task dependencies, as they’re critical for time and task management. What Are Task Dependencies in Project Management? Task dependencies are the interrelations that exist between project activities. These task dependencies determine the order in which project tasks must be executed. For example, some tasks need to be executed in sequence, meaning one task must be completed before the next can begin. However, that’s just one of the four types of task dependencies that you could come across as a project manager. You might even need to manage all types of task dependencies in just one project, so you must be ready. To identify and manage task dependencies, you need robust project planning, scheduling and tracking tools. ProjectManager is equipped with online Gantt charts, kanban boards and task lists that let you set task dependencies, manage recurring tasks, identify the critical path and much more. Get started for free today. Let’s review each of the four task dependency types to understand how they affect project scheduling and task management. 4 Types of Task Dependencies These are the four types of task dependencies you might encounter when scheduling your projects. Finish-to-start (FS): This is the most common type of task dependency. A finish-to-start task dependency means a task can’t start until its preceding task is finished. This occurs in most projects where work needs to be executed sequentially. Finish-to-finish (FF): A finish-to-finish task dependency happens when a task can’t finish until its preceding task is completed as well. This is common in projects where tasks can be executed simultaneously, but must be finished in sequence. Start-to-start (SS): A start-to-start task dependency indicates that there’s a task that can’t start unless its preceding task starts. Once the first task starts, then the second can start and they can both be executed simultaneously. Start-to-finish (SF): This isn’t a common task dependency, as it only occurs under specific circumstances. The start-to-finish task dependency occurs whenever a task needs its preceding task to start before it can finish. Task Management Templates Task management can be overwhelming for some project managers. That’s why we’ve created these free task management templates to facilitate task tracking and scheduling. Task Tracker Template A very important part of managing tasks is the ability to track their progress. Our project task tracking template is a great place to list all your project activities as well as their dependent tasks, assignee and due dates. To-Do List Template To-do lists are a must-have task management tool due to their simplicity and effectiveness. Our free to-do list template is ideal for managing personal task lists. Project Timeline Template Our free project timeline template allows you to quickly organize your project tasks on a timeline that shows tasks, their duration and due dates. Project management templates can be a great alternative for beginner project managers. However, templates are static documents that can’t be compared to robust project management software such as ProjectManager. ProjectManager offers the best planning, scheduling and tracking tools to manage your projects. Task Dependencies Explained in 5 Minutes In this PM training video, Devin Deen, project management expert and trainer, discusses how to calculate task and activity length and duration to create better project schedules. In Review: How to Estimate Tasks and Dependencies As Devin said, estimating time on a project is a bit of a guessing game. He noted three different things that were important to remember when you approach this project management art. People aren’t great at estimating activity task duration People tend to fill the available time with the effort required to do the task Always plan for slack on your project schedule That said, Devin walked through a number of ways to do the best you can to estimate how long a task may take on your project. Even if you can’t be certain as to its duration, it’s your job to calculate all the variables to the best of your ability and have a window in which you’re pretty sure that work will be completed. Use task management software to make it easy to check in on your team and make sure they are coming close to their estimates. Pro tip: When working on an activity estimation, remember that your team may not be great at estimating the time that their tasks will take. People, as noted, will use the time allotted rather than the time a piece of work takes. That’s why it’s crucial that you factor this in and give your deadlines some breathing room or else be stuck with an unfinished task. Thanks for watching! ProjectManager Tracks Task Dependencies Being able to identify task dependencies in your project plan helps to avoid costly delays. ProjectManager has interactive Gantt charts that link task dependencies so you always know when tasks must be finished or started. You can even note which of the four types of dependencies it is. Gantt charts can be edited easily by dragging and dropping the dates to their new location and then shared with the team to keep everyone in the loop. Multiple Task Management Views There are many different types of tasks such as recurring tasks that can be set up in our tool. You can even create risks as tasks and note the impact on the project and what your response will be. But teams aren’t going to use Gantt charts to execute their tasks, which is why we have multiple project views. They can use our robust list view or the visual workflow of the kanban board to manage their backlog and collaboratively plan sprints. Track Progress with Project Dashboards Linking task dependencies will help avoid delays, but if you want to keep your project on schedule you must have tools to monitor your progress and performance. That way, if things become derailed, you can reallocate resources to get back on track. Our project dashboards require no setup like with lightweight tools and automatically collect live data that’s displayed in easy-to-read graphs and charts. Get a high-level view of your project in real time at any time. ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that links task dependencies for a smoother running project. We help you plan, schedule and track your projects so you can deliver success. Join the teams at NASA, Siemens and Nestle who use our software. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.
