How the GALA Community is Showing Support for Ukraine


2022-08-12 08:50 GALA


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We are fortunate to work in an industry that is culturally interconnected. We get to form bonds with people from around the world -- from our geographical neighbors to those in places very distant from us. When those connections and friends are in trouble, we have concern and empathize with their struggles. Many of us have felt the impact of the war in Ukraine through our fellow industry colleagues. 40 members of the GALA community, all from unique organizations, have let us know that they have been moved to show their support of Ukraine in the ongoing war. Nearly 80% of their organizations have already provided means of support, two thirds of which have measures in place for ongoing aid. We urge you, our GALA community, to do what you can within and outside of your organization, not just now, but with future contributions in mind. Support can take a variety of forms. In addition to the above chart our community has also helped by: Placing sanctions on Russian-based companies Working with language teams to translate freely available educational content into Ukrainian Paying Ukrainian vendors and contractors more than they ask for, and through quick, convenient payment channels Donating to an over-the-phone interpretation line: a toll-free line to access immediate interpretation services If you or your organization is looking to get involved, below you can find a crowd-sourced list of resources: Charity Translators - a network of language volunteers Clear Global/Translators Without Borders - provides free translation support Ecoclub - an environmental club that supports communities, doctors, and volunteers Guzema Foundation - fundraises for Ukrainian hospitals, refugees, and the Ukrainian Army National Bank of Ukraine - special fundraising account to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine Rotary Clubs of Ukraine - provides food, water, shelter, and medical equipment to refugees Tarilka - partners with food suppliers to deliver groceries to Ukrainians whose cities have been bombed Tavi Draugi - supports Ukrainians and refugees through transportation, goods, and volunteering The Red Cross - provides food, shelter, medical, and mental health care to displaced Ukrainians United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - provides life-saving protection to Ukrainian families forced to flee their homes Additionally, there are things any person or organization can do to show their support: Share truthful information from reputable sources about what's happening in Ukraine, and about Ukrainian culture and history. Always check your source! Help refugee organizations. Many Ukrainians left their homes with nothing and need the resources to build a new life. Raise awareness about the importance of using Ukraine-based partners. Many Ukrainians have been forced to emigrate to various countries abroad where the living costs are much higher. Choose Ukrainian language companies. Shift requests for translations into Russian by assigning them to Ukrainian LSPs or translators. Provide free or heavily discounted translation support for Ukraine humanitarian, refugee, and educational causes, or for any organizations helping Ukrainians. Utilize SE Ranking, a great SEO tool from a Ukrainian company. Boycott businesses paying taxes to the Russian government and shift it to other countries. Vote! Urge your government to provide funding and artillery to the Ukrainian army. Donate to the Ukrainian army. As for the administrative team at GALA, we will continue to bring awareness to this topic and keep it in the spotlight. While news and compassion fatigue are real, and our daily responsibilities remain, we won’t forget that our community needs us during this time. We will strive to share helpful resources and information for the greater GALA community as they pertain to the war in Ukraine. For questions or comments, please reach out to [email protected]
我们很幸运能在一个文化上相互关联的行业工作。我们可以与世界各地的人建立联系——从我们的地理邻居到那些离我们很远的地方的人。当那些关系和朋友陷入困境时,我们会关心和同情他们的挣扎。我们中的许多人都通过我们的同行感受到了乌克兰战争的影响。 GALA社区的40名成员,都来自独特的组织,让我们知道,他们已经被感动,以显示他们对乌克兰在正在进行的战争的支持。近80%的组织已经提供了支持手段,其中三分之二的组织已经制定了持续援助的措施。 我们敦促您,我们的GALA社区,在您的组织内外尽您所能,不仅仅是现在,而是考虑到未来的贡献。支持可以采取多种形式。除了上述图表外,我们的社区还通过以下方式提供了帮助: 对俄罗斯公司实施制裁 与语言团队合作,将免费提供的教育内容翻译成乌克兰语通过快速、便捷的支付渠道,向乌克兰供应商和承包商支付高于其要求的费用 捐赠给电话口译热线:立即获得口译服务的免费电话 如果您或您的组织希望参与其中,您可以在下面找到一个众包资源列表: 慈善翻译—语言志愿者网络 Clear Global/Translators Without Borders-提供免费翻译支持 生态俱乐部—一个支持社区、医生和志愿者的环境俱乐部 Guzema基金会—为乌克兰医院、难民和乌克兰军队筹款 乌克兰国家银行—支持乌克兰武装部队的特别筹款账户 乌克兰扶轮社—为难民提供食物、水、住所和医疗设备 Tarilka-与食品供应商合作,向城市遭到轰炸的乌克兰人运送食品杂货 Tavi Draugi-通过运输、货物和志愿服务支持乌克兰人和难民 红十字会—为流离失所的乌克兰人提供食物、住所、医疗和心理健康护理 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(UNHCR)—为被迫逃离家园的乌克兰家庭提供救生保护 此外,任何人或组织都可以做一些事情来表示他们的支持: 分享真实的信息,从有信誉的来源关于发生在乌克兰,和关于乌克兰的文化和历史。请务必检查来源! 帮助难民组织。许多乌克兰人一无所有地离开家园,需要资源来建立新的生活。 提高对利用乌克兰合作伙伴的重要性的认识。许多乌克兰人被迫移民到生活成本高得多的国外各个国家。 选择乌克兰语公司。通过将翻译请求分配给乌克兰语LSP或翻译人员,将其转换为俄语。 为乌克兰人道主义、难民和教育事业或任何帮助乌克兰人的组织提供免费或大幅折扣的翻译支持。 利用SE排名,一个伟大的SEO工具,从乌克兰公司. 抵制向俄罗斯政府纳税的企业,并将其转移到其他国家。 投票!敦促你们的政府向乌克兰军队提供资金和大炮。 捐赠给乌克兰军队。 至于GALA的管理团队,我们将继续关注这一主题,并将其置于聚光灯下。虽然新闻和同情心疲劳是真实的,我们的日常责任仍然存在,我们不会忘记,我们的社区需要我们在这段时间。我们将努力为更大的GALA社区分享有用的资源和信息,因为它们与乌克兰战争有关。 如有疑问或意见,请联系[email protected]

