IATE Term of the Week: UNASUR (Union of South American Nations)


2022-09-02 22:00 terminology Coordination


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The acronym UNASUR stands for Union of South American Nations and refers to an intergovernmental body created in 2008 and which facilitates all kinds of cooperation in South America. UNASUR includes 12 member countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. This cooperation allows a better communication and collaboration for political, environmental, cultural, economic, and social matters for all of the members of this body. It also encourages and helps the decrease of social inequalities, the promotion of South American culture and the reinforcement of the democracy in the South American region. It was established in the city of Brasilia (in the Western Central part of Brazil), on the 23rd of May 2008. The first propositions were made in the year 2000 by the Brazilian politician Enrique Cardoso. Its main purpose is to strengthen political cooperation and dialogue in the region as well as Latin America identity in a regional and international scale. This initiative is considered as the successor of South American Community of Nations gathering the two groups of Andean Community and Mercosur. The main organs of the UNASUR are the following: The Council of Heads of State and of Government The Council of Foreign Affairs Ministers The Council of Delegates The Council of Heads of State and of Government is the first body created for UNASUR and also the main and most important one. Its purpose is to draw the political projects, the action plans, policy guidelines and programs for the South American integration. All of the member states involved in UNASUR take part in this Council and in the decision-making of this committee. They meet once a year. Since 2013, Suriname is in charge of the Council of Heads of State and of Government. The Council of Foreign Affairs Ministers is the second body of the cooperation and gathers all of the Foreign Ministers of the member states of UNASUR and they adopt the solutions to execute the decisions made by the Council of Heads of State as well as proposing drafts to the first body. The members meet twice per year. The Council of Delegates is composed of one representative for each member state of the intergovernmental body and is the third body of UNASUR. It applies and implements the decisions and rules decided by the first bodies of UNASUR and also coordinates all of the decision previously taken. The members meet every two months. These three main bodies are supported and complemented by a Secretary General and a Presidency Pro Tempore. The Secretary General is considered as the legal representative of the General Secretariat of UNASUR, it is the most important function that can be held at UNASUR. He or she must be chosen by the Council of Heads of State and of Government for two years. This position is not occupied at the moment and the last person to occupy it was Ernesto Samper, a Colombian politician. The situation is the same for the head position of the president Pro Tempore. Since 2019, no one is occupying this position and the last president to occupy it was Evo Morales, president of Bolivia. References: AS/COA. 2022. Explainer: What Is UNASUR? | AS/COA. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.as-coa.org/articles/explainer-what-unasur. [Accessed 02 September 2022]. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2022. UNASUR | South American organization | Britannica. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.britannica.com/topic/UNASUR. [Accessed 02 September 2022]. Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) | Cancillería. 2022. Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) | Cancillería. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/en/union-south-american-nations-unasur. [Accessed 02 September 2022]. UNASUR Secretaría General / Rolan Bastidas. 2022. UNASUR / Todos Somos UNASUR. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.unasursg.org. [Accessed 02 September 2022]. Written by Cécile Mayeres She holds a Master’s degree in Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication with a specialization in European mobility. She now does a traineeship in Communication at the Terminology Coordination Unit.
UNASUR是南美洲国家联盟的缩写,指的是2008年成立的一个政府间机构,负责促进南美洲的各种合作。 南美洲国家联盟包括12个成员国:阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、圭亚那、巴拉圭、秘鲁、苏里南、乌拉圭和委内瑞拉。这种合作使本机构所有成员能够在政治、环境、文化、经济和社会事务方面更好地沟通和协作。它还鼓励和帮助减少社会不平等,促进南美文化和加强南美地区的民主。 2008年5月23日,在巴西利亚市(巴西中西部)成立。巴西政治家恩里克·卡多佐在2000年提出了第一个建议。其主要目的是加强该区域的政治合作和对话,以及在区域和国际范围内加强拉丁美洲的特性。这一倡议被认为是由安第斯共同体和南方共同市场两个集团组成的南美洲国家共同体的继承者。 南美洲国家联盟的主要机构如下: 国家元首和政府首脑理事会 外交部长理事会 代表委员会 国家元首和政府首脑理事会是南美洲国家联盟设立的第一个机构,也是主要和最重要的机构。它的目的是为南美一体化制定政治方案、行动计划、政策方针和方案。参加南美联盟的所有成员国都参加该理事会和该委员会的决策。他们每年见面一次。自2013年以来,苏里南负责国家元首和政府首脑理事会。 外交部长理事会是合作的第二个机构,召集了南美联盟成员国的所有外交部长,他们通过解决方案,执行国家元首理事会作出的决定,并向第一个机构提出草案。委员会成员每年举行两次会议。 代表理事会由政府间机构每个成员国的一名代表组成,是南美联盟的第三个机构。它适用和执行南美洲国家联盟第一批机构作出的决定和规则,并协调以前作出的所有决定。成员们每两个月开一次会。 这三个主要机构由一名秘书长和一名临时主席提供支持和补充。秘书长被认为是南美联盟总秘书处的法定代表人,这是南美联盟最重要的职能。他或她必须由国家元首和政府首脑理事会选出,任期两年。这个职位目前没有人担任,最后一个担任这个职位的人是哥伦比亚政治家埃内斯托·桑佩尔。临时主席的领导职位也是如此。自2019年以来,没有人占据这一职位,上一位占据这一职位的总统是玻利维亚总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯。 参考文献: 检验报告。2022.解释者:什么是UNASUR?| 检验报告。[在线]可从以下网址获得:网站https://www.as-coa.org/articles/explainer-what-unasur。[访问日期:2022年9月2日] 大英百科全书。2022.南美联盟|南美组织|大英百科全书。[在线]可从以下网址获得:网站https://www.britannica.com/topic/UNASUR。[访问日期:2022年9月2日] 南美洲国家联盟(南美联盟)|巨蟹座。2022.南美洲国家联盟(南美联盟)|巨蟹座。[在线]可从以下网址获得:网站https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/en/union-south-american-nations-unasur。[访问日期:2022年9月2日] 南美洲国家联盟秘书长/Rolan Bastidas。2022.南美洲国家联盟/全部索马里南美洲国家联盟。[在线]可从以下网址获得:https://www.unasursg.org。[访问日期:2022年9月2日]。 编剧:塞西尔·马耶尔 她拥有翻译和跨文化交流硕士学位,专攻欧洲流动性。她现在在术语协调股接受交流方面的培训。

