How Lionbridge Helps Its Customers Report on Sustainability for a Global Audience


2022-09-08 02:00 lionbridge


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Sustainability reporting is rapidly becoming an essential part of business communications. In fact, it looks set to become a legally required practice across Europe. However, sustainability reporting is far more than just a legal obligation. It’s an edge that can help you to connect with customers, secure investment, and prepare your business for a sustainable global economy. Our customers, Emmi and Mobimo, see sustainability as a key pillar of their business strategies. They have set aggressive targets to reduce emissions and tackle the environmental challenges facing our planet. They approached Lionbridge for help with spreading that message by translating their sustainability reports into several global languages. Through close collaboration with both clients, we designed solutions that provided a high level of accuracy while also safeguarding client confidentiality. Including everything from glossaries and style guides to proofreading and stringent approval processes, these solutions ensured that our clients would meet any sustainability reporting requirements in their respective industries. Both Emmi and Mobimo were delighted with their translated sustainability reports, which have enabled them to globalize their communications around sustainability and increase their international business. Read our full case study to learn how translated sustainability reports can benefit your company.
可持续发展报告正迅速成为业务沟通的重要组成部分。事实上,这看起来将成为整个欧洲的法律要求。然而,可持续性报告远不止是一项法律义务。这是一种优势,可以帮助您与客户建立联系,确保投资安全,并为您的企业迎接可持续的全球经济做好准备。 我们的客户Emmi和Mobimo将可持续发展视为其业务战略的关键支柱。他们制定了雄心勃勃的目标,以减少排放,应对我们星球面临的环境挑战。他们向Lionbridge寻求帮助,将他们的可持续发展报告翻译成多种全球语言,以传播这一信息。 通过与这两个客户的密切合作,我们设计的解决方案提供了高水平的准确性,同时也保护了客户的机密性。这些解决方案包括从词汇表和风格指南到校对和严格的审批流程等一切内容,确保我们的客户能够满足其各自行业的任何可持续发展报告要求。 Emmi和Mobimo都对他们翻译的可持续发展报告感到非常高兴,这使他们能够将他们关于可持续发展的沟通全球化,并增加他们的国际业务。阅读我们的完整案例研究,了解翻译后的可持续发展报告如何让您的公司受益。