项目是由许多任务组成的,这些任务被绘制在项目时间表上,以便能够及时和有组织地执行。创建项目计划时最重要的步骤之一是确定任务依赖关系,因为它们对于时间和任务管理至关重要。 什么是项目管理中的任务依赖关系? 任务依赖关系是项目活动之间存在的相互关系。这些任务依赖关系决定项目任务必须执行的顺序。例如,一些任务需要按顺序执行,这意味着一个任务必须在下一个任务开始之前完成。 然而,这只是作为项目经理可能遇到的四种类型的任务依赖关系之一。您甚至可能需要在一个项目中管理所有类型的任务依赖项,因此您必须准备好。 为了识别和管理任务依赖关系,您需要健壮的项目规划、调度和跟踪工具。ProjectManager配备了在线甘特图、看板和任务列表,使您可以设置任务依赖关系、管理重复执行的任务、确定关键路径等。今天就免费开始吧。 让我们回顾这四种任务依赖类型中的每一种,以了解它们如何影响项目调度和任务管理。 4种类型的任务依赖关系 这是在计划项目时可能遇到的四种类型的任务依赖关系。 完成到开始(FS):这是最常见的任务依赖类型。从完成到开始的任务依赖关系意味着一个任务在其前一个任务完成之前不能开始。这发生在大多数需要按顺序执行工作的项目中。 Finish-to-finish(Finish-to-finish):当一个任务直到它的前一个任务也完成后才能完成时,就会发生Finish-to-finish任务依赖关系。这在任务可以同时执行但必须按顺序完成的项目中很常见。 Start-to-start(SS):Start-to-start task dependency表示,除非前面的任务启动,否则某个任务无法启动。一旦第一个任务开始,第二个任务就可以开始,它们可以同时执行。 Start-to-finish(SF):这不是一个常见的任务依赖关系,因为它只发生在特定的情况下。只要一个任务在完成之前需要它的前一个任务启动,就会发生开始到完成任务依赖关系。 任务管理模板 对于一些项目经理来说,任务管理可能是压倒一切的。这就是为什么我们创建了这些免费的任务管理模板来促进任务跟踪和调度。 任务跟踪器模板 管理任务的一个非常重要的部分是跟踪其进展的能力。我们的项目任务跟踪模板是一个很好的地方,可以列出所有项目活动以及它们的依赖任务、受让人和到期日。 待办事项列表模板 待办事项清单是一个必须的任务管理工具,因为它们简单有效。我们的免费待办事项列表模板是管理个人任务列表的理想选择。 项目时间表模板 我们的免费项目时间线模板允许您在显示任务、工期和到期日的时间线上快速组织项目任务。 项目管理模板对于初学者项目经理来说是一个很好的选择。然而,模板是静态文档,无法与健壮的项目管理软件(如ProjectManager)相提并论。ProjectManager提供了管理项目的最佳计划、调度和跟踪工具。 5分钟内解释任务依赖关系 在这个项目管理培训视频中,项目管理专家和培训师Devin Deen讨论了如何计算任务和活动的长度和持续时间,以创建更好的项目时间表。 在回顾:如何估计任务和依赖关系中 正如Devin所说,估算一个项目的时间有点像猜谜游戏。他指出了当你接近这个项目管理艺术时要记住的三件不同的事情。 人们不擅长估计活动任务的持续时间 人们倾向于用做任务所需的努力来填满可用的时间 总是在项目时间表上计划松弛 也就是说,德文经历了许多方法,以尽最大努力估计一项任务在项目中可能需要多长时间。即使你不能确定它的持续时间,你的工作是尽你所能计算所有的变量,并有一个窗口,在这个窗口中你非常确定工作将被完成。使用任务管理软件,让你的团队很容易登记,并确保他们接近他们的估计。 专业提示:在进行活动估计时,请记住,您的团队可能不擅长估计他们的任务所需的时间。如前所述,人们会使用分配的时间,而不是一件工作所需的时间。这就是为什么你必须考虑到这一点,给你的最后期限一些喘息的空间,否则就会被一个未完成的任务所困扰。 感谢收看! ProjectManager跟踪任务相关性 能够在项目计划中识别任务依赖关系有助于避免代价高昂的延迟。ProjectManager具有链接任务相关性的交互式甘特图,因此您可以随时知道任务何时必须完成或开始。您甚至可以注意到这是四种类型的依赖关系中的哪一种。甘特图可以通过将日期拖放到新位置来轻松编辑,然后与团队共享,以使每个人都处于循环中。 多任务管理视图 在我们的工具中可以设置许多不同类型的任务,如重复任务。您甚至可以将风险创建为任务,并记录对项目的影响以及您的响应。但是团队不会使用甘特图来执行他们的任务,这就是为什么我们有多个项目视图。他们可以使用我们健壮的列表视图或看板板的可视化工作流来管理他们的待办事项,并协作规划冲刺。 使用项目仪表板跟踪进度 链接任务依赖关系将有助于避免延迟,但如果要使项目按计划进行,则必须有工具来监视进度和性能。这样,如果事情变得出轨,你可以重新分配资源回到正轨。我们的项目仪表板不需要像轻量级工具那样的设置,可以自动收集以易于阅读的图形和图表显示的实时数据。随时实时获取项目的高级视图。 ProjectManager是屡获殊荣的项目管理软件,它将任务依赖项链接起来,使项目运行更加顺畅。我们帮助您计划、安排和跟踪您的项目,以便您能够取得成功。加入NASA、西门子和雀巢的团队,他们使用我们的软件。今天就开始免费使用ProjectManager吧。

