Localizing at Cloud Speed


2022-08-15 16:00 GALA


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Sign up here for our newsletter on globalization and localization matters. NetApp Cloud Data Services offers speed, scale, and agility to help transform business. Information Engineering team at NetApp uses AsciiDoc/GitHub to rapidly author, manage, and publish the NetApp Cloud Documentation that helps customers use our cloud products and services. Information Engineering and Globalization teams came together and successfully launched a pilot to meet our global customers’ expectation of seeing our cloud documentation in their local language. Traditional localization workflow is riddled with some business challenges: • Content update cycles are rapid and hence the long translation and review cycles render the workflow ineffective. • Human Translation (HT) and Machine Translation (MT) with Post-Editing (PE) process is difficult to sustain both from the cost and time perspectives. To help our global customers access localized content quickly, we came together to discuss content localization challenges and brainstorm potential solutions. With the speed that NetApp cloud content is written and updated in English, the team knew that traditional localization workflows wouldn’t meet cloud business requirements. How could we provide localized content quickly when the source content itself was changing so frequently? And how could we find a solution that reduced costs, improved turnaround time drastically, and minimized touch points in the content localization workflows? We had to find a way to leverage neural machine translation (NMT) technology. These questions and explorative thought process steered our thinking towards adopting raw MT and leveraging translation memory (TM). The team decided that the outcome of this approach would be good enough to produce localized technical content (Product Documentation). So, we launched an innovation project and identified cost, quality, scalability, and turnaround time as the most important levers for this project. We identified key milestones and objectives, tracked status, and kept our key stakeholders informed. We explored multiple theories about how various prototypes might meet the challenges. We quickly realized that we needed a tangible, proof-of-concept (POC) deployment to uncover hidden challenges and to give us time to adapt the prototypes as needed. In a few months, we deployed the POC prototype, localizing content for several key products. We laughed! We cried! Everything worked flawlessly! OK, “flawless” is a lie, but we certainly practiced the leadership tenet of trying and failing quickly. More importantly, the challenges we uncovered enabled us to make a fair assessment of a realistic approach going forward. By the time we wrapped up the project, here’s what we accomplished: • Designed three prototypes to rapidly localize the content • Prepared a functional automated translation workflow through third-party translation APIs. • Connected in-house tools to test a low-touch, fully automated translation workflow • Set up a mechanism to capture the usage of localized content This project not only helped us discover approaches to rapidly localize content, but it turned into a business enabler to meet the partner and OEM requirements. So, what did we accomplish? In the short term, we used a third-party translation API’s to rapidly translate the content. In the long run, we developed a technical solution to optimize and scale our NMT capabilities. This customized technical solution is based on a workflow that includes an NMT engine and a Translation Management Systems (TMS). As part of this solution, we did leverage the TM database that was rich with years of HT effort. The workflow accounts for how well the TM database is architected. Differences between the raw MT and the HT output has to be understood. This demarcation of TM databases comes with its own of set of challenges during the initial stages. Besides, building a small terminology dictionary on the authoring infrastructure optimizes the workflow to a certain extent. It helps reduce the processing overhead on the TMS side. At the end of this second phase, we see the following benefits for the customers: • Expanded localization services including languages and projects on the GitHub platform. • Localized content in sync with the source content • A community experience for content users leading to improved localized experience. Having talked about the customer benefits, some challenges around localizing bigger payloads in the pipeline remain. However, those instances are less. With the MT engines evolving to improve the quality of translation and the TMS becoming better in ingesting content and processing higher payloads, we see opportunities to further improve the efficiencies and up the game. We’re always on the lookout for informative, useful and well-researched content relative to our industry. Write to us.
请在此注册以获取我们关于全球化和本地化问题的时事通讯。 NetApp云数据服务可提供速度、规模和敏捷性,帮助实现业务转型。 NetApp的信息工程团队使用AsciiDoc/GitHub快速创作、管理和发布NetApp云文档,以帮助客户使用我们的云产品和服务。信息工程和全球化团队联合起来,成功启动了一个试点项目,以满足我们的全球客户以他们的本地语言查看我们的云文档的期望。 传统的本地化工作流程充满了一些业务挑战: ·内容更新周期很快,因此翻译和审阅周期长,工作流程效率低下。 ·人工翻译(HT)和机器翻译(MT)与后期编辑(PE)流程在成本和时间方面都难以维持。 为了帮助我们的全球客户快速访问本地化内容,我们聚集在一起讨论内容本地化挑战,并集思广益,提出可能的解决方案。 由于NetApp云内容以英语编写和更新的速度很快,该团队知道传统的本地化工作流无法满足云业务要求。当源内容本身如此频繁地更改时,我们如何快速提供本地化内容?我们该如何找到一个解决方案,以降低成本、大幅缩短周转时间,并将内容本地化工作流程中的接触点降至最低?我们必须找到一种利用神经机器翻译(NMT)技术的方法。 这些问题和探索性的思考过程引导我们采用原始MT和利用翻译记忆库(TM)。该团队认为,这种方法的结果足以生成本地化的技术内容(产品文档)。因此,我们启动了一个创新项目,并将成本、质量、可扩展性和周转时间确定为该项目最重要的杠杆。我们确定了关键的里程碑和目标,跟踪了状态,并让我们的关键利益相关方了解情况。我们探索了多种理论,探讨了各种原型如何应对挑战。 我们很快意识到,我们需要一个切实的概念验证(POC)部署来发现隐藏的挑战,并给我们时间根据需要调整原型。在几个月内,我们部署了POC原型,为几个关键产品本地化了内容。我们笑了!我们哭了!一切都很完美!好吧,“完美无瑕”是个谎言,但我们确实实践了尝试和快速失败的领导原则。更重要的是,我们发现的挑战使我们能够对未来的现实方法做出公正的评估。 当我们结束这个项目时,我们完成了以下工作: ·设计了三个原型以快速本地化内容 ·通过第三方翻译API准备了功能性自动化翻译工作流程。 ·连接内部工具以测试低接触、全自动化的翻译工作流程 ·建立机制来捕获本地化内容的使用情况 该项目不仅帮助我们发现了快速本地化内容的方法,而且还将其转化为满足合作伙伴和OEM要求的业务推动因素。那么,我们完成了什么?在短期内,我们使用第三方翻译API来快速翻译内容。 从长远来看,我们开发了一个技术解决方案来优化和扩展我们的NMT能力。此定制技术解决方案基于一个工作流,其中包括NMT引擎与翻译管理系统(TMS).作为此解决方案的一部分,我们确实利用了TM数据库,该数据库是经过多年HT努力而积累起来的。工作流说明了TM数据库的体系结构的良好程度。必须了解原始MT和HT输出之间的差异。在初始阶段,TM数据库的这种划分伴随着其自身的一系列挑战。此外,在创作基础设施上构建一个小型术语词典在一定程度上优化了工作流。它有助于减少TMS端的处理开销。 在第二阶段结束时,我们看到客户可以获得以下好处: ·扩展本地化服务,包括GitHub平台上的语言和项目。 ·本地化内容与源内容同步 ·为内容用户提供社区体验,从而改善本地化体验。在讨论了客户优势之后,围绕在管道中本地化更大有效负载的一些挑战仍然存在。 然而,这样的例子并不多。随着机器翻译引擎不断改进以提高翻译质量,以及TMS在接收内容和处理更高负载方面变得更好,我们看到了进一步提高效率和提升竞争力的机会。 我们一直在寻找与我们的行业相关的信息丰富、有用且经过充分研究的内容。 写信给我们。

