REPOST IATE Term of the Week: European Green Deal


2022-08-22 05:25 terminology Coordination


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The concept of a “green deal” as a comprehensive strategy to tackle climate change and environmental degradation by transforming the economy has been gradually introduced and developed over the last few years. In the US the talk was of a “Green New Deal” – a clear reference to the “New Deal”, the major programme of public works and social reforms launched by President Roosevelt in 1933 in response to the Great Depression. The term was coined back in 2007 by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, after the country had just experienced its (at the time) warmest year on record, and made a quiet appearance on various political agendas. However, it was not until late 2018 that it gained widespread popularity and was brought to the forefront of public discourse in the US thanks to young Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her hotly debated resolution on the subject matter. However, while the American green deal is only just beginning to take shape, the European Union is now much closer to translating this ambitious objective into a set of concrete policies. As a matter of fact, Ursula von der Leyen, who took office as the President of the European Commission just over a month ago, included a “European Green Deal” amongst the top priorities on her political agenda for the upcoming years. Further details were disclosed on 11 December, when the legislative roadmap for making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 was officially presented – “This is Europe’s man on the moon moment” commented von der Leyen. The European Green Deal covers all sectors of the economy – inter alia mobility, industry, energy and construction – and contains a set of innovative policy measures. Its main pillars include: the full decarbonisation of the energy sector; the introduction of a carbon border tax on imports from polluting foreign firms; the new circular economy action plan; the Just Transition Mechanism, aimed at supporting regions that rely heavily on fossil fuels. Above all, the European Union is taking the lead in climate action and setting a great example for other global players. If it succeeds in its vision, it will prove the feasibility of decarbonisation and the compatibility of economic prosperity and environmental sustainability. Sources: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the European Green Deal – COM/2019/640 final European Commission > Press corner > The European Green Deal European Commission > Strategy > Priorities > A European Green Deal Foreign Policy > Green Deal, Greener World Ursula von der Leyen, A Union that strives for more. My agenda for Europe. Political guidelines for the next European Commission 2019-2024. Written by Viola Librenti She holds a BA in Intercultural Communication and a MA in Conference Interpreting from the University of Bologna. She has studied and worked in Italy, Germany and the UK and is currently a trainee in the Italian Translation Unit of the European Parliament in Luxembourg. She has a background in terminology and technical translation and loves travelling, cooking and photography. Edited by Cécile Mayeres
“绿色协议”的概念是通过经济转型来应对气候变化和环境退化的综合战略,在过去几年中逐渐被引入和发展。 在美国,讨论的是“绿色新政”--明确指的是“新政”,这是罗斯福总统在1933年为应对大萧条而发起的公共工程和社会改革的主要计划。这个词是由《纽约时报》专栏作家托马斯·弗里德曼在2007年创造的,当时美国刚刚经历了有记录以来最热的一年,并在各种政治议程上悄悄地出现。然而,直到2018年底,由于年轻的民主党众议员亚历山大·奥卡西奥-科尔特斯(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)和她关于这一主题的激烈辩论的决议,它才获得了广泛的欢迎,并被带到美国公共话语的前沿。 然而,尽管美国的绿色协议才刚刚开始成形,但欧盟现在更接近于将这一雄心勃勃的目标转化为一系列具体的政策。 事实上,一个多月前就任欧盟委员会主席的乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩将“欧洲绿色协议”列入了她未来几年政治议程的重中之重。12月11日,当到2050年使欧洲成为第一个气候中立大陆的立法路线图正式提出时,进一步的细节被披露了--冯·德·莱恩评论说:“这是欧洲人在月球上的时刻”。 欧洲绿色协议涵盖所有经济部门--除其他外,包括流动性、工业、能源和建筑--并包含一套创新的政策措施。其主要支柱包括: 能源部门完全脱碳; 对来自污染性外国公司的进口产品征收碳边境税; 新的循环经济行动计划; 公正的过渡机制,旨在支持严重依赖化石燃料的地区。 最重要的是,欧盟正在带头采取气候行动,并为其他全球参与者树立了一个伟大的榜样。如果它的愿景成功,它将证明脱碳的可行性,以及经济繁荣和环境可持续性的兼容性。 资料来源: 欧洲委员会就欧洲绿色协议致欧洲议会、欧洲理事会、欧洲理事会、欧洲经济和社会委员会以及区域委员会的来文-COM/2019/640 final 欧盟委员会>新闻角>欧洲绿色协议 欧盟委员会>战略>优先事项>欧洲绿色协议 外交政策>绿色协议,绿色世界美国-美国-民主党-绿色-新政-欧盟-欧洲-技术-可行-环境-进步/ 乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩,一个争取更多的联盟。我对欧洲的议程。下一届欧盟委员会2019-2024年政治指导方针。 作者:Viola Librenti 她拥有博洛尼亚大学跨文化交际学士学位和会议口译硕士学位。她曾在意大利、德国和英国学习和工作,目前是卢森堡欧洲议会意大利语翻译股的实习生。她有术语和技术翻译的背景,热爱旅行、烹饪和摄影。 编辑:Cécile Mayeres

