Global Biopharma Company Case Study


2022-09-13 12:12 lionbridge


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It’s not easy to write summaries of clinical trial results for laypersons. It’s substantially more challenging to translate those summaries into many languages. When a global biopharma company wanted to provide lay summaries of clinical trial results in multiple languages, it used Lionbridge’s life sciences translation services to achieve this goal. Lionbridge’s expert translations enabled the global biopharma company to enhance the transparency and accessibility of clinical trial results for patients and the public while achieving cost savings, increased translation volumes, and greater language scope.
对外行人来说,撰写临床试验结果摘要并不容易。将这些摘要翻译成多种语言实际上更具挑战性。 当一家全球性的生物制药公司想要以多种语言提供临床试验结果的摘要时,Lionbridge的生命科学翻译服务帮助该公司实现了这一目标。 Lionbridge的专业翻译帮助这家全球性的生物制药公司提高了临床试验结果的透明度,使患者和公众更容易获得临床试验结果,同时节省了成本,增加了翻译量,扩大了语言范围。

